(This is stale and you may wish to find a more up-to-date copy, but it is preserved here for posterity. Enjoy – Daria 24 Nov 2017)
Information Technology -
Database Language SQL
(Proposed revised text of DIS 9075)
July 1992
(Second Informal Review Draft) ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database
Language SQL- July 30, 1992
Digital Equipment Corporation
Maynard, Massachusetts
Contents Page
1 Scope ........................................................ 1
2 Normative references ......................................... 3
3 Definitions, notations, and conventions ...................... 5
3.1 Definitions ................................................ 5
3.1.1Definitions taken from ISO/IEC 10646 ....................... 5
3.1.2Definitions taken from ISO 8601 ............................ 5
3.1.3Definitions provided in this International Standard ........ 5
3.2 Notation ................................................... 7
3.3 Conventions ................................................ 9
3.3.1Informative elements ....................................... 9
3.3.2Specification of syntactic elements ........................ 9
3.3.3Specification of the Information Schema ....................10
3.3.4Use of terms ...............................................10
3.3.4Exceptions .................................................10
3.3.4Syntactic containment ......................................11
3.3.4Terms denoting rule requirements ...........................12
3.3.4Rule evaluation order ......................................12
3.3.4Conditional rules ..........................................13
3.3.4Syntactic substitution .....................................13
3.3.4Other terms ................................................14
3.3.5Descriptors ................................................14
3.3.6Index typography ...........................................15
3.4 Object identifier for Database Language SQL ................16
4 Concepts .....................................................19
4.1 Data types .................................................19
4.2 Character strings ..........................................20
4.2.1Character strings and collating sequences ..................20
4.2.2Operations involving character strings .....................22
4.2.2Operators that operate on character strings and return char-
acter strings...............................................22
4.2.2Other operators involving character strings ................23
4.2.3Rules determining collating sequence usage .................23
4.3 Bit strings ................................................26
4.3.1Bit string comparison and assignment .......................27
4.3.2Operations involving bit strings ...........................27
4.3.2Operators that operate on bit strings and return bit strings
4.3.2Other operators involving bit strings ......................27
ii Database Language SQL
4.4 Numbers ....................................................27
4.4.1Characteristics of numbers .................................28
4.4.2Operations involving numbers ...............................29
4.5 Datetimes and intervals ....................................29
4.5.1Datetimes ..................................................30
4.5.2Intervals ..................................................32
4.5.3Operations involving datetimes and intervals ...............34
4.6 Type conversions and mixing of data types ..................34
4.7 Domains ....................................................35
4.8 Columns ....................................................36
4.9 Tables .....................................................37
4.10 Integrity constraints ......................................40
4.10.Checking of constraints ....................................41
4.10.Table constraints ..........................................41
4.10.Domain constraints .........................................43
4.10.Assertions .................................................43
4.11 SQL-schemas ................................................44
4.12 Catalogs ...................................................45
4.13 Clusters of catalogs .......................................45
4.14 SQL-data ...................................................45
4.15 SQL-environment ............................................46
4.16 Modules ....................................................46
4.17 Procedures .................................................47
4.18 Parameters .................................................47
4.18.Status parameters ..........................................47
4.18.Data parameters ............................................48
4.18.Indicator parameters .......................................48
4.19 Diagnostics area ...........................................48
4.20 Standard programming languages .............................49
4.21 Cursors ....................................................49
4.22 SQL-statements .............................................51
4.22.Classes of SQL-statements ..................................51
4.22.SQL-statements classified by function ......................52
4.22.Embeddable SQL-statements ..................................55
4.22.Preparable and immediately executable SQL-statements .......56
4.22.Directly executable SQL-statements .........................58
4.22.SQL-statements and transaction states ......................59
4.23 Embedded syntax ............................................61
4.24 SQL dynamic statements .....................................61
4.25 Direct invocation of SQL ...................................64
4.26 Privileges .................................................64
4.27 SQL-agents .................................................66
4.28 SQL-transactions ...........................................67
4.29 SQL-connections ............................................70
4.30 SQL-sessions ...............................................72
Table of Contents iii
4.31 Client-server operation ....................................74
4.32 Information Schema .........................................75
4.33 Leveling ...................................................75
4.34 SQL Flagger ................................................76
5 Lexical elements .............................................79
5.1 <SQL terminal character> ...................................79
5.2 <token> and <separator> ....................................82
5.3 <literal> ..................................................89
5.4 Names and identifiers ......................................98
6 Scalar expressions ...........................................107
6.1 <data type> ................................................107
6.2 <value specification> and <target specification> ...........114
6.3 <table reference> ..........................................118
6.4 <column reference> .........................................121
6.5 <set function specification> ...............................124
6.6 <numeric value function> ...................................128
6.7 <string value function> ....................................132
6.8 <datetime value function> ..................................139
6.9 <case expression> ..........................................141
6.10 <cast specification> .......................................144
6.11 <value expression> .........................................155
6.12 <numeric value expression> .................................157
6.13 <string value expression> ..................................160
6.14 <datetime value expression> ................................165
6.15 <interval value expression> ................................168
7 Query expressions ............................................173
7.1 <row value constructor> ....................................173
7.2 <table value constructor> ..................................176
7.3 <table expression> .........................................177
7.4 <from clause> ..............................................178
7.5 <joined table> .............................................180
7.6 <where clause> .............................................185
7.7 <group by clause> ..........................................187
7.8 <having clause> ............................................189
7.9 <query specification> ......................................191
7.10 <query expression> .........................................196
7.11 <scalar subquery>, <row subquery>, and <table subquery> ....203
8 Predicates ...................................................205
8.1 <predicate> ................................................205
8.2 <comparison predicate> .....................................207
8.3 <between predicate> ........................................211
8.4 <in predicate> .............................................212
iv Database Language SQL
8.5 <like predicate> ...........................................214
8.6 <null predicate> ...........................................218
8.7 <quantified comparison predicate> ..........................220
8.8 <exists predicate> .........................................222
8.9 <unique predicate> .........................................223
8.10 <match predicate> ..........................................224
8.11 <overlaps predicate> .......................................227
8.12 <search condition> .........................................229
9 Data assignment rules ........................................231
9.1 Retrieval assignment .......................................231
9.2 Store assignment ...........................................234
9.3 Set operation result data types ............................237
10 Additional common elements ...................................239
10.1 <interval qualifier> .......................................239
10.2 <language clause> ..........................................243
10.3 <privileges> ...............................................245
10.4 <character set specification> ..............................248
10.5 <collate clause> ...........................................251
10.6 <constraint name definition> and <constraint attributes> ...252
11 Schema definition and manipulation ...........................255
11.1 <schema definition> ........................................255
11.2 <drop schema statement> ....................................258
11.3 <table definition> .........................................260
11.4 <column definition> ........................................262
11.5 <default clause> ...........................................266
11.6 <table constraint definition> ..............................270
11.7 <unique constraint definition> .............................272
11.8 <referential constraint definition> ........................274
11.9 <check constraint definition> ..............................281
11.10<alter table statement> ....................................283
11.11<add column definition> ....................................284
11.12<alter column definition> ..................................286
11.13<set column default clause> ................................287
11.14<drop column default clause> ...............................288
11.15<drop column definition> ...................................289
11.16<add table constraint definition> ..........................291
11.17<drop table constraint definition> .........................292
11.18<drop table statement> .....................................294
11.19<view definition> ..........................................296
11.20<drop view statement> ......................................300
11.21<domain definition> ........................................301
11.22<alter domain statement> ...................................304
11.23<set domain default clause> ................................305
Table of Contents v
11.24<drop domain default clause> ...............................306
11.25<add domain constraint definition> .........................307
11.26<drop domain constraint definition> ........................308
11.27<drop domain statement> ....................................309
11.28<character set definition> .................................311
11.29<drop character set statement> .............................313
11.30<collation definition> .....................................314
11.31<drop collation statement> .................................318
11.32<translation definition> ...................................320
11.33<drop translation statement> ...............................323
11.34<assertion definition> .....................................325
11.35<drop assertion statement> .................................328
11.36<grant statement> ..........................................329
11.37<revoke statement> .........................................333
12 Module .......................................................341
12.1 <module> ...................................................341
12.2 <module name clause> .......................................344
12.3 <procedure> ................................................346
12.4 Calls to a <procedure> .....................................352
12.5 <SQL procedure statement> ..................................368
13 Data manipulation ............................................371
13.1 <declare cursor> ...........................................371
13.2 <open statement> ...........................................375
13.3 <fetch statement> ..........................................377
13.4 <close statement> ..........................................381
13.5 <select statement: single row> .............................382
13.6 <delete statement: positioned> .............................384
13.7 <delete statement: searched> ...............................386
13.8 <insert statement> .........................................388
13.9 <update statement: positioned> .............................391
13.10<update statement: searched> ...............................394
13.11<temporary table declaration> ..............................397
14 Transaction management .......................................399
14.1 <set transaction statement> ................................399
14.2 <set constraints mode statement> ...........................401
14.3 <commit statement> .........................................403
14.4 <rollback statement> .......................................405
15 Connection management ........................................407
15.1 <connect statement> ........................................407
15.2 <set connection statement> .................................410
15.3 <disconnect statement> .....................................412
vi Database Language SQL
16 Session management ...........................................415
16.1 <set catalog statement> ....................................415
16.2 <set schema statement> .....................................417
16.3 <set names statement> ......................................419
16.4 <set session authorization identifier statement> ...........420
16.5 <set local time zone statement> ............................422
17 Dynamic SQL ..................................................425
17.1 Description of SQL item descriptor areas ...................425
17.2 <allocate descriptor statement> ............................431
17.3 <deallocate descriptor statement> ..........................433
17.4 <get descriptor statement> .................................434
17.5 <set descriptor statement> .................................438
17.6 <prepare statement> ........................................442
17.7 <deallocate prepared statement> ............................449
17.8 <describe statement> .......................................450
17.9 <using clause> .............................................451
17.10<execute statement> ........................................459
17.11<execute immediate statement> ..............................462
17.12<dynamic declare cursor> ...................................464
17.13<allocate cursor statement> ................................465
17.14<dynamic open statement> ...................................467
17.15<dynamic fetch statement> ..................................469
17.16<dynamic close statement> ..................................471
17.17<dynamic delete statement: positioned> .....................472
17.18<dynamic update statement: positioned> .....................474
17.19<preparable dynamic delete statement: positioned> ..........476
17.20<preparable dynamic update statement: positioned> ..........477
18 Diagnostics management .......................................479
18.1 <get diagnostics statement> ................................479
19 Embedded SQL .................................................489
19.1 <embedded SQL host program> ................................489
19.2 <embedded exception declaration> ...........................497
19.3 <embedded SQL Ada program> .................................500
19.4 <embedded SQL C program> ...................................504
19.5 <embedded SQL COBOL program> ...............................508
19.6 <embedded SQL Fortran program> .............................512
19.7 <embedded SQL MUMPS program> ...............................515
19.8 <embedded SQL Pascal program> ..............................517
19.9 <embedded SQL PL/I program> ................................520
20 Direct invocation of SQL .....................................525
20.1 <direct SQL statement> .....................................525
20.2 <direct select statement: multiple rows> ...................530
Table of Contents vii
21 Information Schema and Definition Schema .....................533
21.1 Introduction ...............................................533
21.2 Information Schema .........................................535
21.2.INFORMATION_SCHEMA Schema ..................................535
21.2.INFORMATION_SCHEMA_CATALOG_NAME base table .................536
21.2.SCHEMATA view ..............................................538
21.2.DOMAINS view ...............................................539
21.2.DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS view ....................................541
21.2.TABLES view ................................................542
21.2.VIEWS view .................................................543
21.2.COLUMNS view ...............................................544
21.2.TABLE_PRIVILEGES view ......................................546
21.2.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES view .....................................547
21.2.USAGE_PRIVILEGES view ......................................548
21.2.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS view .....................................549
21.2.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS view ...............................550
21.2.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS view .....................................551
21.2.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE view ......................................552
21.2.ASSERTIONS view ............................................553
21.2.CHARACTER_SETS view ........................................554
21.2.COLLATIONS view ............................................555
21.2.TRANSLATIONS view ..........................................556
21.2.VIEW_TABLE_USAGE view ......................................557
21.2.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE view .....................................558
21.2.CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE view ................................559
21.2.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE view ...............................561
21.2.COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE view ...................................562
21.2.SQL_LANGUAGES view .........................................563
21.2.SQL_IDENTIFIER domain ......................................564
21.2.CHARACTER_DATA domain ......................................564
21.2.CARDINAL_NUMBER domain .....................................565
21.3 Definition Schema ..........................................566
21.3.Introduction ...............................................566
21.3.DEFINITION_SCHEMA Schema ...................................567
21.3.USERS base table ...........................................568
21.3.SCHEMATA base table ........................................569
21.3.DATA_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR base table ............................570
21.3.DOMAINS base table .........................................573
21.3.DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS base table ..............................574
21.3.TABLES base table ..........................................576
21.3.VIEWS base table ...........................................578
21.3.COLUMNS base table .........................................580
21.3.VIEW_TABLE_USAGE base table ................................583
21.3.VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE base table ...............................584
viii Database Language SQL
21.3.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS base table ...............................585
21.3.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE base table ................................588
21.3.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS base table .........................590
21.3.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS base table ...............................593
21.3.CHECK_TABLE_USAGE base table ...............................595
21.3.CHECK_COLUMN_USAGE base table ..............................596
21.3.ASSERTIONS base table ......................................598
21.3.TABLE_PRIVILEGES base table ................................600
21.3.COLUMN_PRIVILEGES base table ...............................602
21.3.USAGE_PRIVILEGES base table ................................604
21.3.CHARACTER_SETS base table ..................................606
21.3.COLLATIONS base table ......................................608
21.3.TRANSLATIONS base table ....................................610
21.3.SQL_LANGUAGES base table ...................................612
21.4 Assertions on the base tables ..............................616
21.4.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME assertion ...........................616
21.4.EQUAL_KEY_DEGREES assertion ................................617
21.4.KEY_DEGREE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_1 assertion ............618
22 Status codes .................................................619
22.1 SQLSTATE ...................................................619
22.2 SQLCODE ....................................................624
23 Conformance ..................................................625
23.1 Introduction ...............................................625
23.2 Claims of conformance ......................................625
23.3 Extensions and options .....................................626
23.4 Flagger requirements .......................................626
23.5 Processing methods .........................................627
Annex A Leveling the SQL Language..............................629
A.1 Intermediate SQL Specifications ............................629
A.2 Entry SQL Specifications ...................................640
Annex B Implementation-defined elements........................653
Annex C Implementation-dependent elements......................667
Annex D Deprecated features....................................675
Annex E Incompatibilities with ISO/IEC 9075:1989...............677
Annex F Maintenance and interpretation of SQL..................685
Table of Contents ix
Table Page
1 Collating coercibility rules for monadic operators .........24
2 Collating coercibility rules for dyadic operators ..........24
3 Collating sequence usage for comparisons ...................25
4 Fields in datetime items ...................................30
5 Fields in year-month INTERVAL items ........................32
6 Fields in day-time INTERVAL items ..........................32
7 Valid values for fields in INTERVAL items ..................33
8 Valid operators involving datetimes and intervals ..........34
9 SQL-transaction isolation levels and the three phenomena ...69
10 Valid values for fields in datetime items ..................112
11 Valid values for fields in INTERVAL items ..................113
12 <null predicate> semantics .................................218
13 Truth table for the AND boolean ............................230
14 Truth table for the OR boolean .............................230
15 Truth table for the IS boolean .............................230
16 Standard programming languages .............................243
17 Data types of <key word>s used in SQL item descriptor areas
18 Codes used for SQL data types in Dynamic SQL ...............429
19 Codes associated with datetime data types in Dynamic SQL ...429
20 Codes used for <interval qualifier>s in Dynamic SQL ........430
21 <identifier>s for use with <get diagnostics statement> .....481
22 SQL-statement character codes for use in the diagnostics
23 SQLSTATE class and subclass values .........................619
24 SQLCODE values .............................................624
x Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a
worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member
bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is nor-
mally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has
been established has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, governmental and non-governmental,
in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates
closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on
all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees
are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their ac-
ceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They are
approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75%
approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO/IEC 9075:1992 was prepared by Joint
Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC1, Information Processing Systems.
It cancels and replaces International Standard ISO/IEC 9075:1989,
Database Language-SQL, of which it constitutes a technical revi-
This International Standard contains seven informative annexes:
- Annex A (informative): Leveling the SQL Language;
- Annex B (informative): Implementation-defined elements;
- Annex C (informative): Implementation-dependent elements;
- Annex D (informative): Deprecated features;
- Annex E (informative): Incompatibilities with ISO/IEC 9075:1989;
- Annex F (informative): Maintenance and interpretation of SQL.
Foreword xi
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
This International Standard was approved in 1992.
This International Standard was developed from ISO/IEC 9075:1989,
Information Systems, Database Language SQL with Integrity
Enhancements, and replaces that International Standard. It adds
significant new features and capabilities to the specifications.
It is generally compatible with ISO/IEC 9075:1989, in the sense
that, with very few exceptions, SQL language that conforms to
ISO/IEC 9075:1989 also conforms to this International Standard,
and will be treated in the same way by an implementation of this
International Standard as it would by an implementation of ISO/IEC
9075:1989. The known incompatibilities between ISO/IEC 9075:1989
and this International Standard are stated in informative Annex E,
"Incompatibilities with ISO/IEC 9075:1989".
Technical changes between ISO/IEC 9075:1989 and this International
Standard include both improvements or enhancements to existing fea-
tures and the definition of new features. Significant improvements
in existing features include:
- A better definition of direct invocation of SQL language;
- Improved diagnostic capabilities, especially a new status param-
eter (SQLSTATE), a diagnostics area, and supporting statements.
Significant new features are:
1) Support for additional data types (DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP,
INTERVAL, BIT string, variable-length character and bit strings,
2) Support for character sets beyond that required to express SQL
language itself and support for additional collations,
3) Support for additional scalar operations, such as string opera-
tions for concatenate and substring, date and time operations,
and a form for conditional expressions,
4) Increased generality and orthogonality in the use of scalar-
valued and table-valued query expressions,
5) Additional set operators (for example, union join, natural join,
set difference, and set intersection),
6) Capability for domain definitions in the schema,
7) Support for Schema Manipulation capabilities (especially DROP
and ALTER statements),
Introduction xiii
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
8) Support for bindings (modules and embedded syntax) in the Ada,
C, and MUMPS languages,
9) Additional privilege capabilities,
10)Additional referential integrity facilities, including ref-
erential actions, subqueries in CHECK constraints, separate
assertions, and user-controlled deferral of constraints,
11)Definition of an Information Schema,
12)Support for dynamic execution of SQL language,
13)Support for certain facilities required for Remote Database
Access (especially connection management statements and quali-
fied schema names),
14)Support for temporary tables,
15)Support for transaction consistency levels,
16)Support for data type conversions (CAST expressions among data
17)Support for scrolled cursors, and
18)A requirement for a flagging capability to aid in portability of
application programs.
The organization of this International Standard is as follows:
1) Clause 1, "Scope", specifies the scope of this International
2) Clause 2, "Normative references", identifies additional stan-
dards that, through reference in this International Standard,
constitute provisions of this International Standard.
3) Clause 3, "Definitions, notations, and conventions", defines the
notations and conventions used in this International Standard.
4) Clause 4, "Concepts", presents concepts used in the definition
of SQL.
5) Clause 5, "Lexical elements", defines the lexical elements of
the language.
6) Clause 6, "Scalar expressions", defines the elements of the
language that produce scalar values.
7) Clause 7, "Query expressions", defines the elements of the lan-
guage that produce rows and tables of data.
8) Clause 8, "Predicates", defines the predicates of the language.
xiv Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
9) Clause 9, "Data assignment rules", specifies the rules for
assignments that retrieve data from or store data into the
database, and formation rules for set operations.
10)Clause 10, "Additional common elements", defines additional lan-
guage elements that are used in various parts of the language.
11)Clause 11, "Schema definition and manipulation", defines facili-
ties for creating and managing a schema.
12)Clause 12, "Module", defines modules and procedures.
13)Clause 13, "Data manipulation", defines the data manipulation
14)Clause 14, "Transaction management", defines the SQL-transaction
management statements.
15)Clause 15, "Connection management" defines the SQL-connection
management statements.
16)Clause 16, "Session management", defines the SQL-session manage-
ment statements.
17)Clause 17, "Dynamic SQL", defines the facilities for executing
SQL-statements dynamically.
18)Clause 18, "Diagnostics management", defines the diagnostics
management facilities.
19)Clause 19, "Embedded SQL", defines syntax for embedding SQL in
certain standard programming languages.
20)Clause 20, "Direct invocation of SQL", defines the direct invo-
cation of SQL language.
21)Clause 21, "Information Schema and Definition Schema", defines
viewed tables that contain schema information.
22)Clause 22, "Status codes", defines values that identify the
status of the execution of SQL-statements and the mechanisms by
which those values are returned.
23)Clause 23, "Conformance", defines the criteria for conformance
to this International standard.
24)Annex A, "Leveling the SQL Language", is an informative
Annex. It lists the leveling rules defining the Entry SQL and
Intermediate SQL subset levels of the SQL language.
25)Annex B, "Implementation-defined elements", is an informa-
tive Annex. It lists those features for which the body of the
International Standard states that the syntax or meaning or ef-
fect on the database is partly or wholly implementation-defined,
and describes the defining information that an implementor shall
provide in each case.
Introduction xv
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
26)Annex C, "Implementation-dependent elements", is an informa-
tive Annex. It lists those features for which the body of the
International Standard states explicitly that the meaning or
effect on the database is implementation-dependent.
27)Annex D, "Deprecated features", is an informative Annex. It
lists features that the responsible Technical Committee in-
tends will not appear in a future revised version of this
International Standard.
28)Annex E, "Incompatibilities with ISO/IEC 9075:1989", is an in-
formative Annex. It lists the incompatibilities between this
version of this International Standard and ISO/IEC 9075:1989.
29)Annex F, "Maintenance and interpretation of SQL", is an infor-
mative Annex. It identifies SQL interpretations and corrections
that have been processed by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 since adoption of
ISO/IEC 9075:1989.
In the text of this International Standard, Clauses begin a new
odd-numbered page, and in Clause 5, "Lexical elements", through
Clause 22, "Status codes", Subclauses begin a new page. Any result-
ing blank space is not significant.
xvi Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
Information Technology - Database Language SQL
1 Scope
This International Standard defines the data structures and basic
operations on SQL-data. It provides functional capabilities for
creating, accessing, maintaining, controlling, and protecting SQL-
Note: The framework for this International Standard is described by
the Reference Model of Data Management (ISO/IEC DIS 10032:1991).
This International Standard specifies the syntax and semantics of a
database language
- for specifying and modifying the structure and the integrity
constraints of SQL-data,
- for declaring and invoking operations on SQL-data and cursors,
- for declaring database language procedures and embedding them
into a standard programming language.
It also specifies an Information Schema that describes the struc-
ture and the integrity constraints of SQL-data.
This International Standard
- provides a vehicle for portability of data definitions and com-
pilation units between SQL-implementations,
- provides a vehicle for interconnection of SQL-implementations,
- specifies syntax for embedding SQL-statements in a compilation
unit that otherwise conforms to the standard for a particular
programming language. It defines how an equivalent compilation
unit may be derived that conforms to the particular programming
language standard. In that equivalent compilation unit, each
embedded SQL-statement has been replaced by statements that
invoke a database language procedure that contains the SQL-
statement, and
- specifies syntax for direct invocation of SQL-statements.
Scope 1
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
This International Standard does not define the method or time of
binding between any of:
- database management system components,
- SQL data definition declarations,
- SQL procedures, or
- compilation units, including those containing embedded SQL.
Implementations of this International Standard may exist in en-
vironments that also support application programming languages,
end-user query languages, report generator systems, data dictionary
systems, program library systems, and distributed communication
systems, as well as various tools for database design, data admin-
istration, and performance optimization.
2 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions that, through reference
in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard.
At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid.
All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements
based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate
the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the stan-
dards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards.
- ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology-ISO 7-bit coded charac-
ter set for information interchange.
- ISO/IEC 1539:1991, Information technology-Programming languages-
- ISO 1989:1985, Programming languages-COBOL.
(Endorsement of ANSI X3.23-1985).
- ISO 2022:1986, Information technology-ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded
character sets-code extension techniques.
- ISO 6160:1979, Programming languages-PL/I
(Endorsement of ANSI X3.53-1976).
- ISO 7185:1990, Information technology-Programming languages-
- ISO 8601:1988, Data elements and interchange formats - Information
interchange-Representation of dates and times.
- ISO 8652:1987, Programming languages-Ada.
(Endorsement of ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983).
- ISO/IEC 8824:1990, Information technology-Open Systems Interconnection-
Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1).
- ISO/IEC 9579-2:[1], Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Remote Database Access, Part 2: SQL special-
- ISO/IEC 9899:1990, Programming languages - C.
- ISO/IEC 10206:1991, Information technology-Programming languages-
Extended Pascal.
- ISO/IEC 10646:[1], Information technology-Multiple-octet coded
character set.
[1] To be published
Normative references 3
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
- ISO/IEC 11756:[1], Information technology-Programming languages-
4 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
3 Definitions, notations, and conventions
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following
definitions apply.
3.1.1 Definitions taken from ISO/IEC 10646
This International Standard makes use of the following terms de-
fined in ISO/IEC 10646:
a) character
b) octet
c) variable-length coding
d) fixed-length coding
3.1.2 Definitions taken from ISO 8601
This International Standard makes use of the following terms de-
fined in ISO 8601:
a) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
b) date ("date, calendar" in ISO 8601)
3.1.3 Definitions provided in this International Standard
This International Standard defines the following terms:
a) assignable: The characteristic of a value or of a data type
that permits that value or the values of that data type to be
assigned to data instances of a specified data type.
b) cardinality (of a collection): The number of objects in that
collection. Those objects need not necessarily have distinct
c) character repertoire; repertoire: A set of characters used for a
specific purpose or application. Each character repertoire has
an implied default collating sequence.
d) coercibility: An attribute of character string data items that
governs how a collating sequence for the items is determined.
Definitions, notations, and conventions 5
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3.1 Definitions
e) collation; collating sequence: A method of ordering two com-
parable character strings. Every character set has a default
f) comparable: The characteristic of two data objects that per-
mits the value of one object to be compared with the value of
the other object. Also said of data types: Two data types are
comparable if objects of those data types are comparable.
g) descriptor: A coded description of an SQL object. It includes
all of the information about the object that a conforming SQL-
implementation requires.
h) distinct: Two values are said to be not distinct if either:
both are the null value, or they compare equal according to
Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>". Otherwise they are
distinct. Two rows (or partial rows) are distinct if at least
one of their pairs of respective values is distinct. Otherwise
they are not distinct. The result of evaluating whether or not
two values or two rows are distinct is never unknown.
i) duplicate: Two or more values or rows are said to be duplicates
(of each other) if and only if they are not distinct.
j) dyadic operator: An operator having two operands: a left operand
and a right operand. An example of a dyadic arithmetic operator
in this International Standard is "-", specifying the subtrac-
tion of the right operand from the left operand.
k) form-of-use: A convention (or encoding) for representing charac-
ters (in character strings). Some forms-of-use are fixed-length
codings and others are variable-length codings.
l) form-of-use conversion: A method of converting character strings
from one form-of-use to another form-of-use.
m) implementation-defined: Possibly differing between SQL-
implementations, but specified by the implementor for each
particular SQL-implementation.
n) implementation-dependent: Possibly differing between SQL-
implementations, but not specified by this International
Standard and not required to be specified by the implementor
for any particular SQL-implementations.
o) monadic operator: An operator having one operand. An example of
a monadic arithmetic operator in this International Standard is
"-", specifying the negation of the operand.
p) multiset: An unordered collection of objects that are not neces-
sarily distinct. The collection may be empty.
q) n-adic operator: An operator having a variable number of
operands (informally: n operands). An example of an n-adic
operator in this International Standard is COALESCE.
6 Database Language SQL
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3.1 Definitions
r) null value (null): A special value, or mark, that is used to
indicate the absence of any data value.
s) persistent: Continuing to exist indefinitely, until destroyed
deliberately. Referential and cascaded actions are regarded
as deliberate. Actions incidental to the ending of an SQL-
transaction (see Subclause 4.28, "SQL-transactions") or an SQL-
session (see Subclause 4.30, "SQL-sessions") are not regarded as
t) redundant duplicates: All except one of any multiset of dupli-
cate values or rows.
u) repertoire: See character repertoire.
v) sequence: An ordered collection of objects that are not neces-
sarily distinct.
w) set: An unordered collection of distinct objects. The collection
may be empty.
x) SQL-implementation: A database management system that conforms
to this International Standard.
y) translation: A method of translating characters in one character
repertoire into characters of the same or a different character
3.2 Notation
The syntactic notation used in this International Standard is
an extended version of BNF ("Backus Naur Form" or "Backus Normal
In BNF, each syntactic element of the language is defined by means
of a production rule. This defines the element in terms of a for-
mula consisting of the characters, character strings, and syntactic
elements that can be used to form an instance of it.
The version of BNF used in this International Standard makes use of
the following symbols:
< > Angle brackets delimit character strings that are the names
of syntactic elements, the non-terminal symbols of the SQL
::= The definition operator. This is used in a production rule to
separate the element defined by the rule from its definition.
The element being defined appears to the left of the opera-
tor and the formula that defines the element appears to the
Definitions, notations, and conventions 7
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3.2 Notation
[ ] Square brackets indicate optional elements in a formula. The
portion of the formula within the brackets may be explicitly
specified or may be omitted.
{ } Braces group elements in a formula. The portion of the for-
mula within the braces shall be explicitly specified.
| The alternative operator. The vertical bar indicates that
the portion of the formula following the bar is an alterna-
tive to the portion preceding the bar. If the vertical bar
appears at a position where it is not enclosed in braces
or square brackets, it specifies a complete alternative for
the element defined by the production rule. If the vertical
bar appears in a portion of a formula enclosed in braces or
square brackets, it specifies alternatives for the contents
of the innermost pair of such braces or brackets.
. . . The ellipsis indicates that the element to which it applies
in a formula may be repeated any number of times. If the el-
lipsis appears immediately after a closing brace "}", then it
applies to the portion of the formula enclosed between that
closing brace and the corresponding opening brace "{". If
an ellipsis appears after any other element, then it applies
only to that element.
!! Introduces ordinary English text. This is used when the defi-
nition of a syntactic element is not expressed in BNF.
Spaces are used to separate syntactic elements. Multiple spaces and
line breaks are treated as a single space. Apart from those symbols
to which special functions were given above, other characters and
character strings in a formula stand for themselves. In addition,
if the symbols to the right of the definition operator in a produc-
tion consist entirely of BNF symbols, then those symbols stand for
themselves and do not take on their special meaning.
Pairs of braces and square brackets may be nested to any depth,
and the alternative operator may appear at any depth within such a
A character string that forms an instance of any syntactic element
may be generated from the BNF definition of that syntactic element
by application of the following steps:
1) Select any one option from those defined in the right hand side
of a production rule for the element, and replace the element
with this option.
2) Replace each ellipsis and the object to which it applies with
one or more instances of that object.
3) For every portion of the string enclosed in square brackets,
either delete the brackets and their contents or change the
brackets to braces.
8 Database Language SQL
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3.2 Notation
4) For every portion of the string enclosed in braces, apply steps
1 through 5 to the substring between the braces, then remove the
5) Apply steps 1 through 5 to any non-terminal syntactic element
(i.e., name enclosed in angle brackets) that remains in the
The expansion or production is complete when no further non-
terminal symbols remain in the character string.
3.3 Conventions
3.3.1 Informative elements
In several places in the body of this International Standard, in-
formative notes appear. For example:
Note: This is an example of a note.
Those notes do not belong to the normative part of this International
Standard and conformance to material specified in those notes shall
not be claimed.
3.3.2 Specification of syntactic elements
Syntactic elements are specified in terms of:
- Function: A short statement of the purpose of the element.
- Format: A BNF definition of the syntax of the element.
- Syntax Rules: A specification of the syntactic properties of the
element, or of additional syntactic constraints, not expressed
in BNF, that the element shall satisfy, or both.
- Access Rules: A specification of rules governing the accessibil-
ity of schema objects that shall hold before the General Rules
may be successfully applied.
- General Rules: A specification of the run-time effect of the
element. Where more than one General Rule is used to specify the
effect of an element, the required effect is that which would be
obtained by beginning with the first General Rule and applying
the Rules in numerical sequence unless a Rule is applied that
specifies or implies a change in sequence or termination of the
application of the Rules. Unless otherwise specified or implied
by a specific Rule that is applied, application of General Rules
terminates when the last in the sequence has been applied.
- Leveling Rules: A specification of how the element shall be
supported for each of the levels of SQL.
Definitions, notations, and conventions 9
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3.3 Conventions
The scope of notational symbols is the Subclause in which those
symbols are defined. Within a Subclause, the symbols defined in
Syntax Rules, Access Rules, or General Rules can be referenced in
other rules provided that they are defined before being referenced.
3.3.3 Specification of the Information Schema
The objects of the Information Schema in this International
Standard are specified in terms of:
- Function: A short statement of the purpose of the definition.
- Definition: A definition, in SQL, of the object being defined.
- Description: A specification of the run-time value of the ob-
ject, to the extent that this is not clear from the definition.
The definitions used to define the views in the Information Schema
are used only to specify clearly the contents of those viewed
tables. The actual objects on which these views are based are
3.3.4 Use of terms Exceptions
The phrase "an exception condition is raised:", followed by the
name of a condition, is used in General Rules and elsewhere to
indicate that the execution of a statement is unsuccessful, ap-
plication of General Rules, other than those of Subclause 12.3,
"<procedure>", and Subclause 20.1, "<direct SQL statement>", may
be terminated, diagnostic information is to be made available,
and execution of the statement is to have no effect on SQL-data or
schemas. The effect on <target specification>s and SQL descriptor
areas of an SQL-statement that terminates with an exception condi-
tion, unless explicitly defined by this International Standard, is
The phrase "a completion condition is raised:", followed by the
name of a condition, is used in General Rules and elsewhere to
indicate that application of General Rules is not terminated and
diagnostic information is to be made available; unless an excep-
tion condition is also raised, the execution of the statement is
If more than one condition could have occurred as a result of a
statement, it is implementation-dependent whether diagnostic infor-
mation pertaining to more than one condition is made available.
10 Database Language SQL
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3.3 Conventions Syntactic containment
In a Format, a syntactic element <A> is said to immediately contain
a syntactic element <B> if <B> appears on the right-hand side of
the BNF production rule for <A>. A syntactic element <A> is said
to contain or specify a syntactic element <C> if <A> immediately
contains <C> or if <A> immediately contains a syntactic element <B>
that contains <C>.
In SQL language, an instance A1 of <A> is said to immediately con-
tain an instance B1 of <B> if <A> immediately contains <B> and the
text of B1 is part of the text of A1. An instance A1 of <A> is said
to contain or specify an instance C1 of <C> if A1 immediately con-
tains C1 or if A1 immediately contains an instance B1 of <B> that
contains C1.
An instance A1 of <A> is said to contain an instance B1 of <B> with
an intervening <C> if A1 contains B1 and A1 contains an instance C1
of <C> that contains B1. An instance A1 of <A> is said to contain
an instance B1 of <B> without an intervening <C> if A1 contains B1
and A1 does not contain an instance C1 of <C> that contains B1.
An instance A1 of <A> simply contains an instance B1 of <B> if
A1 contains B1 without an intervening instance A2 of <A> or an
intervening instance B2 of <B>.
If <A> contains <B>, then <B> is said to be contained in <A> and
<A> is said to be a containing production symbol for <B>. If <A>
simply contains <B>, then <B> is said to be simply contained in
<A> and <A> is said to be a simply containing production symbol for
Let A1 be an instance of <A> and let B1 be an instance of <B>. If
<A> contains <B>, then A1 is said to contain B1 and B1 is said to
be contained in A1. If <A> simply contains <B>, then A1 is said to
simply contain B1 and B1 is said to be simply contained in A1.
An instance A1 of <A> is the innermost <A> satisfying a condition
C if A1 satisfies C and A1 does not contain an instance A2 of <A>
that satisfies C. An instance A1 of <A> is the outermost <A> satis-
fying a condition C if A1 satisfies C and A1 is not contained in an
instance A2 of <A> that satisfies C.
If <A> contains a <table name> that identifies a view that is
defined by a <view definition> V, then <A> is said to generally
contain the <query expression> contained in V. If <A> contains <B>,
then <A> generally contains <B>. If <A> generally contains <B> and
<B> generally contains <C>, then <A> generally contains <C>.
An instance A1 of <A> directly contains an instance B1 of <B> if A1
contains B1 without an intervening <set function specification> or
Definitions, notations, and conventions 11
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
3.3 Conventions Terms denoting rule requirements
In the Syntax Rules, the term shall defines conditions that are
required to be true of syntactically conforming SQL language. When
such conditions depend on the contents of the schema, then they
are required to be true just before the actions specified by the
General Rules are performed. The treatment of language that does
not conform to the SQL Formats and Syntax Rules is implementation-
dependent. If any condition required by Syntax Rules is not sat-
isfied when the evaluation of Access or General Rules is attempted
and the implementation is neither processing non-conforming SQL
language nor processing conforming SQL language in a non-conforming
manner, then an exception condition is raised: syntax error or
access rule violation (if this situation occurs during dynamic ex-
ecution of an SQL-statement, then the exception that is raised is
syntax error or access rule violation in dynamic SQL statement; if
the situation occurs during direct invocation of an SQL-statement,
then the exception that is raised is syntax error or access rule
violation in direct SQL statement).
In the Access Rules, the term shall defines conditions that are
required to be satisfied for the successful application of the
General Rules. If any such condition is not satisfied when the
General Rules are applied, then an exception condition is raised:
syntax error or access rule violation (if this situation occurs
during dynamic execution of an SQL-statement, then the exception
that is raised is syntax error or access rule violation in dynamic
SQL statement; if the situation occurs during direct invocation of
an SQL-statement, then the exception that is raised is syntax error
or access rule violation in direct SQL statement).
In the Leveling Rules, the term shall defines conditions that are
required to be true of SQL language for it to syntactically conform
to the specified level of conformance. Rule evaluation order
A conforming implementation is not required to perform the exact
sequence of actions defined in the General Rules, but shall achieve
the same effect on SQL-data and schemas as that sequence. The term
effectively is used to emphasize actions whose effect might be
achieved in other ways by an implementation.
The Syntax Rules and Access Rules for contained syntactic elements
are effectively applied at the same time as the Syntax Rules and
Access Rules for the containing syntactic elements. The General
Rules for contained syntactic elements are effectively applied be-
fore the General Rules for the containing syntactic elements. Where
the precedence of operators is determined by the Formats of this
International Standard or by parentheses, those operators are ef-
fectively applied in the order specified by that precedence. Where
the precedence is not determined by the Formats or by parentheses,
effective evaluation of expressions is generally performed from
12 Database Language SQL
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3.3 Conventions
left to right. However, it is implementation-dependent whether ex-
pressions are actually evaluated left to right, particularly when
operands or operators might cause conditions to be raised or if
the results of the expressions can be determined without completely
evaluating all parts of the expression. In general, if some syn-
tactic element contains more than one other syntactic element, then
the General Rules for contained elements that appear earlier in the
production for the containing syntactic element are applied before
the General Rules for contained elements that appear later.
For example, in the production:
<A> ::= <B> <C>
the Syntax Rules and Access Rules for <A>, <B>, and <C> are ef-
fectively applied simultaneously. The General Rules for <B> are
applied before the General Rules for <C>, and the General Rules for
<A> are applied after the General Rules for both <B> and <C>.
If the result of an expression or search condition can be deter-
mined without completely evaluating all parts of the expression or
search condition, then the parts of the expression or search condi-
tion whose evaluation is not necessary are called the inessential
parts. If the Access Rules pertaining to inessential parts are not
satisfied, then the syntax error or access rule violation exception
condition is raised regardless of whether or not the inessential
parts are actually evaluated. If evaluation of the inessential
parts would cause an exception condition to be raised, then it is
implementation-dependent whether or not that exception condition is
raised. Conditional rules
Conditional rules are specified with "If" or "Case" conventions.
Rules specified with "Case" conventions include a list of con-
ditional sub-rules using "If" conventions. The first such "If"
sub-rule whose condition is true is the effective sub-rule of
the "Case" rule. The last sub-rule of a "Case" rule may specify
"Otherwise". Such a sub-rule is the effective sub-rule of the
"Case" rule if no preceding "If" sub-rule in the "Case" rule has
a true condition. Syntactic substitution
In the Syntax and General Rules, the phrase "X is implicit" indi-
cates that the Syntax and General Rules are to be interpreted as if
the element X had actually been specified.
In the Syntax and General Rules, the phrase "the following <X> is
implicit: Y" indicates that the Syntax and General Rules are to be
interpreted as if a syntactic element <X> containing Y had actually
been specified.
Definitions, notations, and conventions 13
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3.3 Conventions
In the Syntax Rules and General Rules, the phrase "former is equiv-
alent to latter" indicates that the Syntax Rules and General Rules
are to be interpreted as if all instances of former in the element
had been instances of latter.
If a BNF nonterminal is referenced in a Subclause without speci-
fying how it is contained in a BNF production that the Subclause
defines, then
- If the BNF nonterminal is itself defined in the Subclause, then
the reference shall be assumed to be the occurrence of that BNF
nonterminal on the left side of the defining production.
- Otherwise, the reference shall be assumed to be to a BNF pro-
duction in which the particular BNF nonterminal is immediately
contained. Other terms
Some Syntax Rules define terms, such as T1, to denote named or
unnamed tables. Such terms are used as table names or correlation
names. Where such a term is used as a correlation name, it does
not imply that any new correlation name is actually defined for
the denoted table, nor does it affect the scopes of any actual
correlation names.
An SQL-statement S1 is said to be executed as a direct result of
executing an SQL-statement if S1 is the SQL-statement contained
in a <procedure> that has been executed, or if S1 is the value of
an <SQL statement variable> referenced by an <execute immediate
statement> contained in a <procedure> that has been executed, or if
S1 was the value of the <SQL statement variable> that was associ-
ated with an <SQL statement name> by a <prepare statement> and that
same <SQL statement name> is referenced by an <execute statement>
contained in a <procedure> that has been executed.
3.3.5 Descriptors
A descriptor is a conceptual structured collection of data that
defines the attributes of an instance of an object of a specified
type. The concept of descriptor is used in specifying the seman-
tics of SQL. It is not necessary that any descriptor exist in any
particular form in any database or environment.
Some SQL objects cannot exist except in the context of other SQL
objects. For example, columns cannot exist except in tables. Those
objects are independently described by descriptors, and the de-
scriptors of enabling objects (e.g., tables) are said to include
the descriptors of enabled objects (e.g., columns or table con-
straints). Conversely, the descriptor of an enabled object is said
to be included in the descriptor of an enabling object.
14 Database Language SQL
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3.3 Conventions
In other cases, certain SQL objects cannot exist unless some other
SQL object exists, even though there is not an inclusion relation-
ship. For example, SQL does not permit an assertion to exist if the
tables referenced by the assertion do not exist. Therefore, an as-
sertion descriptor is dependent on or depends on zero or more table
descriptors (equivalently, an assertion is dependent on or depends
on zero or more tables). In general, a descriptor D1 can be said to
depend on, or be dependent on, some descriptor D2.
There are two ways of indicating dependency of one construct on
another. In many cases, the descriptor of the dependent construct
is said to "include the name of" the construct on which it is de-
pendent. In this case "the name of" is to be understood as meaning
"sufficient information to identify the descriptor of"; thus an
implementor might choose to use a pointer or a concatenation of
<catalog name>, <schema name>, etc. Alternatively, the descrip-
tor may be said to include text (e.g., <query expression>, <search
condition>). In such cases, whether the implementation includes ac-
tual text (with defaults and implications made explicit) or its own
style of parse tree is irrelevant; the validity of the descriptor
is clearly "dependent on" the existence of descriptors for objects
that are referred to in it.
The statement that a column "is based on" a domain, is equivalent
to a statement that a column "is dependent on" that domain.
An attempt to destroy a descriptor may fail if other descriptors
are dependent on it, depending on how the destruction is specified.
Such an attempt may also fail if the descriptor to be destroyed
is included in some other descriptor. Destruction of a descriptor
results in the destruction of all descriptors included in it, but
has no effect on descriptors on which it is dependent.
3.3.6 Index typography
In the Index to this International Standard, the following conven-
tions are used:
- Index entries appearing in boldface indicate the page where the
word, phrase, or BNF nonterminal was defined;
- Index entries appearing in italics indicate a page where the BNF
nonterminal was used in a Format; and
- Index entries appearing in roman type indicate a page where
the word, phrase, or BNF nonterminal was used in a heading,
Function, Syntax Rule, Access Rule, General Rule, Leveling Rule,
Table, or other descriptive text.
Definitions, notations, and conventions 15
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3.4 Object identifier for Database Language SQL
3.4 Object identifier for Database Language SQL
The object identifier for Database Language SQL identifies the
characteristics of an SQL-implementation to other entities in an
open systems environment.
<SQL object identifier> ::=
<SQL provenance> <SQL variant>
<SQL provenance> ::= <arc1> <arc2> <arc3>
<arc1> ::= iso | 1 | iso <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<arc2> ::= standard | 0 | standard <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<arc3> ::= 9075
<SQL variant> ::= <SQL edition> <SQL conformance>
<SQL edition> ::= <1987> | <1989> | <1992>
<1987> ::= 0 | edition1987 <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<1989> ::= <1989 base> <1989 package>
<1989 base> ::= 1 | edition1989 <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<1989 package> ::= <integrity no> | <integrity yes>
<integrity no> ::= 0 | IntegrityNo <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<integrity yes> ::= 1 | IntegrityYes <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<1992> ::= 2 | edition1992 <left paren> 2 <right paren>
<SQL conformance> ::= <low> | <intermediate> | <high>
<low> ::= 0 | Low <left paren> 0 <right paren>
<intermediate> ::= 1 | Intermediate <left paren> 1 <right paren>
<high> ::= 2 | High <left paren> 2 <right paren>
16 Database Language SQL
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3.4 Object identifier for Database Language SQL
Syntax Rules
1) An <SQL conformance> of <high> shall not be specified unless the
<SQL edition> is specified as <1992>.
2) The value of <SQL conformance> identifies the level at which
conformance is claimed as follows:
a) If <SQL edition> specifies <1992>, then
i) <low>, then Entry SQL level.
ii) <intermediate>, then Intermediate SQL level.
iii) <high>, then Full SQL level.
b) Otherwise:
i) <low>, then level 1.
ii) <intermediate>, then level 2.
3) A specification of <1989 package> as <integrity no> implies
that the integrity enhancement feature is not implemented. A
specification of <1989 package> as <integrity yes> implies that
the integrity enhancement feature is implemented.
Definitions, notations, and conventions 17
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18 Database Language SQL
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4 Concepts
4.1 Data types
A data type is a set of representable values. The logical represen-
tation of a value is a <literal>. The physical representation of a
value is implementation-dependent.
A value is primitive in that it has no logical subdivision within
this International Standard. A value is a null value or a non-null
A null value is an implementation-dependent special value that
is distinct from all non-null values of the associated data type.
There is effectively only one null value and that value is a member
of every SQL data type. There is no <literal> for a null value,
although the keyword NULL is used in some places to indicate that a
null value is desired.
SQL defines distinct data types named by the following <key word>s:
Subclause 6.1, "<data type>", describes the semantic properties of
each data type.
For reference purposes, the data types CHARACTER and CHARACTER
VARYING are collectively referred to as character string types.
The data types BIT and BIT VARYING are collectively referred to
as bit string types. Character string types and bit string types
are collectively referred to as string types and values of string
types are referred to as strings. The data types NUMERIC, DECIMAL,
INTEGER, and SMALLINT are collectively referred to as exact numeric
types. The data types FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION are col-
lectively referred to as approximate numeric types. Exact numeric
types and approximate numeric types are collectively referred to as
numeric types. Values of numeric type are referred to as numbers.
The data types DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP are collectively referred
to as datetime types. Values of datetime types are referred to as
datetimes. The data type INTERVAL is referred to as an interval
type. Values of interval types are called intervals.
Each data type has an associated data type descriptor. The contents
of a data type descriptor are determined by the specific data type
that it describes. A data type descriptor includes an identifica-
tion of the data type and all information needed to characterize an
instance of that data type.
Concepts 19
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.1 Data types
Each host language has its own data types, which are separate and
distinct from SQL data types, even though similar names may be
used to describe the data types. Mappings of SQL data types to data
types in host languages are described in Subclause 12.3, "<pro-
cedure>", and Subclause 19.1, "<embedded SQL host program>". Not
every SQL data type has a corresponding data type in every host
4.2 Character strings
A character string data type is described by a character string
data type descriptor. A character string data type descriptor con-
- the name of the specific character string data type (CHARACTER
- the length or maximum length in characters of the character
string data type;
- the catalog name, schema name, and character set name of the
character set of the character string data type; and
- the catalog name, schema name, and collation name of the colla-
tion of the character string data type.
Character sets fall into three categories: those defined by na-
tional or international standards, those provided by implemen-
tations, and those defined by applications. All character sets,
however defined, always contain the <space> character. Character
sets defined by applications can be defined to "reside" in any
schema chosen by the application. Character sets defined by stan-
dards or by implementations reside in the Information Schema (named
INFORMATION_SCHEMA) in each catalog, as do collations defined by
standards and collations and form-of-use conversions defined by
The <implementation-defined character repertoire name> SQL_TEXT
specifies the name of a character repertoire and implied form-of-
use that can represent every character that is in <SQL language
character> and all other characters that are in character sets
supported by the implementation.
4.2.1 Character strings and collating sequences
A character string is a sequence of characters chosen from the
same character repertoire. The character repertoire from which
the characters of a particular string are chosen may be specified
explicitly or implicitly. A character string has a length, which
is the number of characters in the sequence. The length is 0 or a
positive integer.
20 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.2 Character strings
All character strings of a given character repertoire are mutu-
ally comparable, subject to the restrictions specified in Table 3,
"Collating sequence usage for comparisons".
A collating sequence, also known as a collation, is a set of rules
determining comparison of character strings in a particular char-
acter repertoire. There is a default collating sequence for each
character repertoire, but additional collating sequences can be
defined for any character repertoire.
Note: A column may be defined as having a default collating se-
quence. This default collating sequence for the column may be
different from the default collating sequence for its character
repertoire, e.g., if the <collate clause> is specified in the
<column reference>. It will be clear from context when the term
"default collating sequence" is used whether it is meant for a
column or for a character repertoire.
Given a collating sequence, two character strings are identical if
and only if they are equal in accordance with the comparison rules
specified in Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>". The collat-
ing sequence used for a particular comparison is determined as in
Subclause 4.2.3, "Rules determining collating sequence usage".
The <key word>s NATIONAL CHARACTER are used to specify a character
string data type with a particular implementation-defined character
repertoire. Special syntax (N'string') is provided for representing
literals in that character repertoire.
A character set is described by a character set descriptor. A char-
acter set descriptor includes:
- the name of the character set or character repertoire,
- if the character set is a character repertoire, then the name of
the form-of-use,
- an indication of what characters are in the character set, and
- the name of the default collation of the character set.
For every character set, there is at least one collation. A colla-
tion is described by a collation descriptor. A collation descriptor
- the name of the collation,
- the name of the character set on which the collation operates,
- whether the collation has the NO PAD or the PAD SPACE attribute,
- an indication of how the collation is performed.
Concepts 21
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.2 Character strings
4.2.2 Operations involving character strings Operators that operate on character strings and return
character strings
<concatenation operator> is an operator, |, that returns the char-
acter string made by joining its character string operands in the
order given.
<character substring function> is a triadic function, SUBSTRING,
that returns a string extracted from a given string according
to a given numeric starting position and a given numeric length.
Truncation occurs when the implied starting and ending positions
are not both within the given string.
<fold> is a pair of functions for converting all the lower case
characters in a given string to upper case (UPPER) or all the upper
case ones to lower case (LOWER), useful only in connection with
strings that may contain <simple Latin letter>s.
<form-of-use conversion> is a function that invokes an installation-
supplied form-of-use conversion to return a character string S2
derived from a given character string S1. It is intended, though
not enforced by this International Standard, that S2 be exactly the
same sequence of characters as S1, but encoded according some dif-
ferent form-of-use. A typical use might be to convert a character
string from two-octet UCS to one-octet Latin1 or vice versa.
<trim function> is a function that returns its first string ar-
gument with leading and/or trailing pad characters removed. The
second argument indicates whether leading, or trailing, or both
leading and trailing pad characters should be removed. The third
argument specifies the pad character that is to be removed.
<character translation> is a function for changing each charac-
ter of a given string according to some many-to-one or one-to-one
mapping between two not necessarily distinct character sets. The
mapping, rather than being specified as part of the function, is
some external function identified by a <translation name>.
For any pair of character sets, there are zero or more translations
that may be invoked by a <character translation>. A translation
is described by a translation descriptor. A translation descriptor
- the name of the translation,
- the name of the character set from which it translates,
- the name of the character set to which it translates, and
- an indication of how the translation is performed.
22 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.2 Character strings Other operators involving character strings
<length expression> returns the length of a given character string,
as an integer, in characters, octets, or bits according to the
choice of function.
<position expression> determines the first position, if any, at
which one string, S1, occurs within another, S2. If S1 is of length
zero, then it occurs at position 1 for any value of S2. If S1 does
not occur in S2, then zero is returned.
<like predicate> uses the triadic operator LIKE (or the inverse,
NOT LIKE), operating on three character strings and returning
a Boolean. LIKE determines whether or not a character string
"matches" a given "pattern" (also a character string). The char-
acters '%' (percent) and '_' (underscore) have special meaning when
they occur in the pattern. The optional third argument is a charac-
ter string containing exactly one character, known as the "escape
character", for use when a percent or underscore is required in the
pattern without its special meaning.
4.2.3 Rules determining collating sequence usage
The rules determining collating sequence usage for character
strings are based on the following:
- Expressions where no columns are involved (e.g., literals, host
variables) are by default compared using the default collating
sequence for their character repertoire.
Note: The default collating sequence for a character repertoire
is defined in Subclause 10.4, "<character set specification>",
and Subclause 11.28, "<character set definition>".
- When columns are involved (e.g., comparing two columns, or com-
paring a column to a literal), by default the default collating
sequence of the columns involved is used so long as the columns
have the same default collating sequence.
- When columns are involved having different default collating
sequences, explicit specification of the collating sequence in
the expression is required via the <collate clause> when the
expression participates in a comparison.
- Any explicit specification of collating sequence in an expres-
sion overrides any default collating sequence.
To formalize this, <character value expression>s effectively have
a coercibility attribute. This attribute has the values Coercible,
Implicit, No collating sequence, and Explicit. <character value
expression>s with the Coercible, Implicit, or Explicit attributes
have a collating sequence.
Concepts 23
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.2 Character strings
A <character value expression> consisting of a column reference has
the Implicit attribute, with collating sequence as defined when the
column was created. A <character value expression> consisting of a
value other than a column (e.g., a host variable or a literal) has
the Coercible attribute, with the default collation for its char-
acter repertoire. A <character value expression> simply containing
a <collate clause> has the Explicit attribute, with the collating
sequence specified in the <collate clause>.
Note: When the coercibility attribute is Coercible, the collating
sequence is uniquely determined as specified in Subclause 8.2,
"<comparison predicate>".
The tables below define how the collating sequence and the co-
ercibility attribute is determined for the result of any monadic
or dyadic operation. Table 1, "Collating coercibility rules for
monadic operators", shows the collating sequence and coercibility
rules for monadic operators, and Table 2, "Collating coercibil-
ity rules for dyadic operators", shows the collating sequence and
coercibility rules for dyadic operators. Table 3, "Collating se-
quence usage for comparisons", shows how the collating sequence is
determined for a particular comparison.
Operand Coercibility Result Coercibility
_____and_Collating_Sequence_____ _____and_Collating_Sequence___
| Collating | Collating |
| | |
| Coercible | default | Coercible | default |
| | | | |
| Implicit | X | Implicit | X |
| | | | |
| Explicit | X | Explicit | X |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Operand 1 Coercibility Operand 2 Coercibility and Collating
_and_Collating_Sequence _and_Collating_Sequence ___Sequence___
| Collating | Collating | Col|ating
| | | |
| Coercible | default | Coercible | default | Coercible| def|ult
| | | | | | |
| Coercible | default | Implicit | Y | Implicit | Y |
| | | | | | |
| Coercible | default | No collati|g sequence | No colla|ing |
24 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.2 Character strings
Operand 1 Coercibility Operand 2 Coercibility and Collating
_and_Collating_Sequence _and_Collating_Sequence ___Sequence___
| Collating | Collating | Col|ating
| | | |
| Coercible | default | Explicit | Y | Explicit | Y |
| | | | | | |
| Implicit | X | Coercible | default | Implicit | X |
| | | | | | |
| Implicit | X | Implicit | X | Implicit | X |
| | | | | | |
| Implicit | X | Implicit | Y /= X | No colla|ing |
| Implicit | X | No collati|g sequence | No collating |
| | | | | sequence |
| | | | | |
| Implicit | X | Explicit Y | Explicit Y |
| | | | |
| No collati|g sequence | Any, | Any | No colla|ing |
except sequence
| No collating sequence | Explicit | X | Explicit X |
| | | | |
| Explicit X | Coercible | default | Explicit | X |
| | | | | |
| Explicit | X | Implicit | Y | Explicit | X |
| | | | | | |
| Explicit | X | No collati|g sequence | Explicit | X |
| | | | | | |
| Explicit | X | Explicit X | Explicit | X |
| | | | | |
| Explicit | X | Explicit | Y /= X | Not permi|ted:|
Comparand 1 Comparand 2
Coercibility and Coercibility and
_Collating_Sequence _Collating_Sequence
| | | Collating Sequence |
| Collatin| Collatin| Used For The |
| | | |
| Coercible| default | Coercible| default | default |
| | | | | |
| Coercible| default | Implicit | Y | Y |
| | | | | |
| Coercible| default | No co|lating | Not permitted: invalid|
sequence syntax
| Coercible| default | Explicit Y | Y |
| | | | |
Concepts 25
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4.2 Character strings
Comparand 1 Comparand 2
Coercibility and Coercibility and
_Collating_Sequence _Collating_Sequence
| | | Collating Sequence |
| Collatin| Collatin| Used For The |
| | | |
| Implicit | X | Coercible| default | X |
| | | | | |
| Implicit | X | Implicit | X | X |
| | | | | |
| Implicit | X | Implicit | Y /= X | Not permitted: invalid|
| Implicit | X | No co|lating | Not permitted: invalid|
| | | seq|ence | syntax |
| | | | | |
| Implicit | X | Explicit Y | Y |
| | | | |
| No co|lating | Any | Any | Not permitted: invalid|
sequence except syntax
| No collating | Explicit | X | X |
| sequence | | | |
| | | | |
| Explicit X | Coercible| default | X |
| | | | |
| Explicit | X | Implicit | Y | X |
| | | | | |
| Explicit | X | No co|lating | X |
| Explicit | X | Explicit X | X |
| | | | |
| Explicit | X | Explicit | Y /= X | Not permitted: invalid|
|For n-adic|operation| (e.g., <c|se expres|ion>) with operands X1, |
X2, . . . , n , the collating sequence is effectively determined by
considering X1 and X2, then combining this result with X3, and so
4.3 Bit strings
A bit string is a sequence of bits, each having the value of 0 or
1. A bit string has a length, which is the number of bits in the
string. The length is 0 or a positive integer.
A bit string data type is described by a bit string data type de-
scriptor. A bit string data type descriptor contains:
- the name of the specific bit string data type (BIT or BIT
26 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.3 Bit strings
- the length of the bit string data type (in bits).
4.3.1 Bit string comparison and assignment
All bit strings are mutually comparable. A bit string is identical
to another bit string if and only if it is equal to that bit string
in accordance with the comparison rules specified in Subclause 8.2,
"<comparison predicate>".
Assignment of a bit string to a bit string variable is performed
from the most significant bit to the least significant bit in the
source string to the most significant bit in the target string, one
bit at a time.
4.3.2 Operations involving bit strings Operators that operate on bit strings and return bit
<bit concatenation> is an operator, |, that returns the bit string
made by concatenating the two bit string operands in the order
<bit substring function> is a triadic function identical in syntax
and semantics to <character substring function> except that the
first argument and the returned value are both bit strings. Other operators involving bit strings
<length expression> returns the length (as an integer number of
octets or bits according to the choice of function) of a given bit
<position expression> determines the first position, if any, at
which one string, S1, occurs within another, S2. If S1 is of length
zero, then it occurs at position 1 for any value of S2. If S1 does
not occur in S2, then zero is returned.
4.4 Numbers
A number is either an exact numeric value or an approximate numeric
value. Any two numbers are mutually comparable to each other.
A numeric data type is described by a numeric data type descriptor.
A numeric data type descriptor contains:
- the name of the specific numeric data type (NUMERIC, DECIMAL,
- the precision of the numeric data type;
Concepts 27
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.4 Numbers
- the scale of the numeric data type, if it is an exact numeric
data type; and
- an indication of whether the precision (and scale) are expressed
in decimal or binary terms.
4.4.1 Characteristics of numbers
An exact numeric value has a precision and a scale. The precision
is a positive integer that determines the number of significant
digits in a particular radix (binary or decimal). The scale is a
non-negative integer. A scale of 0 indicates that the number is an
integer. For a scale of S, the exact numeric value is the integer
value of the significant digits multiplied by 10-S.
An approximate numeric value consists of a mantissa and an expo-
nent. The mantissa is a signed numeric value, and the exponent is
a signed integer that specifies the magnitude of the mantissa. An
approximate numeric value has a precision. The precision is a posi-
tive integer that specifies the number of significant binary digits
in the mantissa. The value of an approximate numeric value is the
mantissa multiplied by 10exponent.
Whenever an exact or approximate numeric value is assigned to a
data item or parameter representing an exact numeric value, an
approximation of its value that preserves leading significant dig-
its after rounding or truncating is represented in the data type
of the target. The value is converted to have the precision and
scale of the target. The choice of whether to truncate or round is
An approximation obtained by truncation of a numerical value N
for an <exact numeric type> T is a value V representable in T such
that N is not closer to zero than the numerical value of V and such
that the absolute value of the difference between N and the numer-
ical value of V is less than the absolute value of the difference
between two successive numerical values representable in T.
An approximation obtained by rounding of a numerical value N for
an <exact numeric type> T is a value V representable in T such
that the absolute value of the difference between N and the nu-
merical value of V is not greater than half the absolute value
of the difference between two successive numerical values repre-
sentable in T. If there are more than one such values V, then it is
implementation-defined which one is taken.
All numerical values between the smallest and the largest value,
inclusive, representable in a given exact numeric type have an
approximation obtained by rounding or truncation for that type; it
is implementation-defined which other numerical values have such
28 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.4 Numbers
An approximation obtained by truncation or rounding of a numerical
value N for an <approximate numeric type> T is a value V repre-
sentable in T such that there is no numerical value representable
in T and distinct from that of V that lies between the numerical
value of V and N, inclusive.
If there are more than one such values V then it is implementation-
defined which one is taken. It is implementation-defined which
numerical values have approximations obtained by rounding or trun-
cation for a given approximate numeric type.
Whenever an exact or approximate numeric value is assigned to a
data item or parameter representing an approximate numeric value,
an approximation of its value is represented in the data type of
the target. The value is converted to have the precision of the
Operations on numbers are performed according to the normal rules
of arithmetic, within implementation-defined limits, except as
provided for in Subclause 6.12, "<numeric value expression>".
4.4.2 Operations involving numbers
As well as the usual arithmetic operators, plus, minus, times,
divide, unary plus, and unary minus, there are the following func-
tions that return numbers:
- <position expression> (see Subclause 4.2.2, "Operations involv-
ing character strings", and Subclause 4.3.2, "Operations involv-
ing bit strings") takes two strings as arguments and returns an
- <length expression> (see Subclause 4.2.2, "Operations involving
character strings", and Subclause 4.3.2, "Operations involv-
ing bit strings") operates on a string argument and returns an
- <extract expression> (see Subclause 4.5.3, "Operations involving
datetimes and intervals") operates on a datetime or interval
argument and returns an integer.
4.5 Datetimes and intervals
A datetime data type is described by a datetime data type descrip-
tor. An interval data type is described by an interval data type
A datetime data type descriptor contains:
- the name of the specific datetime data type (DATE, TIME,
Concepts 29
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4.5 Datetimes and intervals
- the value of the <time fractional seconds precision>, if it is
ZONE type.
An interval data type descriptor contains:
- the name of the interval data type (INTERVAL);
- an indication of whether the interval data type is a year-month
interval or a day-time interval; and
- the <interval qualifier> that describes the precision of the
interval data type.
Every datetime or interval data type has an implied length in po-
sitions. Let D denote a value in some datetime or interval data
type DT. The length in positions of DT is constant for all D. The
length in positions is the number of characters from the character
set SQL_TEXT that it would take to represent any value in a given
datetime or interval data type.
4.5.1 Datetimes
Table 4, "Fields in datetime items", specifies the fields that can
make up a date time value; a datetime value is made up of a subset
of those fields. Not all of the fields shown are required to be in
the subset, but every field that appears in the table between the
first included primary field and the last included primary field
shall also be included. If either timezone field is in the subset,
then both of them shall be included.
| | |
| YEAR Year |
| |
| MONTH | Month within year |
| | |
| DAY | Day within month |
| | |
| HOUR | Hour within day |
| | |
| MINUTE | Minute within hour |
| | |
| SECOND | Second and possibly fraction of a second |
| | |
| TIMEZONE_HOUR | Hour value of time zone displacement |
| |
| | |
30 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.5 Datetimes and intervals
There is an ordering of the significance of <datetime field>s. This
is, from most significant to least significant: YEAR, MONTH, DAY,
The <datetime field>s other than SECOND contain non-negative in-
teger values, constrained by the natural rules for dates using the
Gregorian calendar. SECOND, however, can be defined to have a <time
fractional seconds precision> that indicates the number of decimal
digits maintained following the decimal point in the seconds value,
a non-negative exact numeric value.
There are three classes of datetime data types defined within this
International Standard:
- DATE - contains the <datetime field>s YEAR, MONTH, and DAY;
- TIME - contains the <datetime field>s HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND;
- TIMESTAMP - contains the <datetime field>s YEAR, MONTH, DAY,
Items of type datetime are mutually comparable only if they have
the same <datetime field>s.
Datetimes only have absolute meaning in the context of additional
information. Time zones are political divisions of the earth's
surface that allow the convention that time is measured the same
at all locations within the time zone, regardless of the precise
value of "sun time" at specific locations. Political entities often
change the "local time" within a time zone for certain periods of
the year, e.g., in the summer. However, different political enti-
ties within the same time zone are not necessarily synchronized in
their local time changes. When a datetime is specified (in SQL-data
or elsewhere) it has an implied or explicit time zone specifier as-
sociated with it. Unless that time zone specifier, and its meaning,
is known, the meaning of the datetime value is ambiguous.
Therefore, datetime data types that contain time fields (TIME and
TIMESTAMP) are maintained in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), with
an explicit or implied time zone part.
The time zone part is an interval specifying the difference between
UTC and the actual date and time in the time zone represented by
the time or timestamp data item. The time zone displacement is
defined as
A TIME or TIMESTAMP that does not specify WITH TIME ZONE has an im-
plicit time zone equal to the local time zone for the SQL-session.
The value of time represented in the data changes along with the
local time zone for the SQL-session. However, the meaning of the
time does not change because it is effectively maintained in UTC.
Concepts 31
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.5 Datetimes and intervals
Note: On occasion, UTC is adjusted by the omission of a second or
the insertion of a "leap second" in order to maintain synchro-
nization with sidereal time. This implies that sometimes, but very
rarely, a particular minute will contain exactly 59, 61, or 62
4.5.2 Intervals
There are two classes of intervals. One class, called year-month
intervals, has an express or implied datetime precision that in-
cludes no fields other than YEAR and MONTH, though not both are
required. The other class, called day-time intervals, has an ex-
press or implied interval precision that can include any fields
other than YEAR or MONTH.
Table 5, "Fields in year-month INTERVAL items", specifies the
fields that make up a year-month interval. A year-month interval
is made up of a contiguous subset of those fields.
| YEAR | Years |
| | |
| | |
Table 6, "Fields in day-time INTERVAL items", specifies the fields
that make up a day-time interval. A day-time interval is made up of
a contiguous subset of those fields.
| DAY | Days |
| | |
| HOUR | Hours |
| | |
| MINUTE | Minutes |
| | |
| | |
The actual subset of fields that comprise an item of either type of
interval is defined by an <interval qualifier> and this subset is
known as the precision of the item.
Within an item of type interval, the first field is constrained
only by the <interval leading field precision> of the associated
<interval qualifier>. Table 7, "Valid values for fields in INTERVAL
items", specifies the constraints on subsequence field values.
32 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.5 Datetimes and intervals
| YEAR | Unconstrained except by <interval leading field |
| MONTH | Months (within years) (0-11) |
| | |
| DAY | Unconstrained except by <interval leading field |
| HOUR | Hours (within days) (0-23) |
| | |
| MINUTE | Minutes (within hours) (0-59) |
| | |
| | |
Values in interval fields other than SECOND are integers. SECOND,
however, can be defined to have an <interval fractional seconds
precision> that indicates the number of decimal digits maintained
following the decimal point in the seconds value.
Fields comprising an item of type interval are also constrained by
the definition of the Gregorian calendar.
Year-month intervals are mutually comparable only with other year-
month intervals. If two year-month intervals have different inter-
val precisions, they are, for the purpose of any operations between
them, effectively converted to the same precision by appending new
<datetime field>s to either the most significant end or the least
significant end of one or both year-month intervals. New least sig-
nificant <datetime field>s are assigned a value of 0. When it is
necessary to add new most significant date time fields, the as-
sociated value is effectively converted to the new precision in
a manner obeying the natural rules for dates and times associated
with the Gregorian calendar.
Day-time intervals are mutually comparable only with other day-
time intervals. If two day-time intervals have different interval
precisions, they are, for the purpose of any operations between
them, effectively converted to the same precision by appending new
<datetime field>s to either the most significant end or the least
significant end of one or both day-time intervals. New least sig-
nificant <datetime field>s are assigned a value of 0. When it is
necessary to add new most significant datetime fields, the asso-
ciated value is effectively converted to the new precision in a
manner obeying the natural rules for dates and times associated
with the Gregorian calendar.
Concepts 33
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.5 Datetimes and intervals
4.5.3 Operations involving datetimes and intervals
Table 8, "Valid operators involving datetimes and intervals", spec-
ifies the results of arithmetic expressions involving datetime and
interval operands.
Operand Operand
| Datetime | - | Datetime | Interval |
| | | | |
| Datetime | + or -| Interval | Datetime |
| | | | |
| Interval | + | Datetime | Datetime |
| | | | |
| Interval | + or -| Interval | Interval |
| | | | |
| Interval | * or /| Numeric | Interval |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Arithmetic operations involving items of type datetime or inter-
val obey the natural rules associated with dates and times and
yield valid datetime or interval results according to the Gregorian
Operations involving items of type datetime require that the date-
time items be mutually comparable. Operations involving items of
type interval require that the interval items be mutually compara-
Operations involving a datetime and an interval preserve the time
zone of the datetime operand. If the datetime operand does not
include a time zone part, then the local time zone is effectively
<overlaps predicate> uses the operator OVERLAPS to determine
whether or not two chronological periods overlap in time. A chrono-
logical period is specified either as a pair of datetimes (starting
and ending) or as a starting datetime and an interval.
<extract expression> operates on a datetime or interval and returns
an exact numeric value representing the value of one component of
the datetime or interval.
4.6 Type conversions and mixing of data types
Values of the data types NUMERIC, DECIMAL, INTEGER, SMALLINT,
FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION are numbers and are all mutually
comparable and mutually assignable. If an assignment would result
in a loss of the most significant digits, an exception condition
is raised. If least significant digits are lost, implementation-
defined rounding or truncating occurs with no exception condition
being raised. The rules for arithmetic are generally governed by
Subclause 6.12, "<numeric value expression>".
34 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
4.6 Type conversions and mixing of data types
Values corresponding to the data types CHARACTER and CHARACTER
VARYING are mutually assignable if and only if they are taken from
the same character repertoire. If they are from different character
repertoires, then the value of the source of the assignment shall
be translated to the character repertoire of the target before an
assignment is possible. If a store assignment would result in the
loss of non-<space> characters due to truncation, then an exception
condition is raised. The values are mutually comparable only if
they are mutually assignable and can be coerced to have the same
collation. The comparison of two character strings depends on the
collating sequence used for the comparison (see Table 3, "Collating
sequence usage for comparisons"). When values of unequal length
are compared, if the collating sequence for the comparison has
the NO PAD attribute and the shorter value is equal to a prefix of
the longer value, then the shorter value is considered less than
the longer value. If the collating sequence for the comparison has
the PAD SPACE attribute, for the purposes of the comparison, the
shorter value is effectively extended to the length of the longer
by concatenation of <space>s on the right.
Values corresponding to the data types BIT and BIT VARYING are al-
ways mutually comparable and are mutually assignable. If a store
assignment would result in the loss of bits due to truncation, then
an exception condition is raised. When values of unequal length are
to be compared, if the shorter is a prefix of the longer, then the
shorter is less than the longer; otherwise, the longer is effec-
tively truncated to the length of the shorter for the purposes of
comparison. When values of equal length are to be compared, then a
bit-by-bit comparison is made. A 0-bit less than a 1-bit.
Values of type datetime are mutually assignable only if the source
and target of the assignment have the same datetime fields.
Values of type interval are mutually assignable only if the source
and target of the assignment are both year-month intervals or if
they are both day-time intervals.
Implicit type conversion can occur in expressions, fetch opera-
tions, single row select operations, inserts, deletes, and updates.
Explicit type conversions can be specified by the use of the CAST
4.7 Domains
A domain is a set of permissible values. A domain is defined in
a schema and is identified by a <domain name>. The purpose of a
domain is to constrain the set of valid values that can be stored
in SQL-data by various operations.
A domain definition specifies a data type. It may also specify a
<domain constraint> that further restricts the valid values of the
domain and a <default clause> that specifies the value to be used
in the absence of an explicitly specified value or column default.
Concepts 35
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4.7 Domains
A domain is described by a domain descriptor. A domain descriptor
- the name of the domain;
- the data type descriptor of the data type of the domain;
- the <collation name> from the <collate clause>, if any, of the
- the value of <default option>, if any, of the domain; and
- the domain constraint descriptors of the domain constraints, if
any, of the domain.
4.8 Columns
A column is a multiset of values that may vary over time. All val-
ues of the same column are of the same data type or domain and are
values in the same table. A value of a column is the smallest unit
of data that can be selected from a table and the smallest unit of
data that can be updated.
Every column has a <column name>.
Every column has a nullability characteristic of known not nullable
or possibly nullable, defined as follows:
A column has a nullability characteristic that indicates whether
any attempt to store a null value into that column will inevitably
raise an exception, or whether any attempt to retrieve a value
from that column can ever result in a null value. A column C with
<column name> CN of a base table T has a nullability characteristic
that is known not nullable if and only if either:
- there exists at least one constraint that is not deferrable and
that simply contains a <search condition> that contains CN IS
<row value constructor> that contains a <row value constructor
expression> that is simply CN without an intervening <search
condition> that specifies OR and without an intervening <boolean
factor> that specifies NOT.
- C is based on a domain that has a domain constraint that is
not deferrable and that simply contains a <search condition>
that contains VALUE IS NOT NULL or NOT VALUE IS NULL without an
intervening <search condition> that specifies OR and without an
intervening <boolean factor> that specifies NOT.
- CN is contained in a non-deferrable <unique constraint defi-
nition> whose <unique specification> specifies PRIMARY KEY.
Otherwise, a column C is possibly nullable.
36 Database Language SQL
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4.8 Columns
A column is described by a column descriptor. A column descriptor
- the name of the column;
- whether the name of the column is an implementation-dependent
- if the column is based on a domain, then the name of that do-
main; otherwise, the data type descriptor of the data type of
the column;
- the <collation name> from the <collate clause>, if any, of the
- the value of <default option>, if any, of the column;
- the nullability characteristic of the column; and
- the ordinal position of the column within the table that con-
tains the column.
4.9 Tables
A table is a multiset of rows. A row is a nonempty sequence of
values. Every row of the same table has the same cardinality and
contains a value of every column of that table. The i-th value in
every row of a table is a value of the i-th column of that table.
The row is the smallest unit of data that can be inserted into a
table and deleted from a table.
The degree of a table is the number of columns of that table. At
any time, the degree of a table is the same as the cardinality of
each of its rows and the cardinality of a table is the same as the
cardinality of each of its columns. A table whose cardinality is 0
is said to be empty.
A table is either a base table, a viewed table, or a derived table.
A base table is either a persistent base table, a global tempo-
rary table, a created local temporary table, or a declared local
temporary table.
A persistent base table is a named table defined by a <table defi-
nition> that does not specify TEMPORARY.
A derived table is a table derived directly or indirectly from one
or more other tables by the evaluation of a <query expression>.
The values of a derived table are derived from the values of the
underlying tables when the <query expression> is evaluated.
A viewed table is a named derived table defined by a <view defini-
tion>. A viewed table is sometimes called a view.
Concepts 37
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4.9 Tables
The terms simply underlying table, underlying table, leaf underly-
ing table, generally underlying table, and leaf generally underly-
ing table define a relationship between a derived table or cursor
and other tables.
The simply underlying tables of derived tables and cursors are
defined in Subclause 7.9, "<query specification>", Subclause 7.10,
"<query expression>", and Subclause 13.1, "<declare cursor>". A
viewed table has no simply underlying tables.
The underlying tables of a derived table or cursor are the simply
underlying tables of the derived table or cursor and the underlying
tables of the simply underlying tables of the derived table or
The leaf underlying tables of a derived table or cursor are the
underlying tables of the derived table or cursor that do not them-
selves have any underlying tables.
The generally underlying tables of a derived table or cursor are
the underlying tables of the derived table or cursor and, for those
underlying tables of the derived table or cursor that are viewed
tables, the <query expression> of each viewed table and the gen-
erally underlying tables of the <query expression> of each viewed
The leaf generally underlying tables of a derived table or cursor
are the generally underlying tables of the derived table or cursor
that do not themselves have any generally underlying tables.
All base tables are updatable. Derived tables are either updatable
or read-only. The operations of insert, update, and delete are
permitted for updatable tables, subject to constraining Access
Rules. The operations of insert, update, and delete are not allowed
for read-only tables.
A grouped table is a set of groups derived during the evaluation
of a <group by clause> or a <having clause>. A group is a multiset
of rows in which all values of the grouping column or columns are
equal if a <group by clause> is specified, or the group is the
entire table if no <group by clause> is specified. A grouped table
may be considered as a collection of tables. Set functions may
operate on the individual tables within the grouped table.
A global temporary table is a named table defined by a <table defi-
nition> that specifies GLOBAL TEMPORARY. A created local temporary
table is a named table defined by a <table definition> that speci-
fies LOCAL TEMPORARY. Global and created local temporary tables are
effectively materialized only when referenced in an SQL-session.
Every <module> in every SQL-session that references a created local
temporary table causes a distinct instance of that created local
temporary table to be materialized. That is, the contents of a
global temporary table or a created local temporary table cannot
be shared between SQL-sessions. In addition, the contents of a cre-
ated local temporary table cannot be shared between <module>s of a
single SQL-session. The definition of a global temporary table or a
created local temporary table appears in a schema. In SQL language,
38 Database Language SQL
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4.9 Tables
the name and the scope of the name of a global temporary table or
a created local temporary table are indistinguishable from those
of a persistent base table. However, because global temporary ta-
ble contents are distinct within SQL-sessions, and created local
temporary tables are distinct within <module>s within SQL-sessions,
the effective <schema name> of the schema in which the global tem-
porary table or the created local temporary table is instantiated
is an implementation-dependent <schema name> that may be thought
of as having been effectively derived from the <schema name> of
the schema in which the global temporary table or created local
temporary table is defined and the implementation-dependent SQL-
session identifier associated with the SQL-session. In addition,
the effective <schema name> of the schema in which the created
local temporary table is instantiated may be thought of as being
further qualified by a unique implementation-dependent name associ-
ated with the <module> in which the created local temporary table
is referenced.
A declared local temporary table is a named table defined by a
<temporary table declaration> that is effectively materialized
the first time any <procedure> in the <module> that contains the
<temporary table declaration> is executed. A declared local tem-
porary table is accessible only by <procedure>s in the <module>
that contains the <temporary table declaration>. The effective
<schema name> of the <qualified name> of the declared local tem-
porary table may be thought of as the implementation-dependent
SQL-session identifier associated with the SQL-session and a unique
implementation-dependent name associated with the <module> that
contains the <temporary table declaration>. All references to a
declared local temporary table are prefixed by "MODULE.".
The materialization of a temporary table does not persist beyond
the end of the SQL-session in which the table was materialized.
Temporary tables are effectively empty at the start of an SQL-
A table is described by a table descriptor. A table descriptor is
either a base table descriptor, a view descriptor, or a derived
table descriptor (for a derived table that is not a view).
Every table descriptor includes:
- the degree of the table (the number of column descriptors); and
- the column descriptor of each column in the table.
A base table descriptor describes a base table. In addition to
the components of every table descriptor, a base table descriptor
- the name of the base table;
- an indication of whether the table is a persistent base table,
a global temporary table, a created local temporary table, or a
declared local temporary table; and
Concepts 39
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4.9 Tables
- the descriptor of each table constraint specified for the table.
A derived table descriptor describes a derived table. In addi-
tion to the components of every table descriptor, a derived table
descriptor includes:
- if the table is named, then the name of the table;
- the <query expression> that defines how the table is to be de-
rived; and
- an indication of whether the derived table is updatable or read-
only (this is derived from the <query expression>);
A view descriptor describes a view. In addition to the components
of a derived table descriptor, a view descriptor includes:
- an indication of whether the view has the CHECK OPTION; if so,
whether it is to be applied as CASCADED or LOCAL.
4.10 Integrity constraints
Integrity constraints, generally referred to simply as constraints,
define the valid states of SQL-data by constraining the values
in the base tables. A constraint is either a table constraint,
a domain constraint or an assertion. A constraint is described
by a constraint descriptor. A constraint descriptor is either a
table constraint descriptor, a domain constraint descriptor or an
assertion descriptor. Every constraint descriptor includes:
- the name of the constraint;
- an indication of whether or not the constraint is deferrable;
- an indication of whether the initial constraint mode is deferred
or immediate;
A <query expression> or <query specification> is possibly non-
deterministic if an implementation might, at two different times
where the state of the SQL-data is the same, produce results that
differ by more than the order of the rows due to General Rules that
specify implementation-dependent behavior.
No integrity constraint shall be defined using a <query specifica-
tion> or a <query expression> that is possibly non-deterministic.
40 Database Language SQL
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4.10 Integrity constraints
4.10.1 Checking of constraints
Every constraint is either deferrable or non-deferrable. Within
a transaction, every constraint has a constraint mode; if a con-
straint is non-deferrable, then its constraint mode is always im-
mediate, otherwise it is either or immediate or deferred. Every
constraint has an initial constraint mode that specifies the
constraint mode for that constraint at the start of each SQL-
transaction and immediately after definition of that constraint.
If a constraint is deferrable, then its constraint mode may be
changed (from immediate to deferred, or from deferred to immediate)
by execution of a <set constraints mode statement>.
The checking of a constraint depends on its constraint mode within
the current SQL-transaction. If the constraint mode is immedi-
ate, then the constraint is effectively checked at the end of
each SQL-statement. If the constraint mode is deferred, then the
constraint is effectively checked when the constraint mode is
changed to immediate either explicitly by execution of a <set con-
straints mode statement>, or implicitly at the end of the current
When a constraint is checked other than at the end of an SQL-
transaction, if it is not satisfied, then an exception condition
is raised and the SQL-statement that caused the constraint to be
checked has no effect other than entering the exception information
into the diagnostics area. When a <commit statement> is executed,
all constraints are effectively checked and, if any constraint
is not satisfied, then an exception condition is raised and the
transaction is terminated by an implicit <rollback statement>.
4.10.2 Table constraints
A table constraint is either a unique constraint, a referential
constraint or a table check constraint. A table constraint is de-
scribed by a table constraint descriptor which is either a unique
constraint descriptor, a referential constraint descriptor or a
table check constraint descriptor.
A unique constraint is described by a unique constraint descriptor.
In addition to the components of every table constraint descriptor,
a unique constraint descriptor includes:
- an indication of whether it was defined with PRIMARY KEY or
- the names and positions of the unique columns specified in the
<unique column list>;
A referential constraint is described by a referential constraint
descriptor. In addition to the components of every table constraint
descriptor, a referential constraint descriptor includes:
Concepts 41
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4.10 Integrity constraints
- the names of the referencing columns specified in the <referenc-
ing columns>,
- the names of the referenced columns and referenced table speci-
fied in the <referenced table and columns>, and
- the value of the <match type>, if specified, and the <referen-
tial triggered actions>, if specified.
Note: If MATCH FULL or MATCH PARTIAL is specified for a referential
constraint and if the referencing table has only one column spec-
ified in <referential constraint definition> for that referential
constraint, or if the referencing table has more than one specified
column for that <referential constraint definition>, but none of
those columns is nullable, then the effect is the same as if no
<match option> were specified.
A table check constraint is described by a table check constraint
descriptor. In addition to the components of every table constraint
descriptor, a table check constraint descriptor includes:
- the <search condition>.
A unique constraint is satisfied if and only if no two rows in
a table have the same non-null values in the unique columns. In
addition, if the unique constraint was defined with PRIMARY KEY,
then it requires that none of the values in the specified column or
columns be the null value.
In the case that a table constraint is a referential constraint,
the table is referred to as the referencing table. The referenced
columns of a referential constraint shall be the unique columns of
some unique constraint of the referenced table.
A referential constraint is satisfied if one of the following con-
ditions is true, depending on the <match option> specified in the
<referential constraint definition>:
- If no <match type> was specified then, for each row R1 of the
referencing table, either at least one of the values of the
referencing columns in R1 shall be a null value, or the value of
each referencing column in R1 shall be equal to the value of the
corresponding referenced column in some row of the referenced
- If MATCH FULL was specified then, for each row R1 of the refer-
encing table, either the value of every referencing column in R1
shall be a null value, or the value of every referencing column
in R1 shall not be null and there shall be some row R2 of the
referenced table such that the value of each referencing col-
umn in R1 is equal to the value of the corresponding referenced
column in R2.
42 Database Language SQL
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4.10 Integrity constraints
- If MATCH PARTIAL was specified then, for each row R1 of the
referencing table, there shall be some row R2 of the refer-
enced table such that the value of each referencing column in
R1 is either null or is equal to the value of the corresponding
referenced column in R2.
The referencing table may be the same table as the referenced ta-
A table check constraint is satisfied if and only if the specified
<search condition> is not false for any row of a table.
4.10.3 Domain constraints
A domain constraint is a constraint that is specified for a domain.
It is applied to all columns that are based on that domain, and to
all values cast to that domain.
A domain constraint is described by a domain constraint descriptor.
In addition to the components of every constraint descriptor a
domain constraint descriptor includes:
- the <search condition>.
A domain constraint is satisfied by SQL-data if and only if, for
any table T that has a column named C based on that domain, the
specified <search condition>, with each occurrence of VALUE re-
placed by C, is not false for any row of T.
A domain constraint is satisfied by the result of a <cast specifi-
cation> if and only if the specified <search condition>, with each
occurrence of VALUE replaced by that result, is not false.
4.10.4 Assertions
An assertion is a named constraint that may relate to the content
of individual rows of a table, to the entire contents of a table,
or to a state required to exist among a number of tables.
An assertion is described by an assertion descriptor. In addi-
tion to the components of every constraint descriptor an assertion
descriptor includes:
- the <search condition>.
An assertion is satisfied if and only if the specified <search
condition> is not false.
Concepts 43
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4.11 SQL-schemas
4.11 SQL-schemas
An SQL-schema is a persistent descriptor that includes:
- the <schema name> of the SQL-schema;
- the <authorization identifier> of the owner of the SQL-schema;
- The <character set name> of the default character set for the
SQL-schema; and
- the descriptor of every component of the SQL-schema.
In this International Standard, the term "schema" is used only
in the sense of SQL-schema. Each component descriptor is either
a domain descriptor, a base table descriptor, a view descriptor,
an assertion descriptor, a privilege descriptor, a character set
descriptor, a collation descriptor, or a translation descriptor.
The persistent objects described by the descriptors are said to be
owned by or to have been created by the <authorization identifier>
of the schema.
A schema is created initially using a <schema definition> and may
be subsequently modified incrementally over time by the execution
of <SQL schema statement>s. <schema name>s are unique within a
A <schema name> is explicitly or implicitly qualified by a <catalog
name> that identifies a catalog.
Base tables and views are identified by <table name>s. A <table
name> consists of a <schema name> and an <identifier>. For a per-
sistent table, the <schema name> identifies the schema in which
the base table or view identified by the <table name> was de-
fined. Base tables and views defined in different schemas can
have <identifier>s that are equal according to the General Rules
of Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>".
If a reference to a <table name> does not explicitly contain a
<schema name>, then a specific <schema name> is implied. The par-
ticular <schema name> associated with such a <table name> depends
on the context in which the <table name> appears and is governed
by the rules for <qualified name>. The default schema for <prepara-
ble statement>s that are dynamically prepared in the current SQL-
session through the execution of <prepare statement>s and <execute
immediate statement>s is initially implementation-defined but may
be changed by the use of <set schema statement>s.
44 Database Language SQL
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4.12 Catalogs
4.12 Catalogs
Catalogs are named collections of schemas in an SQL-environment. An
SQL-environment contains zero or more catalogs. A catalog con-
tains one or more schemas, but always contains a schema named
INFORMATION_SCHEMA that contains the views and domains of the
Information Schema. The method of creation and destruction of
catalogs is implementation-defined. The set of catalogs that
can be referenced in any SQL-statement, during any particular
SQL-transaction, or during the course of an SQL-session is also
implementation-defined. The default catalog for a <module> whose
<module authorization clause> does not specify an explicit <cata-
log name> to qualify the <schema name> is implementation-defined.
The default catalog for <preparable statement>s that are dynami-
cally prepared in the current SQL-session through the execution
of <prepare statement>s and <execute immediate statement>s is ini-
tially implementation-defined but may be changed by the use of <set
catalog statement>s.
4.13 Clusters of catalogs
A cluster is an implementation-defined collection of catalogs.
Exactly one cluster is associated with an SQL-session and it
defines the totality of the SQL-data that is available to that
An instance of a cluster is described by an instance of a defi-
nition schema. Given some SQL-data object, such as a view, a con-
straint, a domain, or a base table, the definition of that object,
and of all the objects that it directly or indirectly references,
are in the same cluster of catalogs. For example, no <referential
constraint definition> and no <joined table> can "cross" a cluster
Whether or not any catalog can occur simultaneously in more than
one cluster is implementation-defined.
Within a cluster, no two catalogs have the same name.
4.14 SQL-data
SQL-data is any data described by schemas that is under the control
of an SQL-implementation in an SQL-environment.
Concepts 45
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4.15 SQL-environment
4.15 SQL-environment
An SQL-environment comprises the following:
- an SQL-implementation capable of processing some Level (Entry
SQL, Intermediate SQL, or Full SQL) of this International
Standard and at least one binding style; see Clause 23,
"Conformance" for further information about binding styles;
- zero or more catalogs;
- zero or more <authorization identifier>s;
- zero or more <module>s; and
- the SQL-data described by the schemas in the catalogs.
An SQL-environment may have other implementation-defined contents.
The rules determining which <module>s are considered to be within
an SQL-environment are implementation-defined.
4.16 Modules
A <module> is an object specified in the module language. A <mod-
ule> is either a persistent <module> or an SQL-session <module>.
The mechanisms by which <module>s are created or destroyed are
implementation-defined. A <module> consists of an optional <module
name>, a <language clause>, a <module authorization clause> with
either or both of a <module authorization identifier> and a <schema
name>, an optional <module character set specification> that iden-
tifies the character repertoire used for expressing the names of
schema objects used in the <module>, zero or more <temporary table
declaration>s, zero or more cursors specified by <declare cur-
sor>s, and one or more <procedure>s. All <identifier>s contained
in the <module> are expressed in either <SQL language character>
or the character repertoire indicated by <module character set
specification> unless they are specified with "<introducer>".
A compilation unit is a segment of executable code, possibly con-
sisting of one or more subprograms. A <module> is associated with
a compilation unit during its execution. A single <module> may be
associated with multiple compilation units and multiple <module>s
may be associated with a single compilation unit. The manner in
which this association is specified, including the possible re-
quirement for execution of some implementation-defined statement,
is implementation-defined. Whether a compilation unit may invoke or
transfer control to other compilation units, written in the same or
a different programming language, is implementation-defined.
46 Database Language SQL
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4.17 Procedures
4.17 Procedures
A <procedure> consists of a <procedure name>, a sequence of <pa-
rameter declaration>s, and a single <SQL procedure statement>.
A <procedure> in a <module> is invoked by a compilation unit as-
sociated with the <module> by means of a host language "call"
statement that specifies the <procedure name> of the <procedure>
and supplies a sequence of parameter values corresponding in number
and in <data type> to the <parameter declaration>s of the <proce-
dure>. A call of a <procedure> causes the <SQL procedure statement>
that it contains to be executed.
4.18 Parameters
A parameter is declared in a <procedure> by a <parameter decla-
ration>. The <parameter declaration> specifies the <data type>
of its value. A parameter either assumes or supplies the value of
the corresponding argument in the call of that <procedure>. These
<data type>s map to host language types and are not nullable except
through the use of additional indicator variables.
4.18.1 Status parameters
The SQLSTATE and SQLCODE parameters are status parameters. They
are set to status codes that indicate either that a call of the
<procedure> completed successfully or that an exception condition
was raised during execution of the <procedure>.
Note: The SQLSTATE parameter is the preferred status parameter. The
SQLCODE parameter is a deprecated feature that is supported for
compatibility with earlier versions of this International Standard.
See Annex D, "Deprecated features".
A <procedure> shall specify either the SQLSTATE parameter or the
SQLCODE parameter or both. The SQLSTATE parameter is a charac-
ter string parameter for which exception values are defined in
Clause 22, "Status codes". The SQLCODE parameter is an integer pa-
rameter for which the negative exception values are implementation-
If a condition is raised that causes a statement to have no effect
other than that associated with raising the condition (that is,
not a completion condition), then the condition is said to be an
exception condition or exception. If a condition is raised that
permits a statement to have an effect other than that associated
with raising the condition (corresponding to an SQLSTATE class
value of successful completion, warning, or no data), then the
condition is said to be a completion condition.
Concepts 47
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4.18 Parameters
4.18.2 Data parameters
A data parameter is a parameter that is used to either assume or
supply the value of data exchanged between a host program and an
4.18.3 Indicator parameters
An indicator parameter is an integer parameter that is specified
immediately following another parameter. Its primary use is to
indicate whether the value that the other parameter assumes or
supplies is a null value. An indicator parameter cannot immediately
follow another indicator parameter.
The other use for indicator parameters is to indicate whether
string data truncation occurred during a transfer between a host
program and an SQL-implementation in parameters or host variables.
If a non-null string value is transferred and the length of the
target data item is sufficient to accept the entire source data
item, then the indicator parameter or variable is set to 0 to in-
dicate that truncation did not occur. However, if the length of
the target data item is insufficient, then the indicator parame-
ter or variable is set to the length of the source data item (in
characters or bits, as appropriate) to indicate that truncation
occurred and to indicate the original length in characters or bits,
as appropriate, of the source.
4.19 Diagnostics area
The diagnostics area is a place where completion and exception con-
dition information is stored when an SQL-statement is executed.
There is one diagnostics area associated with an SQL-agent, regard-
less of the number of <module>s that the SQL-agent includes or the
number of connections in use.
At the beginning of the execution of any statement that is not an
<SQL diagnostics statement>, the diagnostics area is emptied. An
implementation shall place information about a completion condition
or an exception condition reported by SQLCODE or SQLSTATE into this
area. If other conditions are raised, an implementation may place
information about them into this area.
<procedure>s containing <SQL diagnostics statement>s return a code
indicating completion or exception conditions for that statement
via SQLCODE or SQLSTATE, but do not modify the diagnostics area.
An SQL-agent may choose the size of the diagnostics area with the
<set transaction statement>; if an SQL-agent does not specify the
size of the diagnostics area, then the size of the diagnostics
area is implementation-dependent, but shall always be able to hold
information about at least one condition. An implementation may
place information into this area about fewer conditions than are
specified. The ordering of the information about conditions placed
48 Database Language SQL
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4.19 Diagnostics area
into the diagnostics area is implementation-dependent, except that
the first condition in the diagnostics area always corresponds to
the condition specified by the SQLSTATE or SQLCODE value.
4.20 Standard programming languages
This International Standard specifies the actions of <procedure>s
in <module>s when those <procedure>s are called by programs that
conform to certain specified programming language standards. The
term "standard PLN program", where PLN is the name of a program-
ming language, refers to a program that conforms to the standard
for that programming language as specified in Clause 2, "Normative
references". This International Standard also specifies a mechanism
whereby SQL language may be embedded in programs that otherwise
conform to any of the same specified programming language stan-
Note: In this International Standard, for the purposes of inter-
facing with programming languages, the data types DATE, TIME,
TIMESTAMP, and INTERVAL shall be converted to or from character
strings in those programming languages by means of a <cast speci-
fication>. It is anticipated that future evolution of programming
language standards will support data types corresponding to these
four SQL data types; this standard will then be amended to reflect
the availability of those corresponding data types. The data type
CHARACTER is also mapped to character strings in the programming
languages. However, because the facilities available in the pro-
gramming languages do not provide the same capabilities as those
available in SQL, there shall be agreement between the host pro-
gram and SQL regarding the specific format of the character data
being exchanged. Specific syntax for this agreement is provided
in this International standard. For standard programming lan-
guages, C, COBOL, Fortran, and Pascal, bit strings are mapped to
character variables in the host language in a manner described in
Subclause 19.1, "<embedded SQL host program>". For standard pro-
gramming languages Ada and PL/I, bit string variables are directly
4.21 Cursors
A cursor is specified by a <declare cursor>, <dynamic declare cur-
sor>, or <allocate cursor statement>.
For every <declare cursor> or <dynamic declare cursor> in a <mod-
ule>, a cursor is effectively created when an SQL-transaction (see
Subclause 4.28, "SQL-transactions") referencing the <module> is
initiated, and destroyed when that SQL-transaction is terminated. A
cursor is also effectively created when an <allocate cursor state-
ment> is executed within a SQL-transaction and destroyed when that
SQL-transaction is terminated. In addition, an extended dynamic
Concepts 49
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4.21 Cursors
cursor is destroyed when a <deallocate prepared statement> is exe-
cuted that deallocates the prepared statement on which the extended
dynamic cursor is based.
A cursor is in either the open state or the closed state. The ini-
tial state of a cursor is the closed state. A cursor is placed in
the open state by an <open statement> or <dynamic open statement>
and returned to the closed state by a <close statement> or <dynamic
close statement>, a <commit statement>, or a <rollback statement>.
A cursor in the open state identifies a table, an ordering of the
rows of that table, and a position relative to that ordering. If
the <declare cursor> does not include an <order by clause>, or
includes an <order by clause> that does not specify the order of
the rows completely, then the rows of the table have an order that
is defined only to the extent that the <order by clause> specifies
an order and is otherwise implementation-dependent.
When the ordering of a cursor is not defined by an <order by
clause>, the relative positions of two rows is implementation-
dependent. When the ordering of a cursor is partially determined
by an <order by clause>, then the relative positions of two rows
are determined only by the <order by clause>; if the two rows have
equal values for the purpose of evaluating the <order by clause>,
then their relative positions are implementation-dependent.
A cursor is either read-only or updatable. If the table identified
by a cursor is not updatable or if INSENSITIVE is specified for
the cursor, then the cursor is read-only; otherwise, the cursor is
updatable. The operations of update and delete are not allowed for
read-only cursors.
The position of a cursor in the open state is either before a cer-
tain row, on a certain row, or after the last row. If a cursor is
on a row, then that row is the current row of the cursor. A cursor
may be before the first row or after the last row of a table even
though the table is empty. When a cursor is initially opened, the
position of the cursor is before the first row.
A <fetch statement> or <dynamic fetch statement> positions an open
cursor on a specified row of the cursor's ordering and retrieves
the values of the columns of that row. An <update statement: po-
sitioned> or <dynamic update statement: positioned> updates the
current row of the cursor. A <delete statement: positioned> or <dy-
namic delete statement: positioned> deletes the current row of the
If an error occurs during the execution of an SQL-statement that
identifies an open cursor, then, except where otherwise explic-
itly defined, the effect, if any, on the position or state of that
cursor is implementation-dependent.
If a cursor is open, and the current SQL-transaction makes a change
to SQL-data other than through that cursor, and the <declare cur-
sor> for that cursor specified INSENSITIVE, then the effect of
that change will not be visible through that cursor before it is
closed. Otherwise, whether the effect of such a change will be
50 Database Language SQL
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4.21 Cursors
visible through that cursor before it is closed is implementation-
4.22 SQL-statements
4.22.1 Classes of SQL-statements
An SQL-statement is a string of characters that conforms to the
format and syntax rules specified in this international standard.
Most SQL-statements can be prepared for execution and executed in
one of a number of ways. These are:
- in a <module>, in which case it is prepared when the <module>
is created (see Subclause 4.16, "Modules") and executed when the
containing procedure is called.
- in an embedded SQL host program, in which case it is pre-
pared when the embedded SQL host program is preprocessed (see
Subclause 4.23, "Embedded syntax").
- being prepared and executed by the use of SQL-dynamic statements
(which are themselves executed in one of the foregoing two ways-
see Subclause 4.24, "SQL dynamic statements").
- direct invocation, in which case it is effectively prepared
immediately prior to execution (see Subclause 4.25, "Direct
invocation of SQL").
There are at least five ways of classifying SQL-statements:
- According to their effect on SQL objects, whether persistent
objects, i.e., SQL-data and schemas, or transient objects, such
as SQL-sessions and other SQL-statements.
- According to whether or not they start a transaction, or can, or
must, be executed when no transaction is active.
- According to whether or not they may be embedded.
- According to whether they may be dynamically prepared and exe-
- According to whether or not they may be directly executed.
This International Standard permits implementations to provide ad-
ditional, implementation-defined, statements that may fall into any
of these categories. This Subclause will not mention those state-
ments again, as their classification is entirely implementation-
Concepts 51
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4.22 SQL-statements
4.22.2 SQL-statements classified by function
The following are the main classes of SQL-statements:
- SQL-schema statements; these may have a persistent effect on
- SQL-data statements; some of these, the SQL-data change state-
ments, may have a persistent effect on SQL-data
- SQL-transaction statements; except for the <commit statement>,
these, and the following classes, have no effects that persist
when a session is terminated
- SQL-connection statements
- SQL-session statements
- SQL-dynamic statements
- SQL-diagnostics statements
- SQL embedded exception declaration
The following are the SQL-schema statements:
- <schema definition>
- <drop schema statement>
- <domain definition>
- <drop domain statement>
- <table definition>
- <drop table statement>
- <view definition>
- <drop view statement>
- <assertion definition>
- <drop assertion statement>
- <alter table statement>
- <alter domain statement>
- <grant statement>
- <revoke statement>
- <character set definition>
- <drop character set statement>
52 Database Language SQL
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4.22 SQL-statements
- <collation definition>
- <drop collation statement>
- <translation definition>
- <drop translation statement>
The following are the SQL-data statements:
- <temporary table declaration>
- <declare cursor>
- <dynamic declare cursor>
- <allocate cursor statement>
- <dynamic select statement>
- <open statement>
- <dynamic open statement>
- <close statement>
- <dynamic close statement>
- <fetch statement>
- <dynamic fetch statement>
- <select statement: single row>
- <direct select statement: multiple rows>
- <dynamic single row select statement>
- All SQL-data change statements
The following are the SQL-data change statements:
- <insert statement>
- <delete statement: searched>
- <delete statement: positioned>
- <dynamic delete statement: positioned>
- <preparable dynamic delete statement: positioned>
- <update statement: searched>
- <update statement: positioned>
- <dynamic update statement: positioned>
Concepts 53
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4.22 SQL-statements
- <preparable dynamic update statement: positioned>
The following are the SQL-transaction statements:
- <set transaction statement>
- <set constraints mode statement>
- <commit statement>
- <rollback statement>
The following are the SQL-connection statements:
- <connect statement>
- <set connection statement>
- <disconnect statement>
The following are the SQL-session statements:
- <set catalog statement>
- <set schema statement>
- <set names statement>
- <set session authorization identifier statement>
- <set local time zone statement>
The following are the SQL-dynamic statements:
- <execute immediate statement>
- <allocate descriptor statement>
- <deallocate descriptor statement>
- <get descriptor statement>
- <set descriptor statement>
- <prepare statement>
- <deallocate prepared statement>
- <describe input statement>
- <describe output statement>
- <execute statement>
The following is the SQL-diagnostics statement:
- <get diagnostics statement>
54 Database Language SQL
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4.22 SQL-statements
The following is the SQL embedded exception declaration:
- <embedded exception declaration>
4.22.3 Embeddable SQL-statements
The following SQL-statements are embeddable in an embedded SQL host
program, and may be the <SQL procedure statement> in a <procedure>
in a <module>:
- All SQL-schema statements
- All SQL-transaction statements
- All SQL-connection statements
- All SQL-session statements
- All SQL-dynamic statements
- All SQL-diagnostics statements
- The following SQL-data statements:
o <allocate cursor statement>
o <open statement>
o <dynamic open statement>
o <close statement>
o <dynamic close statement>
o <fetch statement>
o <dynamic fetch statement>
o <select statement: single row>
o <insert statement>
o <delete statement: searched>
o <delete statement: positioned>
o <dynamic delete statement: positioned>
o <update statement: searched>
o <update statement: positioned>
o <dynamic update statement: positioned>
Concepts 55
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4.22 SQL-statements
The following SQL-statements are embeddable in an embedded SQL host
program, and may occur in a <module>, though not in a <procedure>:
- <temporary table declaration>
- <declare cursor>
- <dynamic declare cursor>
The following SQL-statements are embeddable in an embedded SQL host
program, but may not occur in a <module>:
- SQL embedded exception declarations
Consequently, the following SQL-data statements are not embeddable
in an embedded SQL host program, nor may they occur in a <mod-
ule>, nor be the <SQL procedure statement> in a <procedure> in a
- <dynamic select statement>
- <dynamic single row select statement>
- <direct select statement: multiple rows>
- <preparable dynamic delete statement: positioned>
- <preparable dynamic update statement: positioned>
4.22.4 Preparable and immediately executable SQL-statements
The following SQL-statements are preparable:
- All SQL-schema statements
- All SQL-transaction statements
- All SQL-session statements
- The following SQL-data statements:
o <delete statement: searched>
o <dynamic select statement>
o <dynamic single row select statement>
o <insert statement>
o <update statement: searched>
o <preparable dynamic delete statement: positioned>
o <preparable dynamic update statement: positioned>
o <preparable implementation-defined statement>
56 Database Language SQL
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4.22 SQL-statements
Consequently, the following SQL-statements are not preparable:
- All SQL-connection statements
- All SQL-dynamic statements
- All SQL-diagnostics statements
- SQL embedded exception declarations
- The following SQL-data statements:
o <allocate cursor statement>
o <open statement>
o <dynamic open statement>
o <close statement>
o <dynamic close statement>
o <fetch statement>
o <dynamic fetch statement>
o <select statement: single row>
o <delete statement: positioned>
o <dynamic delete statement: positioned>
o <update statement: positioned>
o <dynamic update statement: positioned>
o <direct select statement: multiple rows>
o <temporary table declaration>
o <declare cursor>
o <dynamic declare cursor>
Any preparable SQL-statement can be executed immediately, with the
exception of:
- <dynamic select statement>
- <dynamic single row select statement>
Concepts 57
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4.22 SQL-statements
4.22.5 Directly executable SQL-statements
The following SQL-statements may be executed directly:
- All SQL-schema statements
- All SQL-transaction statements
- All SQL-connection statements
- All SQL-session statements
- The following SQL-data statements:
o <temporary table declaration>
o <direct select statement: multiple rows>
o <insert statement>
o <delete statement: searched>
o <update statement: searched>
Consequently, the following SQL-statements may not be executed
- All SQL-dynamic statements
- All SQL-diagnostics statements
- SQL embedded exception declarations
- The following SQL-data statements:
o <declare cursor>
o <dynamic declare cursor>
o <allocate cursor statement>
o <open statement>
o <dynamic open statement>
o <close statement>
o <dynamic close statement>
o <fetch statement>
o <dynamic fetch statement>
o <select statement: single row>
o <dynamic select statement>
o <dynamic single row select statement>
58 Database Language SQL
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4.22 SQL-statements
o <delete statement: positioned>
o <dynamic delete statement: positioned>
o <preparable dynamic delete statement: positioned>
o <update statement: positioned>
o <dynamic update statement: positioned>
o <preparable dynamic update statement: positioned>
4.22.6 SQL-statements and transaction states
Whether an <execute immediate statement> starts a transaction de-
pends on what SQL-statement is the value of <SQL statement vari-
able>. Whether an <execute statement> starts a transaction depends
on what SQL-statement was the value of <SQL statement variable>
when the prepared statement identified by <SQL statement name> was
The following SQL-statements are transaction initiating SQL-
statements, i.e., if there is no current transaction, and a state-
ment of this class is executed, a transaction is initiated:
- All SQL-schema statements
- The following SQL-data statements:
o <allocate cursor statement>
o <dynamic select statement>
o <open statement>
o <dynamic open statement>
o <close statement>
o <dynamic close statement>
o <fetch statement>
o <dynamic fetch statement>
o <select statement: single row>
o <direct select statement: multiple rows>
o <dynamic single row select statement>
o <insert statement>
o <delete statement: searched>
o <delete statement: positioned>
Concepts 59
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4.22 SQL-statements
o <dynamic delete statement: positioned>
o <preparable dynamic delete statement: positioned>
o <update statement: searched>
o <update statement: positioned>
o <dynamic update statement: positioned>
o <preparable dynamic update statement: positioned>
- The following SQL-dynamic statements:
o <describe input statement>
o <describe output statement>
o <allocate descriptor statement>
o <deallocate descriptor statement>
o <get descriptor statement>
o <set descriptor statement>
o <prepare statement>
o <deallocate prepared statement>
The following SQL-statements are not transaction initiating SQL-
statements, i.e., if there is no current transaction, and a state-
ment of this class is executed, no transaction is initiated.
- All SQL-transaction statements
- All SQL-connection statements
- All SQL-session statements
- All SQL-diagnostics statements
- SQL embedded exception declarations
- The following SQL-data statements:
o <temporary table declaration>
o <declare cursor>
o <dynamic declare cursor>
o <dynamic select statement>
60 Database Language SQL
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4.23 Embedded syntax
4.23 Embedded syntax
An <embedded SQL host program> (<embedded SQL Ada program>, <em-
bedded SQL C program>, <embedded SQL COBOL program>, <embedded
SQL Fortran program>, <embedded SQL MUMPS program>, <embedded SQL
Pascal program>, or <embedded SQL PL/I program>) is a compilation
unit that consists of programming language text and SQL text. The
programming language text shall conform to the requirements of a
specific standard programming language. The SQL text shall con-
sist of one or more <embedded SQL statement>s and, optionally,
one or more <embedded SQL declare section>s, as defined in this
International Standard. This allows database applications to be
expressed in a hybrid form in which SQL-statements are embedded
directly in a compilation unit. Such a hybrid compilation unit is
defined to be equivalent to a standard compilation unit in which
the SQL-statements have been replaced by standard procedure or
subroutine calls of SQL <procedure>s in a separate SQL <module>,
and in which each <embedded SQL begin declare> and each <embedded
SQL end declare> has been removed and the declarations contained
therein have been suitably transformed into standard host-language
An implementation may reserve a portion of the name space in the
<embedded SQL host program> for the names of procedures or subrou-
tines that are generated to replace SQL-statements and for program
variables and branch labels that may be generated as required to
support the calling of these procedures or subroutines; whether
this reservation is made is implementation-defined. They may sim-
ilarly reserve name space for the <module name> and <procedure
name>s of the generated <module> that may be associated with the
resulting standard compilation unit. The portion of the name space
to be so reserved, if any, is implementation-defined.
4.24 SQL dynamic statements
In many cases, the SQL-statement to be executed can be coded into
a <module> or into a compilation unit using the embedded syntax.
In other cases, the SQL-statement is not known when the program
is written and will be generated during program execution. An
<execute immediate statement> can be used for a one-time prepa-
ration and execution of an SQL-statement. A <prepare statement>
is used to prepare the generated SQL-statement for subsequent ex-
ecution. A <deallocate prepared statement> is used to deallocate
SQL-statements that have been prepared with a <prepare statement>.
A description of the input parameters for a prepared statement
can be obtained by execution of a <describe input statement>. A
description of the resultant columns of a <dynamic select state-
ment> or <dynamic single row select statement> can be obtained by
execution of a <describe output statement>. For a statement other
than a <dynamic select statement>, an <execute statement> is used
to associate parameters with the prepared statement and execute
Concepts 61
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4.24 SQL dynamic statements
it as though it had been coded when the program was written. For a
<dynamic select statement>, the prepared <cursor specification> is
associated with a cursor via a <dynamic declare cursor> or <allo-
cate cursor statement>. The cursor can be opened and parameters can
be associated with the cursor with a <dynamic open statement>. A
<dynamic fetch statement> positions an open cursor on a specified
row and retrieves the values of the columns of that row. A <dynamic
close statement> closes a cursor that was opened with a <dynamic
open statement>. A <dynamic delete statement: positioned> is used
to delete rows through a dynamic cursor. A <dynamic update state-
ment: positioned> is used to update rows through a dynamic cursor.
A <preparable dynamic delete statement: positioned> is used to
delete rows through a dynamic cursor when the precise format of the
statement isn't known until runtime. A <preparable dynamic update
statement: positioned> is used to update rows through a dynamic
cursor when the precise format of the statement isn't known until
The interface for input parameters for a prepared statement and
for the resulting values from a <dynamic fetch statement> or the
execution of a prepared <dynamic single row select statement> can
be either a list of parameters or embedded variables or an SQL
descriptor area. An SQL descriptor area consists of zero or more
item descriptor areas, together with a COUNT of the number of those
item descriptor areas. Each item descriptor area consists of the
fields specified in Table 17, "Data types of <key word>s used in
SQL item descriptor areas", in Subclause 17.1, "Description of SQL
item descriptor areas". The SQL descriptor area is allocated and
maintained by the system with the following statements: <allocate
descriptor statement>, <deallocate descriptor statement>, <set
descriptor statement>, and <get descriptor statement>.
An SQL descriptor area is identified by a <descriptor name>, which
is a <simple value specification> whose value is an <identifier>.
Two <descriptor name>s identify the same SQL descriptor area if
their values, with leading and trailing <space>s removed, are
equivalent according to the rules for <identifier> comparisons
in Subclause 5.2, "<token> and <separator>".
Dynamic statements can be identified by <statement name>s or by
<extended statement name>s. Similarly, dynamic cursors can be
identified by <cursor name>s and by <extended cursor name>s. The
non-extended names are <identifier>s. The extended names are <tar-
get specification>s whose values are <identifier>s used to iden-
tify the statement or cursor. Two extended names are equivalent
if their values, with leading and trailing <space>s removed, are
equivalent according to the rules for <identifier> comparison in
Subclause 5.2, "<token> and <separator>".
An SQL descriptor area name may be defined as global or local.
Similarly, an extended statement name or extended cursor name may
be global or local. The scope of a global name is the SQL-session.
The scope of a local name is the <module> in which it appears. A
reference to an entity in which one specifies a global scope is
valid only if the entity was defined as global and if the reference
62 Database Language SQL
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4.24 SQL dynamic statements
is from the same SQL-session in which it was defined. A reference
to an entity in which one specifies a local scope is valid only if
the entity was defined as local and if the reference is from the
same <module> in which it was defined. (The scope of non-extended
statement names and non-extended cursor names is always local.)
Within an SQL-session, all global prepared statements (prepared
statements with global statement names) belong to the SQL-session
<module>. Within an SQL-session, each local prepared statement
(prepared statements with local statement names) belongs to the
<module> that contains the <prepare statement> or <execute immedi-
ate statement> with which it is prepared.
Note: The SQL-session <module> is defined in Subclause 4.30, "SQL-
Dynamic execution of SQL-statements can generally be accomplished
in two different ways. Statements can be prepared for execution
and then later executed one or more times; when the statement is
no longer needed for execution, it can be released by the use of
a <deallocate prepared statement>. Alternatively, a statement that
is needed only once can be executed without the preparation step-it
can be executed immediately (not all SQL-statements can be executed
Many SQL-statements can be written to use "parameters" (which are
manifested in static execution of SQL-statements as <parameters>
in <SQL statement>s contained in <procedure>s in <module>s or as
<embedded variable name>s in <SQL statement>s contained in <em-
bedded SQL host program>s). In SQL-statements that are executed
dynamically, the parameters are called dynamic parameters (<dynamic
parameter specification>s) and are represented in SQL language by a
<question mark> (?).
In many situations, an application that generates an SQL-statement
for dynamic execution knows in detail the required characteristics
(e.g., <data type>, <length>, <precision>, <scale>, etc.) of each
of the dynamic parameters used in the statement; similarly, the ap-
plication may also know in detail the characteristics of the values
that will be returned by execution of the statement. However, in
other cases, the application may not know this information to the
required level of detail; it is possible in some cases for the ap-
plication to ascertain the information from the Information Schema,
but in other cases (e.g., when a returned value is derived from
a computation instead of simply from a column in a table, or when
dynamic parameters are supplied) this information is not gener-
ally available except in the context of preparing the statement for
To provide the necessary information to applications, SQL per-
mits an application to request the database system to describe a
prepared statement. The description of a statement identifies the
number of dynamic parameters (describe input) and their data type
information or it identifies the number of values to be returned
Concepts 63
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4.24 SQL dynamic statements
(describe output) and their data type information. The descrip-
tion of a statement is placed into the SQL descriptor areas already
Many, but not all, SQL-statements can be prepared and executed
Note: The complete list of statements that may be dynamically pre-
pared and executed is defined in Subclause 4.22.4, "Preparable and
immediately executable SQL-statements".
Certain "set statements" (<set catalog statement>, <set schema
statement>, and <set names statement>) have no effect other than
to set up default information (<catalog name>, <schema name>,
and <character set>, respectively) to be applied to other SQL-
statements that are prepared or executed immediately or that are
invoked directly.
Syntax errors and Access Rule violations caused by the preparation
or immediate execution of <preparable statement>s are identi-
fied when the statement is prepared (by <prepare statement>) or
when it is executed (by <execute statement> or <execute immediate
statement>); such violations are indicated by the raising of an
exception condition.
4.25 Direct invocation of SQL
Direct invocation of SQL is a mechanism for executing direct SQL-
statements, known as <direct SQL statement>s. In direct invocation
of SQL, the method of invoking <direct SQL statement>s, the method
of raising conditions that result from the execution of <direct SQL
statement>s, the method of accessing the diagnostics information
that results from the execution of <direct SQL statement>s, and the
method of returning the results are implementation-defined.
4.26 Privileges
A privilege authorizes a given category of <action> to be per-
formed on a specified base table, view, column, domain, character
set, collation, or translation by a specified <authorization iden-
tifier>. The mapping of <authorization identifier>s to operating
system users is implementation-dependent. The <action>s that can be
specified are:
- INSERT (<column name list>)
- UPDATE (<column name list>)
64 Database Language SQL
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4.26 Privileges
- REFERENCES (<column name list>)
An <authorization identifier> is specified for each <schema defini-
tion> and <module> as well as for each SQL-session.
A schema that is owned by a given <authorization identifier> may
contain privilege descriptors that describe privileges granted to
other <authorization identifier>s (grantees). The granted priv-
ileges apply to objects defined in the current schema. The WITH
GRANT OPTION clause of a <grant statement> specifies whether the
recipient of a privilege (acting as a grantor) may grant it to
When an SQL-session is initiated, the <authorization identifier>
for the SQL-session, called the SQL-session <authorization identi-
fier>, is determined in an implementation-dependent manner, unless
the session is initiated using a <connect statement>. Subsequently,
the SQL-session <authorization identifier> can be redefined by the
successful execution of a <set session authorization identifier
A <module> may specify an <authorization identifier>, called a
<module authorization identifier>. If the <module authorization
identifier> is specified, then that <module authorization iden-
tifier> is used as the current <authorization identifier> for the
execution of all <procedure>s in the <module>. If the <module au-
thorization identifier> is not specified, then the SQL-session
<authorization identifier> is used as the current <authorization
identifier> for the execution of each <procedure> in the <module>.
A <schema definition> may specify an <authorization identifier>,
called a <schema authorization identifier>. If the <schema autho-
rization identifier> is specified, then that is used as the current
<authorization identifier> for the creation of the schema. If the
<module authorization identifier> is not specified, then the <mod-
ule authorization identifier> or the SQL-session <authorization
identifier> is used as the current <authorization identifier> for
the creation of the schema.
The current <authorization identifier> determines the privileges
for the execution of each SQL-statement. For direct SQL, the SQL-
session <authorization identifier> is always the current <autho-
rization identifier>.
Each privilege is represented by a privilege descriptor. A privi-
lege descriptor contains:
- the identification of the table, column, domain, character set,
collation, or translation that the descriptor describes;
- the <authorization identifier> of the grantor of the privilege;
Concepts 65
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4.26 Privileges
- the <authorization identifier> of the grantee of the privilege;
- identification of the action that the privilege allows; and
- an indication of whether or not the privilege is grantable.
A privilege descriptor with an action of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
SELECT, or REFERENCES is called a table privilege descriptor and
identifies the existence of a privilege on the table identified by
the privilege descriptor.
A privilege descriptor with an action of SELECT (<column name
list>), INSERT (<column name list>), UPDATE (<column name list>),
or REFERENCES (<column name list>) is called a column privilege de-
scriptor and identifies the existence of a privilege on the column
in the table identified by the privilege descriptor.
Note: In this International Standard, a SELECT column privilege
cannot be explicitly granted or revoked. However, for the sake
of compatibility with planned future language extensions, SELECT
column privilege descriptors will appear in the Information Schema.
A table privilege descriptor specifies that the privilege iden-
tified by the action (unless the action is DELETE) is to be au-
tomatically granted by the grantor to the grantee on all columns
subsequently added to the table.
A privilege descriptor with an action of USAGE is called a usage
privilege descriptor and identifies the existence of a privilege on
the domain, character set, collation, or translation identified by
the privilege descriptor.
A grantable privilege is a privilege associated with a schema that
may be granted by a <grant statement>.
The phrase applicable privileges refers to the privileges defined
by the privilege descriptors that define privileges granted to the
current <authorization identifier>.
The set of applicable privileges for the current <authorization
identifier> consists of the privileges defined by the privilege
descriptors associated with that <authorization identifier> and
the privileges defined by the privilege descriptors associated with
Privilege descriptors that represent privileges for the owner of
an object have a special grantor value, "_SYSTEM". This value is
reflected in the Information Schema for all privileges that apply
to the owner of the object.
4.27 SQL-agents
An SQL-agent is an implementation-dependent entity that causes the
execution of SQL-statements.
66 Database Language SQL
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4.28 SQL-transactions
4.28 SQL-transactions
An SQL-transaction (sometimes simply called a "transaction") is
a sequence of executions of SQL-statements that is atomic with
respect to recovery. These operations are performed by one or more
compilation units and <module>s or by the direct invocation of SQL.
It is implementation-defined whether or not the non-dynamic or
dynamic execution of an SQL-data statement or the execution of
an <SQL dynamic data statement> is permitted to occur within the
same SQL-transaction as the non-dynamic or dynamic execution of
an SQL-schema statement. If it does occur, then the effect on any
open cursor, prepared dynamic statement, or deferred constraint
is implementation-defined. There may be additional implementation-
defined restrictions, requirements, and conditions. If any such
restrictions, requirements, or conditions are violated, then an
implementation-defined exception condition or a completion con-
dition warning with an implementation-defined subclass code is
Each <module> or direct invocation of SQL that executes an
SQL-statement of an SQL-transaction is associated with that
SQL-transaction. An SQL-transaction is initiated when no SQL-
transaction is currently active and a <procedure> is called that
results in the execution of a transaction-initiating SQL-statement
or by direct invocation of SQL that results in the execution of a
transaction-initiating <direct SQL statement>. An SQL-transaction
is terminated by a <commit statement> or a <rollback statement>.
If an SQL-transaction is terminated by successful execution of a
<commit statement>, then all changes made to SQL-data or schemas by
that SQL-transaction are made persistent and accessible to all con-
current and subsequent SQL-transactions. If an SQL-transaction is
terminated by a <rollback statement> or unsuccessful execution of
a <commit statement>, then all changes made to SQL-data or schemas
by that SQL-transaction are canceled. Committed changes cannot be
canceled. If execution of a <commit statement> is attempted, but
certain exception conditions are raised, it is unknown whether or
not the changes made to SQL-data or schemas by that SQL-transaction
are canceled or made persistent.
An SQL-transaction has a constraint mode for each integrity con-
straint. The constraint mode for an integrity constraint in an
SQL-transaction is described in Subclause 4.10, "Integrity con-
An SQL-transaction has an access mode that is either read-only or
read-write. The access mode may be explicitly set by a <set trans-
action statement>; otherwise, it is implicitly set to read-write.
The term read-only applies only to viewed tables and persistent
base tables.
An SQL-transaction has a diagnostics area limit, which is a pos-
itive integer that specifies the maximum number of conditions
that can be placed in the diagnostics area during execution of
an SQL-statement in this SQL-transaction.
Concepts 67
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4.28 SQL-transactions
SQL-transactions initiated by different SQL-agents that access
the same SQL-data or schemas and overlap in time are concurrent
An SQL-transaction has an isolation level that is READ UNCOMMITTED,
level of an SQL-transaction defines the degree to which the opera-
tions on SQL-data or schemas in that SQL-transaction are affected
by the effects of and can affect operations on SQL-data or schemas
in concurrent SQL-transactions. The isolation level of a SQL-
transaction is SERIALIZABLE by default. The level can be explicitly
set by the <set transaction statement>.
The execution of concurrent SQL-transactions at isolation level
SERIALIZABLE is guaranteed to be serializable. A serializable exe-
cution is defined to be an execution of the operations of concur-
rently executing SQL-transactions that produces the same effect as
some serial execution of those same SQL-transactions. A serial exe-
cution is one in which each SQL-transaction executes to completion
before the next SQL-transaction begins.
The isolation level specifies the kind of phenomena that can occur
during the execution of concurrent SQL-transactions. The following
phenomena are possible:
1) P1 ("Dirty read"): SQL-transaction T1 modifies a row. SQL-
transaction T2 then reads that row before T1 performs a COMMIT.
If T1 then performs a ROLLBACK, T2 will have read a row that was
never committed and that may thus be considered to have never
2) P2 ("Non-repeatable read"): SQL-transaction T1 reads a row. SQL-
transaction T2 then modifies or deletes that row and performs
a COMMIT. If T1 then attempts to reread the row, it may receive
the modified value or discover that the row has been deleted.
3) P3 ("Phantom"): SQL-transaction T1 reads the set of rows N
that satisfy some <search condition>. SQL-transaction T2 then
executes SQL-statements that generate one or more rows that
satisfy the <search condition> used by SQL-transaction T1. If
SQL-transaction T1 then repeats the initial read with the same
<search condition>, it obtains a different collection of rows.
The four isolation levels guarantee that each SQL-transaction will
be executed completely or not at all, and that no updates will be
lost. The isolation levels are different with respect to phenomena
P1, P2, and P3. Table 9, "SQL-transaction isolation levels and the
three phenomena" specifies the phenomena that are possible and not
possible for a given isolation level.
68 Database Language SQL
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4.28 SQL-transactions
| READ UNCOMMITTED | Possib|e Possib|e Possible |
| | | | |
| READ COMMITTED | Not | Possibl| Possible |
| REPEATABLE READ | Not | Not | Possible |
| | Possib|e Possib|e |
| | | | |
| SERIALIZABLE | Not | Not | Not Possible |
| | | | |
|Note: The exclusion of|these p|enomena |or SQL-transactions ex- |
ecuting at isolation level SERIALIZABLE is a consequence of the
requirement that such transactions be serializable.
Changes made to SQL-data or schemas by an SQL-transaction in an
SQL-session may be perceived by that SQL-transaction in that
same SQL-session, and by other SQL-transactions, or by that same
SQL-transaction in other SQL-sessions, at isolation level READ
UNCOMMITTED, but cannot be perceived by other SQL-transactions at
until the former SQL-transaction terminates with a <commit state-
Regardless of the isolation level of the SQL-transaction, phenomena
P1, P2, and P3 shall not occur during the implied reading of schema
definitions performed on behalf of executing an SQL-statement, the
checking of integrity constraints, and the execution of referen-
tial actions associated with referential constraints. The schema
definitions that are implicitly read are implementation-dependent.
This does not affect the explicit reading of rows from tables in
the Information Schema, which is done at the isolation level of the
The execution of a <rollback statement> may be initiated implicitly
by an implementation when it detects the inability to guarantee the
serializability of two or more concurrent SQL-transactions. When
this error occurs, an exception condition is raised: transaction
rollback-serialization failure.
The execution of a <rollback statement> may be initiated implicitly
by an implementation when it detects unrecoverable errors. When
such an error occurs, an exception condition is raised: transaction
rollback with an implementation-defined subclass code.
The execution of an SQL-statement within an SQL-transaction has
no effect on SQL-data or schemas other than the effect stated in
the General Rules for that SQL-statement, in the General Rules
for Subclause 11.8, "<referential constraint definition>", and
in the General Rules for Subclause 12.3, "<procedure>". Together
with serializable execution, this implies that all read opera-
tions are repeatable within an SQL-transaction at isolation level
SERIALIZABLE, except for:
Concepts 69
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4.28 SQL-transactions
1) the effects of changes to SQL-data or schemas and its contents
made explicitly by the SQL-transaction itself,
2) the effects of differences in parameter values supplied to pro-
cedures, and
3) the effects of references to time-varying system variables such
In some environments (e.g., remote database access), an SQL-
transaction can be part of an encompassing transaction that is
controlled by an agent other than the SQL-agent. The encompass-
ing transaction may involve different resource managers, the
SQL-environment being just one instance of such a manager. In
such environments, an encompassing transaction shall be ter-
minated via that other agent, which in turn interacts with the
SQL-environment via an interface that may be different from SQL
(COMMIT or ROLLBACK), in order to coordinate the orderly termi-
nation of the encompassing transaction. When an SQL-transaction
is part of an encompassing transaction that is controlled by an
agent other than an SQL-agent and a <rollback statement> is ini-
tiated implicitly by an implementation, then the implementation
will interact with that other agent to terminate that encompassing
transaction. The specification of the interface between such agents
and the SQL-environment is beyond the scope of this International
Standard. However, it is important to note that the semantics of an
SQL-transaction remain as defined in the following sense:
- When an agent that is different from the SQL-agent requests
the SQL-environment to rollback an SQL-transaction, the General
Rules of Subclause 14.4, "<rollback statement>", are performed.
- When such an agent requests the SQL-environment to commit an
SQL-transaction, the General Rules of Subclause 14.3, "<commit
statement>", are performed. To guarantee orderly termination
of the encompassing transaction, this commit operation may be
processed in several phases not visible to the application; not
all the General Rules of Subclause 14.3, "<commit statement>",
need to be executed in a single phase.
However, even in such environments, the SQL-agent interacts di-
rectly with the SQL-server to set attributes (such as read-only
or read-write, isolation level, and constraints mode) that are
specific to the SQL-transaction model.
4.29 SQL-connections
An SQL-connection is an association between an SQL-client and an
SQL-server. An SQL-connection may be established and named by a
<connect statement>, which identifies the desired SQL-server by
means of an <SQL-server name>. A <connection name> is specified
70 Database Language SQL
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4.29 SQL-connections
as a <simple value specification> whose value is an <identi-
fier>. Two <connection name>s identify the same SQL-connection
if their values, with leading and trailing <space>s removed, are
equivalent according to the rules for <identifier> comparison in
Subclause 5.2, "<token> and <separator>". It is implementation-
defined how an implementation uses <SQL-server name> to determine
the location, identity, and communication protocol required to
access the SQL-server and create an SQL-session.
An SQL-connection is an active SQL-connection if any SQL-statement
that initiates or requires an SQL-transaction has been executed at
its SQL-server during the current SQL-transaction.
An SQL-connection is either current or dormant. If the SQL-
connection established by the most recently executed implicit
or explicit <connect statement> or <set connection statement>
has not been terminated, then that SQL-connection is the current
SQL-connection; otherwise, there is no current SQL-connection. An
existing SQL-connection that is not the current SQL-connection is a
dormant SQL-connection.
An SQL-implementation may detect the loss of the current SQL-
connection during execution of any SQL-statement. When such a
connection failure is detected, an exception condition is raised:
transaction rollback-statement completion unknown. This excep-
tion condition indicates that the results of the actions performed
in the SQL-server on behalf of the statement are unknown to the
Similarly, an SQL-implementation may detect the loss of the current
SQL-connection during the execution of a <commit statement>. When
such a connection failure is detected, an exception condition is
raised: connection exception-transaction resolution unknown. This
exception condition indicates that the SQL-implementation cannot
verify whether the SQL-transaction was committed successfully,
rolled back, or left active.
A user may initiate an SQL-connection between the SQL-client as-
sociated with the SQL-agent and a specific SQL-server by executing
a <connect statement>. Otherwise, an SQL-connection between the
SQL-client and an implementation-defined default SQL-server is
initiated when a <procedure> is called and no SQL-connection is
current. The SQL-connection associated with an implementation-
defined default SQL-server is called the default SQL-connection.
An SQL-connection is terminated either by executing a <disconnect
statement>, or following the last call to a <procedure> within the
last active <module>, or by the last execution of a <direct SQL
statement> through the direct invocation of SQL. The mechanism and
rules by which an SQL-environment determines whether a call to a
<procedure> is the last call within the last active <module> or
the last execution of a <direct SQL statement> through the direct
invocation of SQL are implementation-defined.
Concepts 71
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4.29 SQL-connections
An implementation shall support at least one SQL-connection and
may require that the SQL-server be identified at the binding time
chosen by the implementation. If an implementation permits more
than one concurrent SQL-connection, then the SQL-agent may connect
to more than one SQL-server and select the SQL-server by executing
a <set connection statement>.
4.30 SQL-sessions
An SQL-session spans the execution of a sequence of consecutive
SQL-statements invoked by a single user from a single SQL-agent or
by the direct invocation of SQL.
An SQL-session is associated with an SQL-connection. The SQL-
session associated with the default SQL-connection is called the
default SQL-session. An SQL-session is either current or dormant.
The current SQL-session is the SQL-session associated with the cur-
rent SQL-connection. A dormant SQL-session is an SQL-session that
is associated with a dormant SQL-connection.
An SQL-session has an SQL-session <module> that is different
from any other <module> that exists simultaneously in the SQL-
environment. The SQL-session <module> contains the global prepared
SQL-statements that belong to the SQL-session. The SQL-session
<module> contains a <module authorization clause> that speci-
fies SCHEMA <schema name>, where the value of <schema name> is
Within an SQL-session, declared local temporary tables are effec-
tively created by <temporary table declaration>s. Declared local
temporary tables are accessible only to invocations of <proce-
dure>s in the <module> in which they are created. The definitions
of declared local temporary tables persist until the end of the
An SQL-session has a unique implementation-dependent SQL-session
identifier. This SQL-session identifier is different from the SQL-
session identifier of any other concurrent SQL-session. The SQL-
session identifier is used to effectively define implementation-
defined schemas that contain the instances of any global temporary
tables, created local temporary tables, or declared local temporary
tables within the SQL-session.
An SQL-session has an <authorization identifier> that is initially
set to an implementation-defined value when the SQL-session is
started, unless the SQL-session is started as a result of suc-
cessful execution of a <connect statement>, in which case the
<authorization identifier> of the SQL-session is set to the value
of the implicit or explicit <user name> contained in the <connect
72 Database Language SQL
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4.30 SQL-sessions
An SQL-session has a default catalog name that is used to effec-
tively qualify unqualified <schema name>s that are contained in
<preparable statement>s when those statements are prepared in the
current SQL-session by either an <execute immediate statement>
or a <prepare statement> or are contained in <direct SQL state-
ment>s when those statements are invoked directly. The default
catalog name is initially set to an implementation-defined value
but can subsequently be changed by the successful execution of a
<set catalog statement> or <set schema statement>.
An SQL-session has a default unqualified schema name that is used
to effectively qualify unqualified <qualified name>s that are con-
tained in <preparable statement>s when those statements are pre-
pared in the current SQL-session by either an <execute immediate
statement> or a <prepare statement> or are contained in <direct SQL
statement>s when those statements are invoked directly. The default
unqualified schema name is initially set to an implementation-
defined value but can subsequently be changed by the successful
execution of a <set schema statement>.
An SQL-session has a default character set name that is used to
identify the character set implicit for <identifier>s and <charac-
ter string literal>s that are contained in <preparable statement>s
when those statements are prepared in the current SQL-session by
either an <execute immediate statement> or a <prepare statement> or
are contained in <direct SQL statement>s when those statements are
invoked directly. The default character set name is initially set
to an implementation-defined value but can subsequently be changed
by the successful execution of a <set names statement>.
An SQL-session has a default local time zone displacement, which is
a value of data type INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE. The default local
time zone displacement is initially set to an implementation-
defined value but can subsequently be changed by successful exe-
cution of a <set local time zone statement>.
An SQL-session has context that is preserved when an SQL-session
is made dormant and restored when the SQL-session is made current.
This context comprises:
- the current SQL-session identifier,
- the current <authorization identifier>,
- the identities of all instances of temporary tables,
- the SQL-session <module>,
- the current default catalog name,
- the current default unqualified schema name,
- the current character set name substitution value,
- the current default time zone,
Concepts 73
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4.30 SQL-sessions
- the current constraint mode for each integrity constraint,
- the current transaction access mode,
- the cursor position of all open cursors,
- the contents of all SQL dynamic descriptor areas,
- the current transaction isolation level, and
- the current transaction diagnostics area limit.
4.31 Client-server operation
Within an SQL-environment, an SQL-implementation may be considered
to effectively contain an SQL-client component and one or more
SQL-server components.
When an SQL-agent is active, it is bound in some implementation-
defined manner to a single SQL-client. That SQL-client processes
the explicit or implicit <SQL connection statement> for the first
call to a <procedure> by an SQL-agent. The SQL-client communicates
with, either directly or possibly through other agents such as RDA,
one or more SQL-servers. An SQL-session involves an SQL-agent, an
SQL-client, and a single SQL-server.
<module>s associated with the SQL-agent exist in the SQL-
environment containing the SQL-client associated with the SQL-
Called <procedure>s (and, analogously, <direct SQL statement>s)
containing an <SQL connection statement> or an <SQL diagnostics
statement> are processed by the SQL-client. Following the suc-
cessful execution of a <connect statement> or a <set connection
statement>, the <module>s associated with the SQL-agent are ef-
fectively materialized with an implementation-dependent <module
name> in the SQL-server. Other called <procedure>s and <direct SQL
statement>s are processed by the SQL-server.
A call by the SQL-agent to a <procedure> containing an <SQL di-
agnostics statement> fetches information from the diagnostics
area associated with the SQL-client. Following the execution of
an <SQL procedure statement> by an SQL-server, diagnostic in-
formation is passed in an implementation-dependent manner into
the SQL-agent's diagnostics area in the SQL-client. The effect
on diagnostic information of incompatibilities between the char-
acter repertoires supported by the SQL-client and SQL-server is
74 Database Language SQL
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4.32 Information Schema
4.32 Information Schema
In each catalog in an SQL-environment, there is a schema, the
Information Schema, with the name INFORMATION_SCHEMA, contain-
ing a number of view descriptors, one base table descriptor ,
and several domain descriptors. The data accessible through these
views is a representation of all of the descriptors in all of the
schemas in that catalog. The <query expression> of each view en-
sures that a given user can access only those rows of the view
that represent descriptors on which he has privileges. The rows
of each view are required to represent correctly the descriptors
in the catalog as they existed at the start of the current SQL-
transaction, as modified subsequently by any changes made by the
current SQL-transaction. The SELECT privilege is granted on each
of the Information Schema views to PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION so they
can be queried by any user and so that the SELECT privilege can
be further granted on views that reference the Information Schema
views. No further privilege is granted on them, so they cannot be
The viewed tables in INFORMATION_SCHEMA are defined in terms of
a collection of base tables in a schema named DEFINITION_SCHEMA,
the Definition Schema. The only purpose of the definition of these
base tables is to provide a data model to support the Information
Schema. An implementation need do no more than simulate the exis-
tence of the base tables as viewed through the Information Schema
The Information Schema describes itself. It does not describe the
base tables or views of the Definition Schema. If an implemen-
tation has defined additional objects that are associated with
INFORMATION_SCHEMA, then those objects shall also be described in
the Information Schema views.
4.33 Leveling
Three levels of conformance are specified in this International
Entry SQL includes the statements for defining schemas, data ma-
nipulation language, referential integrity, check constraints, and
default clause from ISO/IEC 9075:1989, and options for module lan-
guage and embedded SQL interfaces to seven different programming
languages, as well as direct execution of the data manipulation
statements. It also includes features related to deprecated fea-
tures from ISO/IEC 9075:1989 (commas and parentheses in parameter
lists, the SQLSTATE parameter, and renaming columns in the <se-
lect list>), features related to incompatibilities with ISO/IEC
9075:1989 (colons preceding <parameter name>s, WITH CHECK OPTION
constraint clarifications), and aids for transitioning from ISO/IEC
9075:1989 to this International Standard (<delimited identifier>s).
Concepts 75
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4.33 Leveling
Finally, it contains changes to correct defects found in ISO/IEC
9075:1989 (see Annex F, "Maintenance and interpretation of SQL").
Intermediate SQL includes major new facilities such as statements
for changing schemas, dynamic SQL, and isolation levels for SQL-
transactions. It also includes multiple-module support and cascade
delete on referential actions, as well as numerous functional en-
hancements such as row and table expressions, union join, character
string operations, table intersection and difference operations,
simple domains, the CASE expression, casting between data types,
a diagnostics management capability for data administration and
more comprehensive error analysis, multiple character repertoires,
interval and simplified datetime data types, and variable-length
character strings. It also includes a requirement for a flagger
facility to aid in writing portable applications.
Full SQL increases orthogonality and includes deferred constraint
checking and named constraints. Other technical enhancements in-
clude additional user options to define datetime data types,
self-referencing updates and deletes, cascade update on referen-
tial actions, subqueries in check constraints, scrolled cursors,
character translations, a bit string data type, temporary tables,
additional referential constraint options, and simple assertions.
4.34 SQL Flagger
An SQL Flagger is an implementation-provided facility that is able
to identify SQL language extensions, or other SQL processing al-
ternatives, that may be provided by a conforming SQL-implementation
(see Subclause 23.3, "Extensions and options"). An SQL Flagger
is intended to assist SQL programmers in producing SQL language
that is both portable and interoperable among different conform-
ing SQL-implementations operating under different levels of this
International Standard.
An SQL Flagger is intended to effect a static check of SQL lan-
guage. There is no requirement to detect extensions that cannot be
determined until the General Rules are evaluated.
An SQL-implementation need only flag SQL language that is not oth-
erwise in error as far as that implementation is concerned.
Note: If a system is processing SQL language that contains er-
rors, then it may be very difficult within a single statement to
determine what is an error and what is an extension. As one pos-
sibility, an implementation may choose to check SQL language in
two steps; first through its normal syntax analyzer and secondly
through the SQL Flagger. The first step produces error messages
for nonstandard SQL language that the implementation cannot process
or recognize. The second step processes SQL language that contains
no errors as far as that implementation is concerned; it detects
and flags at one time all nonstandard SQL language that could be
processed by that implementation. Any such two-step process should
be transparent to the end user.
76 Database Language SQL
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4.34 SQL Flagger
In order to provide upward compatibility for its own customer base,
or to provide performance advantages under special circumstances, a
conforming SQL-implementation may provide user options to process
conforming SQL language in a nonconforming manner. If this is the
case, then it is required that the implementation also provide a
flagger option, or some other implementation-defined means, to
detect SQL conforming language that may be processed differently
under the various user options. This flagger feature allows an
application programmer to identify conforming SQL language that may
perform differently in alternative processing environments provided
by a conforming SQL-implementation. It also provides a valuable
tool in identifying SQL elements that may have to be modified if
SQL language is to be moved from a nonconforming to a conforming
SQL processing environment.
An SQL Flagger provides one or more of the following "level of
flagging" options:
- Entry SQL Flagging
- Intermediate SQL Flagging
- Full SQL Flagging
An SQL Flagger that provides one of these options shall be able to
identify SQL language constructs that violate the indicated level
of SQL language as defined in Subclause 4.33, "Leveling".
An SQL Flagger provides one or more of the following "extent of
checking" options:
- Syntax Only
- Catalog Lookup
Under the Syntax Only option, the SQL Flagger analyzes only the SQL
language that is presented; it checks for violations of any Syntax
Rules that can be determined without access to the Information
Under the Catalog Lookup option, the SQL Flagger assumes the avail-
ability of Definition Schema information and checks for violations
of all Syntax Rules and Access Rules, except Access Rules that deal
with privileges. For example, some Syntax Rules place restrictions
on data types; this flagger option would identify extensions that
relax such restrictions. In order to avoid security breaches, this
option may view the Definition Schema only through the eyes of a
specific Information Schema.
Concepts 77
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78 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5 Lexical elements
5.1 <SQL terminal character>
Define the terminal symbols of the SQL language and the elements of
<SQL terminal character> ::=
<SQL language character>
| <SQL embedded language character>
<SQL embedded language character> ::=
<left bracket>
| <right bracket>
<SQL language character> ::=
<simple Latin letter>
| <digit>
| <SQL special character>
<simple Latin letter> ::=
<simple Latin upper case letter>
| <simple Latin lower case letter>
<simple Latin upper case letter> ::=
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
<simple Latin lower case letter> ::=
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o
| p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
<digit> ::=
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<SQL special character> ::=
| <double quote>
| <percent>
| <ampersand>
| <quote>
| <left paren>
| <right paren>
| <asterisk>
Lexical elements 79
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.1 <SQL terminal character>
| <plus sign>
| <comma>
| <minus sign>
| <period>
| <solidus>
| <colon>
| <semicolon>
| <less than operator>
| <equals operator>
| <greater than operator>
| <question mark>
| <underscore>
| <vertical bar>
<space> ::= !! space character in character set in use
<double quote> ::= "
<percent> ::= %
<ampersand> ::= &
<quote> ::= '
<left paren> ::= (
<right paren> ::= )
<asterisk> ::= *
<plus sign> ::= +
<comma> ::= ,
<minus sign> ::= -
<period> ::= .
<solidus> ::= /
<colon> ::= :
<semicolon> ::= ;
<less than operator> ::= <
<equals operator> ::= =
<greater than operator> ::= >
<question mark> ::= ?
<left bracket> ::= [
80 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.1 <SQL terminal character>
<right bracket> ::= ]
<underscore> ::= _
<vertical bar> ::= |
Syntax Rules
Access Rules
General Rules
1) There is a one-to-one correspondence between the symbols con-
tained in <simple Latin upper case letter> and the symbols
contained in <simple Latin lower case letter> such that, for
all i, the symbol defined as the i-th alternative for <simple
Latin upper case letter> corresponds to the symbol defined as
the i-th alternative for <simple Latin lower case letter>.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
Lexical elements 81
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.2 <token> and <separator>
5.2 <token> and <separator>
Specify lexical units (tokens and separators) that participate in
SQL language.
<token> ::=
<nondelimiter token>
| <delimiter token>
<nondelimiter token> ::=
<regular identifier>
| <key word>
| <unsigned numeric literal>
| <national character string literal>
| <bit string literal>
| <hex string literal>
<regular identifier> ::= <identifier body>
<identifier body> ::=
<identifier start> [ { <underscore> | <identifier part> }... ]
<identifier start> ::= !! See the Syntax Rules
<identifier part> ::=
<identifier start>
| <digit>
<delimited identifier> ::=
<double quote> <delimited identifier body> <double quote>
<delimited identifier body> ::= <delimited identifier part>...
<delimited identifier part> ::=
<nondoublequote character>
| <doublequote symbol>
<nondoublequote character> ::= !! See the Syntax Rules
<doublequote symbol> ::= <double quote><double quote>
<delimiter token> ::=
<character string literal>
| <date string>
| <time string>
| <timestamp string>
| <interval string>
| <delimited identifier>
82 Database Language SQL
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5.2 <token> and <separator>
| <SQL special character>
| <not equals operator>
| <greater than or equals operator>
| <less than or equals operator>
| <concatenation operator>
| <double period>
| <left bracket>
| <right bracket>
<not equals operator> ::= <>
<greater than or equals operator> ::= >=
<less than or equals operator> ::= <=
<concatenation operator> ::= ||
<double period> ::= ..
<separator> ::= { <comment> | <space> | <newline> }...
<comment> ::=
<comment introducer> [ <comment character>... ] <newline>
<comment character> ::=
<nonquote character>
| <quote>
<comment introducer> ::= <minus sign><minus sign>[<minus sign>...]
<newline> ::= !! implementation-defined end-of-line indicator
<key word> ::=
<reserved word>
| <non-reserved word>
<non-reserved word> ::=
Lexical elements 83
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.2 <token> and <separator>
<reserved word> ::=
| ANY | ARE | AS | ASC
84 Database Language SQL
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5.2 <token> and <separator>
Note: The list of <reserved word>s is considerably longer than
the analogous list of <key word>s in ISO/IEC 9075:1989. To assist
users of this International Standard avoid such words in a possible
future revision, the following list of potential <reserved word>s
is provided. Readers must understand that there is no guarantee
that all of these words will, in fact, become <reserved word>s
in any future revision; furthermore, it is almost certain that
additional words will be added to this list as any possible future
revision emerges.
Syntax Rules
1) An <identifier start> is one of:
a) A <simple Latin letter>; or
b) A character that is identified as a letter in the character
repertoire identified by the <module character set specifica-
tion> or by the <character set specification>; or
Lexical elements 85
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.2 <token> and <separator>
c) A character that is identified as a syllable in the char-
acter repertoire identified by the <module character set
specification> or by the <character set specification>; or
d) A character that is identified as an ideograph in the char-
acter repertoire identified by the <module character set
specification> or by the <character set specification>.
2) With the exception of the <space> character explicitly contained
in <timestamp string> and <interval string> and the permitted
<separator>s in <bit string literal>s and <hex string literal>s,
a <token>, other than a <character string literal>, a <national
character string literal>, or a <delimited identifier>, shall
not include a <space> character or other <separator>.
3) A <nondoublequote character> is one of:
a) Any <SQL language character> other than a <double quote>;
b) Any character other than a <double quote> in the character
repertoire identified by the <module character set specifica-
tion>; or
c) Any character other than a <double quote> in the character
repertoire identified by the <character set specification>.
4) The two <doublequote>s contained in a <doublequote symbol> shall
not be separated by any <separator>.
5) Any <token> may be followed by a <separator>. A <nondelimiter
token> shall be followed by a <delimiter token> or a <separa-
tor>. If the Format does not allow a <nondelimiter token> to be
followed by a <delimiter token>, then that <nondelimiter token>
shall be followed by a <separator>.
6) There shall be no <space> nor <newline> separating the <minus
sign>s of a <comment introducer>.
7) SQL text containing one or more instances of <comment> is equiv-
alent to the same SQL text with the <comment> replaced with
8) The sum of the number of <identifier start>s and the number
of <identifier part>s in a <regular identifier> shall not be
greater than 128.
9) The <delimited identifier body> of a <delimited identifier>
shall not comprise more than 128 <delimited identifier part>s.
10)The <identifier body> of a <regular identifier> is equivalent
to an <identifier body> in which every letter that is a lower-
case letter is replaced by the equivalent upper-case letter
or letters. This treatment includes determination of equiva-
lence, representation in the Information and Definition Schemas,
representation in the diagnostics area, and similar uses.
86 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.2 <token> and <separator>
11)The <identifier body> of a <regular identifier> (with every
letter that is a lower-case letter replaced by the equivalent
upper-case letter or letters), treated as the repetition of
a <character string literal> that specifies a <character set
specification> of SQL_TEXT, shall not be equal, according to
the comparison rules in Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>",
to any <reserved word> (with every letter that is a lower-case
letter replaced by the equivalent upper-case letter or letters),
treated as the repetition of a <character string literal> that
specifies a <character set specification> of SQL_TEXT.
Note: It is the intention that no <key word> specified in this
International Standard or revisions thereto shall end with an
12)Two <regular identifier>s are equivalent if their <identifier
body>s, considered as the repetition of a <character string
literal> that specifies a <character set specification> of
SQL_TEXT, compare equally according to the comparison rules
in Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>".
13)A <regular identifier> and a <delimited identifier> are equiva-
lent if the <identifier body> of the <regular identifier> (with
every letter that is a lower-case letter replaced by the equiva-
lent upper-case letter or letters) and the <delimited identifier
body> of the <delimited identifier> (with all occurrences of
<quote> replaced by <quote symbol> and all occurrences of <dou-
blequote symbol> replaced by <double quote>), considered as
the repetition of a <character string literal> that specifies a
<character set specification> of SQL_TEXT and an implementation-
defined collation that is sensitive to case, compare equally
according to the comparison rules in Subclause 8.2, "<comparison
14)Two <delimited identifier>s are equivalent if their <delimited
identifier body>s (with all occurrences of <quote> replaced
by <quote symbol> and all occurrences of <doublequote symbol>
replaced by <doublequote>), considered as the repetition of a
<character string literal> that specifies a <character set spec-
ification> of SQL_TEXT and an implementation-defined collation
that is sensitive to case, compare equally according to the
comparison rules in Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>".
15)For the purposes of identifying <key word>s, any <simple Latin
lower case letter> contained in a candidate <key word> shall
be effectively treated as the corresponding <simple Latin upper
case letter>.
Access Rules
Lexical elements 87
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.2 <token> and <separator>
General Rules
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) No <identifier body> shall end in an <underscore>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) No <regular identifier> or <delimited identifier body> shall
contain more than 18 <character representation>s.
b) An <identifier body> shall contain no <simple Latin lower
case letter>.
88 Database Language SQL
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5.3 <literal>
5.3 <literal>
Specify a non-null value.
<literal> ::=
<signed numeric literal>
| <general literal>
<unsigned literal> ::=
<unsigned numeric literal>
| <general literal>
<general literal> ::=
<character string literal>
| <national character string literal>
| <bit string literal>
| <hex string literal>
| <datetime literal>
| <interval literal>
<character string literal> ::=
[ <introducer><character set specification> ]
<quote> [ <character representation>... ] <quote>
[ { <separator>... <quote> [ <character representation>... ] <quote> }... ]
<introducer> ::= <underscore>
<character representation> ::=
<nonquote character>
| <quote symbol>
<nonquote character> ::= !! See the Syntax Rules.
<quote symbol> ::= <quote><quote>
<national character string literal> ::=
N <quote> [ <character representation>... ] <quote>
[ { <separator>... <quote> [ <character representation>... ] <quote> }... ]
<bit string literal> ::=
B <quote> [ <bit>... ] <quote>
[ { <separator>... <quote> [ <bit>... ] <quote> }... ]
<hex string literal> ::=
X <quote> [ <hexit>... ] <quote>
[ { <separator>... <quote> [ <hexit>... ] <quote> }... ]
Lexical elements 89
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5.3 <literal>
<bit> ::= 0 | 1
<hexit> ::= <digit> | A | B | C | D | E | F | a | b | c | d | e | f
<signed numeric literal> ::=
[ <sign> ] <unsigned numeric literal>
<unsigned numeric literal> ::=
<exact numeric literal>
| <approximate numeric literal>
<exact numeric literal> ::=
<unsigned integer> [ <period> [ <unsigned integer> ] ]
| <period> <unsigned integer>
<sign> ::= <plus sign> | <minus sign>
<approximate numeric literal> ::= <mantissa> E <exponent>
<mantissa> ::= <exact numeric literal>
<exponent> ::= <signed integer>
<signed integer> ::= [ <sign> ] <unsigned integer>
<unsigned integer> ::= <digit>...
<datetime literal> ::=
<date literal>
| <time literal>
| <timestamp literal>
<date literal> ::=
DATE <date string>
<time literal> ::=
TIME <time string>
<timestamp literal> ::=
TIMESTAMP <timestamp string>
<date string> ::=
<quote> <date value> <quote>
<time string> ::=
<quote> <time value> [ <time zone interval> ] <quote>
<timestamp string> ::=
<quote> <date value> <space> <time value> [ <time zone interval> ] <quote>
<time zone interval> ::=
90 Database Language SQL
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5.3 <literal>
<sign> <hours value> <colon> <minutes value>
<date value> ::=
<years value> <minus sign> <months value> <minus sign> <days value>
<time value> ::=
<hours value> <colon> <minutes value> <colon> <seconds value>
<interval literal> ::=
INTERVAL [ <sign> ] <interval string> <interval qualifier>
<interval string> ::=
<quote> { <year-month literal> | <day-time literal> } <quote>
<year-month literal> ::=
<years value>
| [ <years value> <minus sign> ] <months value>
<day-time literal> ::=
<day-time interval>
| <time interval>
<day-time interval> ::=
<days value>
[ <space> <hours value> [ <colon> <minutes value> [ <colon> <seconds value> ] ] ]
<time interval> ::=
<hours value> [ <colon> <minutes value> [ <colon> <seconds value> ] ]
| <minutes value> [ <colon> <seconds value> ]
| <seconds value>
<years value> ::= <datetime value>
<months value> ::= <datetime value>
<days value> ::= <datetime value>
<hours value> ::= <datetime value>
<minutes value> ::= <datetime value>
<seconds value> ::=
<seconds integer value> [ <period> [ <seconds fraction> ] ]
<seconds integer value> ::= <unsigned integer>
<seconds fraction> ::= <unsigned integer>
Lexical elements 91
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.3 <literal>
<datetime value> ::= <unsigned integer>
Syntax Rules
1) In a <character string literal> or <national character string
literal>, the sequence:
<quote> <character representation>... <quote>
<separator>... <quote> <character representation>... <quote>
is equivalent to the sequence
<quote> <character representation>... <character representa-
tion>... <quote>
Note: The <character representation>s in the equivalent se-
quence are in the same sequence and relative sequence as in the
original <character string literal>.
2) In a <bit string literal>, the sequence
<quote> <bit>... <quote> <separator>... <quote> <bit>...
is equivalent to the sequence
<quote> <bit>... <bit>... <quote>
Note: The <bit>s in the equivalent sequence are in the same
sequence and relative sequence as in the original <bit string
3) In a <hex string literal>, the sequence
<quote> <hexit>... <quote> <separator>... <quote> <hexit>...
is equivalent to the sequence
<quote> <hexit>... <hexit>... <quote>
Note: The <hexit>s in the equivalent sequence are in the same
sequence and relative sequence as in the original <hex string
4) In a <character string literal>, <national character string
literal>, <bit string literal>, or <hex string literal>, a <sep-
arator> shall contain a <newline>.
5) A <nonquote character> is one of:
a) Any <SQL language character> other than a <quote>;
b) Any character other than a <quote> in the character reper-
toire identified by the <module character set specification>;
c) Any character other than a <quote> in the character reper-
toire identified by the <character set specification> or
implied by "N".
92 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.3 <literal>
6) If a <character set specification> is not specified in a <char-
acter string literal>, then the set of characters contained
in the <character string literal> shall be wholly contained
in either <SQL language character> or the character repertoire
indicated by:
a) If the <character string literal> is contained in a <module>,
then the <module character set specification>,
b) If the <character string literal> is contained in a <schema
definition> that is not contained in a <module>, then the
<schema character set specification>,
c) If the <character string literal> is contained in a <prepara-
ble statement> that is prepared in the current SQL-session
by an <execute immediate statement> or a <prepare statement>
or in a <direct SQL statement> that is invoked directly, then
the default character set name for the SQL-session.
7) If a <character set specification> is specified in a <character
string literal>, then
a) There shall be no <separator> between the <introducer> and
the <character set specification>.
b) The set of characters contained in the <character string lit-
eral> shall be wholly contained in the character repertoire
indicated by the <character set specification>.
8) A <national character string literal> is equivalent to a
<character string literal> with the "N" replaced by "<intro-
ducer><character set specification>", where "<character set
specification>" is an implementation-defined <character set
9) The data type of a <character string literal> is fixed-length
character string. The length of a <character string literal>
is the number of <character representation>s that it contains.
Each <quote symbol> contained in <character string literal>
represents a single <quote> in both the value and the length of
the <character string literal>. The two <quote>s contained in a
<quote symbol> shall not be separated by any <separator>.
Note: <character string literal>s are allowed to be zero-length
strings (i.e., to contain no characters) even though it is
not permitted to declare a <data type> that is CHARACTER with
<length> zero.
10)The data type of a <bit string literal> is fixed-length bit
string. The length of a <bit string literal> is the number of
bits that it contains.
Lexical elements 93
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.3 <literal>
11)The data type of a <hex string literal> is fixed-length bit
string. Each <hexit> appearing in the literal is equivalent
to a quartet of bits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C,
D, E, and F are interpreted as 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100,
0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110,
and 1111, respectively. The <hexit>s a, b, c, d, e, and f have
respectively the same values as the <hexit>s A, B, C, D, E, and
12)An <exact numeric literal> without a <period> has an implied
<period> following the last <digit>.
13)The data type of an <exact numeric literal> is exact numeric.
The precision of an <exact numeric literal> is the number of
<digit>s that it contains. The scale of an <exact numeric lit-
eral> is the number of <digit>s to the right of the <period>.
14)The data type of an <approximate numeric literal> is approximate
numeric. The precision of an <approximate numeric literal> is
the precision of its <mantissa>.
15)The data type of a <date literal> is DATE.
16)The data type of a <time literal> that does not specify <time
zone interval> is TIME(P), where P is the number of digits in
<seconds fraction>, if specified, and 0 otherwise. The data
type of a <time literal> that specifies <time zone interval>
is TIME(P) WITH TIME ZONE, where P is the number of digits in
<seconds fraction>, if specified, and 0 otherwise.
17)The data type of a <timestamp literal> that does not specify
<time zone interval> is TIMESTAMP(P), where P is the number of
digits in <seconds fraction>, if specified, and 0 otherwise.
The data type of a <timestamp literal> that specifies <time zone
interval> is TIMESTAMP(P) WITH TIME ZONE, where P is the number
of digits in <seconds fraction>, if specified, and 0 otherwise.
18)If <time zone interval> is not specified, then the effective
<time zone interval> of the datetime data type is the current
default time zone displacement for the SQL-session.
19)Let datetime component be either <years value>, <months value>,
<days value>, <hours value>, <minutes value>, or <seconds
20)Let N be the number of <datetime field>s in the precision of the
<interval literal>, as specified by <interval qualifier>.
The <interval literal> being defined shall contain N datetime
The data type of <interval literal> specified with an <interval
qualifier> is INTERVAL with the <interval qualifier>.
94 Database Language SQL
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5.3 <literal>
21)Within a <datetime literal>, the <years value> shall contain
four digits. The <seconds integer value> and other datetime
components, with the exception of <seconds fraction>, shall each
contain two digits.
22)Within the definition of a <datetime literal>, the <datetime
value>s are constrained by the natural rules for dates and times
according to the Gregorian calendar.
23)Within the definition of an <interval literal>, the <datetime
value>s are constrained by the natural rules for intervals ac-
cording to the Gregorian calendar.
24)Within the definition of a <year-month literal>, the <inter-
val qualifier> shall not specify DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND.
Within the definition of a <day-time literal>, the <interval
qualifier> shall not specify YEAR or MONTH.
25)Within the definition of a <datetime literal>, the value of the
<time zone interval> shall be in the range -12:59 to +13:00.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) The value of a <character string literal> is the sequence of
<character representation>s that it contains.
2) The value of a <bit string literal> or a <hex string literal> is
the sequence of bits that it contains.
3) The numeric value of an <exact numeric literal> is determined
by the normal mathematical interpretation of positional decimal
4) The numeric value of an <approximate numeric literal> is approx-
imately the product of the exact numeric value represented by
the <mantissa> with the number obtained by raising the number
10 to the power of the exact numeric value represented by the
5) The <sign> in a <signed numeric literal> or an <interval lit-
eral> is a monadic arithmetic operator. The monadic arithmetic
operators + and - specify monadic plus and monadic minus, re-
spectively. If neither monadic plus nor monadic minus are spec-
ified in a <signed numeric literal> or an <interval literal>,
or if monadic plus is specified, then the literal is positive.
If monadic minus is specified in a <signed numeric literal> or
<interval literal>, then the literal is negative.
Lexical elements 95
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.3 <literal>
6) Let V be the integer value of the <unsigned integer> contained
in <seconds fraction> and let N be the number of digits in the
<seconds fraction> respectively. The resultant value of the
<seconds fraction> is effectively determined as follows:
a) If <seconds fraction> is specified within the definition of a
<datetime literal>, then the effective value of the <seconds
fraction> is V*10 -N seconds.
b) If <seconds fraction> is specified within the definition of
an <interval literal>, then let M be the <interval fractional
seconds precision> specified in the <interval qualifier>.
i) If N < M, then let V1 be V *10M-N; the effective value of
the <seconds fraction> is V1*10 -M seconds.
ii) If N > M, then let V2 be the integer part of the quotient
of V /10N-M; the effective value of the <seconds fraction>
is V2*10 -M seconds.
iii) Otherwise, the effective value of the <seconds fraction> is
V*10 -M seconds.
7) The i-th datetime component in a <datetime literal> or <interval
literal> assigns the value of the datetime component to the
i-th <datetime field> in the <datetime literal> or <interval
8) If <time zone interval> is specified, then the time and times-
tamp values in <time literal> and <timestamp literal> represent
a datetime in the specified time zone. Otherwise, the time and
timestamp values represent a datetime in the current default
time zone of the SQL-session. The value of the <time literal>
or the <timestamp literal> is effectively the <time value> or
the <date value> and <time value> together minus the <time zone
interval> value, followed by the <time zone interval>.
Note: <time literal>s and <timestamp literal>s are specified in
a time zone chosen by the SQL-agent (the default is the cur-
rent default time zone of the SQL-session). However, they are
effectively converted to UTC while maintaining the <time zone
interval> information that permits knowing the original time
zone value for the time or timestamp value.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) An <unsigned integer> that is a <seconds fraction> shall not
contain more than 6 <digit>s.
96 Database Language SQL
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5.3 <literal>
b) A <general literal> shall not be a <bit string literal> or a
<hex string literal>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <general literal> shall not be a <national character string
b) A <general literal> shall not be a <datetime literal> or
<interval literal>.
c) A <character string literal> shall contain at least one
<character representation>.
d) Conforming Entry SQL language shall contain exactly one rep-
etition of <character representation> (that is, it shall
contain exactly one sequence of "<quote> <character represen-
tation>... <quote>").
e) A <character string literal> shall not specify a <character
set specification>.
Lexical elements 97
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.4 Names and identifiers
5.4 Names and identifiers
Specify names.
<identifier> ::=
[ <introducer><character set specification> ] <actual identifier>
<actual identifier> ::=
<regular identifier>
| <delimited identifier>
<SQL language identifier> ::=
<SQL language identifier start>
[ { <underscore> | <SQL language identifier part> }... ]
<SQL language identifier start> ::= <simple Latin letter>
<SQL language identifier part> ::=
<simple Latin letter>
| <digit>
<authorization identifier> ::= <identifier>
<table name> ::=
<qualified name>
| <qualified local table name>
<qualified local table name> ::=
MODULE <period> <local table name>
<local table name> ::= <qualified identifier>
<domain name> ::= <qualified name>
<schema name> ::=
[ <catalog name> <period> ] <unqualified schema name>
<unqualified schema name> ::= <identifier>
<catalog name> ::= <identifier>
<qualified name> ::=
[ <schema name> <period> ] <qualified identifier>
<qualified identifier> ::= <identifier>
<column name> ::= <identifier>
98 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.4 Names and identifiers
<correlation name> ::= <identifier>
<module name> ::= <identifier>
<cursor name> ::= <identifier>
<procedure name> ::= <identifier>
<SQL statement name> ::=
<statement name>
| <extended statement name>
<statement name> ::= <identifier>
<extended statement name> ::=
[ <scope option> ] <simple value specification>
<dynamic cursor name> ::=
<cursor name>
| <extended cursor name>
<extended cursor name> ::=
[ <scope option> ] <simple value specification>
<descriptor name> ::=
[ <scope option> ] <simple value specification>
<scope option> ::=
<parameter name> ::= <colon> <identifier>
<constraint name> ::= <qualified name>
<collation name> ::= <qualified name>
<character set name> ::= [ <schema name> <period> ] <SQL language identifier>
<translation name> ::= <qualified name>
<form-of-use conversion name> ::= <qualified name>
<connection name> ::= <simple value specification>
<SQL-server name> ::= <simple value specification>
<user name> ::= <simple value specification>
Lexical elements 99
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.4 Names and identifiers
Syntax Rules
1) If a <character set specification> is not specified in an <iden-
tifier>, then the set of characters contained in the <identi-
fier> shall be wholly contained in either <SQL language charac-
ter> or the character repertoire identified by:
a) If the <identifier> is contained in a <module>, then the
<module character set specification>,
b) If the <identifier> is contained in a <schema definition>
that is not contained in a <module>, then the <schema charac-
ter set specification>,
c) If the <identifier> is contained in a <preparable statement>
that is prepared in the current SQL-session by an <execute
immediate statement> or a <prepare statement> or in a <direct
SQL statement> that is invoked directly, then the default
character set name for the SQL-session.
2) If a <character set specification> is specified in an <identi-
fier>, then:
a) There shall be no <separator> between the <introducer> and
the <character set specification>.
b) The set of characters contained in the <identifier body>
or <delimited identifier body> shall be wholly contained
in the character repertoire indicated by the <character set
3) The sum of the number of <SQL language identifier start>s and
the number of <SQL language identifier part>s in an <SQL lan-
guage identifier> shall not be greater than 128.
4) An <SQL language identifier> is equivalent to an <SQL language
identifier> in which every letter that is a lower-case letter
is replaced by the equivalent upper-case letter or letters. This
treatment includes determination of equivalence, representation
in the Information and Definition Schemas, representation in the
diagnostics area, and similar uses.
5) An <SQL language identifier> (with every letter that is a lower-
case letter replaced by the equivalent upper-case letter),
treated as the repetition of a <character string literal> that
specifies a <character set specification> of SQL_TEXT, shall not
be equal, according to the comparison rules in Subclause 8.2,
"<comparison predicate>", to any <reserved word> (with every
letter that is a lower-case letter replaced by the equivalent
upper-case letter), treated as the repetition of a <character
string literal> that specifies a <character set specification>
100 Database Language SQL
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5.4 Names and identifiers
Note: It is the intention that no <key word> specified in this
International standard or revisions thereto shall end with an
6) If <table name> is not a <qualified local table name>, then the
table identified by <table name> shall not be a declared local
temporary table.
7) No <unqualified schema name> shall specify DEFINITION_SCHEMA.
8) If a <qualified name> does not contain a <schema name>, then
a) If the <qualified name> is contained in a <schema defini-
tion>, then the <schema name> that is specified or implicit
in the <schema definition> is implicit.
b) If the <qualified name> is contained in a <preparable state-
ment> that is prepared in the current SQL-session by an <ex-
ecute immediate statement> or a <prepare statement> or in
a <direct SQL statement> that is invoked directly, then the
default <unqualified schema name> for the SQL-session is
c) Otherwise, the <schema name> that is specified or implicit
for the <module> is implicit.
9) If a <schema name> does not contain a <catalog name>, then
a) If the <unqualified schema name> is contained in a <mod-
ule authorization clause>, then an implementation-defined
<catalog name> is implicit.
b) If the <unqualified schema name> is contained in a <schema
definition> other than in a <schema name clause>, then the
<catalog name> that is specified or implicit in the <schema
name clause> is implicit.
c) If the <unqualified schema name> is contained in a <prepara-
ble statement> that is prepared in the current SQL-session
by an <execute immediate statement> or a <prepare statement>
or in a <direct SQL statement> that is invoked directly, then
the default catalog name for the SQL-session is implicit.
d) If the <unqualified schema name> is contained in a <schema
name clause>, then
i) If the <schema name clause> is contained in a <module>,
then the explicit or implicit <catalog name> contained in
the <module authorization clause> is implicit.
Lexical elements 101
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5.4 Names and identifiers
ii) Otherwise, an implementation-defined <catalog name> is
e) Otherwise, the explicit or implicit <catalog name> contained
in the <module authorization clause> is implicit.
10)Two <qualified name>s are equal if and only if they have the
same <qualified identifier> and the same <schema name>, regard-
less of whether the <schema name>s are implicit or explicit.
11)Two <schema name>s are equal if and only if they have the same
<unqualified schema name> and the same <catalog name>, regard-
less of whether the <catalog name>s are implicit or explicit.
12)An <identifier> that is a <correlation name> is associated with
a table within a particular scope. The scope of a <correlation
name> is either a <select statement: single row>, <subquery>, or
<query specification> (see Subclause 6.3, "<table reference>").
Scopes may be nested. In different scopes, the same <correlation
name> may be associated with different tables or with the same
13)The <simple value specification> of <extended statement name> or
<extended cursor name> shall not be a <literal>.
14)The data type of the <simple value specification> of <ex-
tended statement name> shall be character string with an
implementation-defined character set and shall have an octet
length of 128 octets or less.
15)The data type of the <simple value specification> of <extended
cursor name> shall be character string with an implementation-
defined character set and shall have an octet length of 128
octets or less.
16)The data type of the <simple value specification> of <descriptor
name> shall be character string with an implementation-defined
character set and shall have an octet length of 128 octets or
17)In a <descriptor name>, <extended statement name>, or <extended
cursor name>, if a <scope option> is not specified, then a
<scope option> of LOCAL is implicit.
18)No <authorization identifier> shall specify "PUBLIC".
19)Those <identifier>s that are valid <authorization identifier>s
are implementation-defined.
20)Those <identifier>s that are valid <catalog name>s are implementation-
102 Database Language SQL
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5.4 Names and identifiers
21)If a <character set name> does not specify a <schema name>, then
22)If a <collation name> does not specify a <schema name>, then
23)If a <translation name> does not specify a <schema name>, then
24)The <data type> of <SQL-server name>, <connection name>, and
<user name> shall be character string with an implementation-
defined character set and shall have an octet length of 128
octets or less.
25)If a <form-of-use conversion name> does not specify a <schema
name>, then INFORMATION_SCHEMA is implicit; otherwise, INFORMATION_
SCHEMA shall be specified.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) A <table name> identifies a table.
2) Within its scope, a <correlation name> identifies a table.
3) A <local table name> identifies a declared local temporary ta-
4) A <column name> identifies a column.
5) A <domain name> identifies a domain.
6) An <authorization identifier> represents an authorization iden-
tifier and identifies a set of privileges.
7) A <module name> identifies a <module>.
8) A <cursor name> identifies a cursor.
9) A <procedure name> identifies a <procedure>.
10)A <parameter name> identifies a parameter.
11)A <constraint name> identifies a table constraint, a domain
constraint, or an assertion.
12)A <statement name> identifies a statement prepared by the execu-
tion of a <prepare statement>. The scope of a <statement name>
is the <module> in which it appears and the current SQL-session.
Lexical elements 103
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
5.4 Names and identifiers
13)The value of an <extended statement name> identifies a statement
prepared by the execution of a <prepare statement>. If a <scope
option> of GLOBAL is specified, then the scope of the <extended
statement name> is the current SQL-session. If a <scope option>
of LOCAL is specified or implicit, then the scope of the state-
ment name is further restricted to the <module> in which the
<extended statement name> appears.
14)A <dynamic cursor name> identifies a cursor in an <SQL dynamic
15)The value of an <extended cursor name> identifies a cursor cre-
ated by the execution of an <allocate cursor statement>. If a
<scope option> of GLOBAL is specified, then the scope of the
<extended cursor name> is the current SQL-session. If a <scope
option> of LOCAL is specified of implicit, then the scope of the
cursor name is further restricted to the <module> in which the
<extended cursor name> appears.
16)A <descriptor name> identifies an SQL descriptor area created
by the execution of an <allocate descriptor statement>. If a
<scope option> of GLOBAL is specified, then the scope of the
<descriptor name> is the current SQL-session. If a <scope op-
tion> of LOCAL is specified or implicit, then the scope of the
<descriptor name> is further restricted to the <module> in which
the <descriptor name> appears.
17)A <catalog name> identifies a catalog.
18)A <schema name> identifies a schema.
19)A <collation name> identifies a collating sequence.
20)A <character set name> identifies a character set.
21)A <translation name> identifies a character translation.
22)A <form-of-use conversion name> identifies a form-of-use con-
version. All <form-of-use conversion name>s are implementation-
23)A <connection name> identifies an SQL-connection.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall not contain any
<extended statement name> or <extended cursor name>.
b) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall not contain any
explicit <catalog name>, <connection name>, <collation name>,
<translation name>, <form-of-use conversion name>, or <quali-
fied local table name>.
104 Database Language SQL
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5.4 Names and identifiers
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) Conforming Entry SQL language shall not contain any <domain
name>, <SQL statement name>, <dynamic cursor name>, <con-
straint name>, <descriptor name>, or <character set name>.
b) An <identifier> shall not specify a <character set specifica-
Lexical elements 105
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6 Scalar expressions
6.1 <data type>
Specify a data type.
<data type> ::=
<character string type> [ CHARACTER SET <character set specification> ]
| <national character string type>
| <bit string type>
| <numeric type>
| <datetime type>
| <interval type>
<character string type> ::=
CHARACTER [ <left paren> <length> <right paren> ]
| CHAR [ <left paren> <length> <right paren> ]
| CHARACTER VARYING <left paren> <length> <right paren>
| CHAR VARYING <left paren> <length> <right paren>
| VARCHAR <left paren> <length> <right paren>
<national character string type> ::=
NATIONAL CHARACTER [ <left paren> <length> <right paren> ]
| NATIONAL CHAR [ <left paren> <length> <right paren> ]
| NCHAR [ <left paren> <length> <right paren> ]
| NATIONAL CHARACTER VARYING <left paren> <length> <right paren>
| NATIONAL CHAR VARYING <left paren> <length> <right paren>
| NCHAR VARYING <left paren> <length> <right paren>
<bit string type> ::=
BIT [ <left paren> <length> <right paren> ]
| BIT VARYING <left paren> <length> <right paren>
<numeric type> ::=
<exact numeric type>
| <approximate numeric type>
<exact numeric type> ::=
NUMERIC [ <left paren> <precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right paren> ]
| DECIMAL [ <left paren> <precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right paren> ]
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6.1 <data type>
| DEC [ <left paren> <precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right paren> ]
<approximate numeric type> ::=
FLOAT [ <left paren> <precision> <right paren> ]
<length> ::= <unsigned integer>
<precision> ::= <unsigned integer>
<scale> ::= <unsigned integer>
<datetime type> ::=
| TIME [ <left paren> <time precision> <right paren> ]
| TIMESTAMP [ <left paren> <timestamp precision> <right paren> ]
<time precision> ::= <time fractional seconds precision>
<timestamp precision> ::= <time fractional seconds precision>
<time fractional seconds precision> ::= <unsigned integer>
<interval type> ::= INTERVAL <interval qualifier>
Syntax Rules
1) CHAR is equivalent to CHARACTER. DEC is equivalent to DECIMAL.
INT is equivalent to INTEGER. VARCHAR is equivalent to CHARACTER
2) "NATIONAL CHARACTER" is equivalent to the corresponding <char-
acter string type> with a specification of "CHARACTER SET CSN",
where "CSN" is an implementation-defined <character set name>.
3) The value of a <length> or a <precision> shall be greater than
4) If <length> is omitted, then a <length> of 1 is implicit.
5) If a <scale> is omitted, then a <scale> of 0 is implicit.
6) If a <precision> is omitted, then an implementation-defined
<precision> is implicit.
7) CHARACTER specifies the data type character string.
108 Database Language SQL
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6.1 <data type>
8) Characters in a character string are numbered beginning with 1.
9) Case:
a) If VARYING is not specified in <character string type>, then
the length in characters of the character string is fixed and
is the value of <length>.
b) If VARYING is specified in <character string type>, then the
length in characters of the character string is variable,
with a minimum length of 0 and a maximum length of the value
of <length>.
The maximum value of <length> is implementation-defined.
<length> shall not be greater than this maximum value.
10)If <character string type> is not contained in a <domain def-
inition> or a <column definition> and CHARACTER SET is not
specified, then an implementation-defined <character set speci-
fication> is implicit.
Note: Subclause 11.21, "<domain definition>", and Subclause 11.4,
"<column definition>", specify the result when <character string
type> is contained in a <domain definition> or <column defini-
tion>, respectively.
11)The character set named SQL_TEXT is an implementation-defined
character set whose character repertoire is SQL_TEXT.
Note: The character repertoire SQL_TEXT is defined in Subclause 4.2,
"Character strings".
12)BIT specifies the data type bit string.
13)Bits in a bit string are numbered beginning with 1.
a) If VARYING is not specified in <bit string type>, then the
length in bits of the bit string is fixed and is the value of
b) If VARYING is specified in <bit string type>, then the length
in bits of the string is variable, with a minimum length of 0
and a maximum length of the value of <length>.
The maximum value of <length> is implementation-defined.
<length> shall not be greater than this maximum value.
15)The <scale> of an <exact numeric type> shall not be greater than
the <precision> of the <exact numeric type>.
16)For the <exact numeric type>s DECIMAL and NUMERIC:
a) The maximum value of <precision> is implementation-defined.
<precision> shall not be greater than this value.
Scalar expressions 109
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6.1 <data type>
b) The maximum value of <scale> is implementation-defined.
<scale> shall not be greater than this maximum value.
17)NUMERIC specifies the data type exact numeric, with the decimal
precision and scale specified by the <precision> and <scale>.
18)DECIMAL specifies the data type exact numeric, with the decimal
scale specified by the <scale> and the implementation-defined
decimal precision equal to or greater than the value of the
specified <precision>.
19)INTEGER specifies the data type exact numeric, with binary or
decimal precision and scale of 0. The choice of binary versus
decimal precision is implementation-defined, but shall be the
same as SMALLINT.
20)SMALLINT specifies the data type exact numeric, with scale of
0 and binary or decimal precision. The choice of binary versus
decimal precision is implementation-defined, but shall be the
same as INTEGER. The precision of SMALLINT shall be less than or
equal to the precision of INTEGER.
21)FLOAT specifies the data type approximate numeric, with binary
precision equal to or greater than the value of the specified
<precision>. The maximum value of <precision> is implementation-
defined. <precision> shall not be greater than this value.
22)REAL specifies the data type approximate numeric, with implementation-
defined precision.
23)DOUBLE PRECISION specifies the data type approximate numeric,
with implementation-defined precision that is greater than the
implementation-defined precision of REAL.
24)For the <approximate numeric type>s FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE
PRECISION, the maximum and minimum values of the exponent are
25)If <time precision> is not specified, then 0 is implicit. If
<timestamp precision> is not specified, then 6 is implicit.
26)The maximum value of <time precision> and the maximum value of
<timestamp precision> shall be the same implementation-defined
value that is not less than 6. The values of <time precision>
and <timestamp precision> shall not be greater than that maximum
27)The length of a DATE is 10 positions. The length of a TIME is 8
positions plus the <time fractional seconds precision>, plus 1
position if the <time fractional seconds precision> is greater
than 0. The length of a TIME WITH TIME ZONE is 14 positions
plus the <time fractional seconds precision> plus 1 position if
the <time fractional seconds precision> is greater than 0. The
length of a TIMESTAMP is 19 positions plus the <time fractional
110 Database Language SQL
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6.1 <data type>
seconds precision>, plus 1 position if the <time fractional sec-
onds precision> is greater than 0. The length of a TIMESTAMP
WITH TIME ZONE is 25 positions plus the <time fractional sec-
onds precision> plus 1 position if the <time fractional seconds
precision> is greater than 0.
28)If an <interval qualifier> in an <interval type> includes no
fields other than YEAR and MONTH, then the <interval type> is a
year-month interval. If an <interval qualifier> in an <interval
type> includes any fields other than YEAR or MONTH, then the
<interval type> is a day-time interval.
29)The i-th value of an interval data type corresponds to the i-th
<datetime field>.
30)Within the non-null values of a <datetime type>, the value of
the time zone interval shall be in the range -12:59 to +13:00.
Note: The range for time zone intervals is larger than many
readers might expect because it is governed by political deci-
sions in governmental bodies rather than by any natural law.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) If any specification or operation attempts to cause an item of
a character type to contain a character that is not a member
of the character repertoire associated with the character item,
then an exception condition is raised: data exception-character
not in repertoire.
2) For a <datetime type>,
a) If DATE is specified, then the data type contains the <date-
time field>s years, months, and days.
b) If TIME is specified, then the data type contains the <date-
time field>s hours, minutes, and seconds.
c) If TIMESTAMP is specified, then the data type contains the
<datetime field>s years, months, days, hours, minutes, and
3) For a <datetime type>, a <time fractional seconds precision>
that is an explicit or implicit <time precision> or <timestamp
precision> defines the number of decimal digits following the
decimal point in the SECOND <datetime field>.
Scalar expressions 111
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.1 <data type>
4) Table 10, "Valid values for fields in datetime items", specifies
the constraints on the values of the <datetime field>s in a
datetime data type.
| YEAR | 0001 to 9999 |
| | |
| MONTH | 01 to 12 |
| | |
| DAY | Within the range 1 to 31, but further con- |
strained by the value of MONTH and YEAR
fields, according to the rules for well-
formed dates in the Gregorian calendar.
| HOUR | 00 to 23 |
| | |
| MINUTE | 00 to 59 |
| | |
| SECOND | 00 to 61.9(N) where "9(N)" indicates the num- |
ber of digits specified by <time fractional
seconds precision>.
| TIMEZONE_HOUR | 00 to 13 |
| | |
| | |
Note: Datetime data types will allow dates in the Gregorian
format to be stored in the date range 0001-01-01 CE through
9999-12-31 CE. The range for SECOND allows for as many as two
"leap seconds". Interval arithmetic that involves leap seconds
or discontinuities in calendars will produce implementation-
defined results.
5) If WITH TIME ZONE is not specified, then the time zone dis-
placement of the datetime data type is effectively the current
default time zone displacement of the SQL-session.
6) If any specification or operation attempts to cause an item
of type datetime to take a value where the <datetime field>
YEAR has the value greater than 9999 or less than 1, then an
exception condition is raised: data exception-invalid datetime
7) The values of the <datetime field>s within an interval data type
are constrained as follows:
a) The value corresponding to the first <datetime field> is
an integer with at most N digits, where N is the <interval
leading field precision>.
b) Table 11, "Valid values for fields in INTERVAL items", spec-
ifies the constraints for the other <datetime field>s in the
interval data type.
112 Database Language SQL
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6.1 <data type>
| MONTH | 0 to 11 |
| | |
| HOUR | 0 to 23 |
| | |
| MINUTE | 0 to 59 |
| | |
| SECOND | 0 to 59.9(N) where "9(N)" indicates the number of |
digits specified by <interval fractional seconds
|8) An item o| type interval can contain positive or negative inter|
| vals. | |
| | |
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) A <datetime type> shall not specify a <time precision> or
<timestamp precision>.
b) A <data type> shall not be a <bit string type>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <character string type> shall not specify VARYING or
b) A <data type> shall not be a <datetime type> or an <interval
c) A <data type> shall not be a <national character string type>
nor specify CHARACTER SET.
Scalar expressions 113
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.2 <value specification> and <target specification>
6.2 <value specification> and <target specification>
Specify one or more values, parameters, or variables.
<value specification> ::=
| <general value specification>
<unsigned value specification> ::=
<unsigned literal>
| <general value specification>
<general value specification> ::=
<parameter specification>
| <dynamic parameter specification>
| <variable specification>
<simple value specification> ::=
<parameter name>
| <embedded variable name>
| <literal>
<target specification> ::=
<parameter specification>
| <variable specification>
<simple target specification> ::=
<parameter name>
| <embedded variable name>
<parameter specification> ::=
<parameter name> [ <indicator parameter> ]
<indicator parameter> ::=
[ INDICATOR ] <parameter name>
<dynamic parameter specification> ::= <question mark>
<variable specification> ::=
<embedded variable name> [ <indicator variable> ]
<indicator variable> ::=
[ INDICATOR ] <embedded variable name>
114 Database Language SQL
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6.2 <value specification> and <target specification>
Syntax Rules
1) The data type of an <indicator parameter> or <indicator vari-
able> shall be exact numeric with a scale of 0.
2) Each <parameter name> shall be contained in a <module>. Each
<embedded variable name> shall be contained in an <embedded
SQL statement>. Each <dynamic parameter specification> shall
be contained in a <preparable statement> that is dynamically
prepared in the current SQL-session through the execution of a
<prepare statement> or an <execute immediate statement>.
3) If USER is specified, then CURRENT_USER is implicit.
4) The data type of CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER, and SYSTEM_USER is
character string. Whether the character string is fixed-length
or variable-length, and its length if it is fixed-length or
maximum length if it is variable-length, are implementation-
defined. The character set of the character string is SQL_TEXT.
5) The <value specification> or <unsigned value specification>
VALUE shall be contained in a <domain constraint>. The data
type of an instance of VALUE is the <data type> of the <domain
definition> containing that <domain constraint>.
6) If the data type of the <value specification> or <unsigned value
specification> is character string, then the <value specifi-
cation> or <unsigned value specification> has the Coercible
coercibility attribute, and the collating sequence is deter-
mined by Subclause 4.2.3, "Rules determining collating sequence
Access Rules
General Rules
1) A <value specification> or <unsigned value specification> speci-
fies a value that is not selected from a table.
2) A <parameter specification> identifies a parameter or a parame-
ter and an indicator parameter in a <module>.
3) A <dynamic parameter specification> identifies a parameter used
by a dynamically prepared statement.
4) A <variable specification> identifies a host variable or a host
variable and an indicator variable.
5) A <target specification> specifies a parameter or variable that
can be assigned a value.
Scalar expressions 115
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.2 <value specification> and <target specification>
6) If a <parameter specification> contains an <indicator parame-
ter> and the value of the indicator parameter is negative, then
the value specified by the <parameter specification> is null.
Otherwise, the value specified by a <parameter specification> is
the value of the parameter identified by the <parameter name>.
7) If a <variable specification> contains an <indicator vari-
able> and the value of the indicator variable is negative, then
the value specified by the <variable specification> is null.
Otherwise, the value specified by a <variable specification> is
the value of the variable identified by the <embedded variable
8) The value specified by a <literal> is the value represented by
that <literal>.
9) The value specified by CURRENT_USER is the value of the current
<authorization identifier>.
10)The value specified by SESSION_USER is the value of the SQL-
session <authorization identifier>.
11)The value specified by SYSTEM_USER is equal to an implementation-
defined string that represents the operating system user who
executed the <module> that contains the SQL-statement whose ex-
ecution caused the SYSTEM_USER <general value specification> to
be evaluated.
12)A <simple value specification> specifies a <value specifica-
tion> or <unsigned value specification> that is not null and
does not have an associated <indicator parameter> or <indicator
13)A <simple target specification> specifies a parameter or vari-
able that can be assigned a value that is not null.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) In Intermediate SQL, the specific data type of <indicator
parameter>s and <indicator variable>s shall be the same
implementation-defined data type.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <general value specification> shall not be a <dynamic pa-
rameter specification>.
b) A <general value specification> shall not specify VALUE.
116 Database Language SQL
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6.2 <value specification> and <target specification>
c) A <general value specification> shall not specify CURRENT_
Note: Although CURRENT_USER and USER are semantically the
same, in Entry SQL, CURRENT_USER must be specified as USER.
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6.3 <table reference>
6.3 <table reference>
Reference a table.
<table reference> ::=
<table name> [ [ AS ] <correlation name>
[ <left paren> <derived column list> <right paren> ] ]
| <derived table> [ AS ] <correlation name>
[ <left paren> <derived column list> <right paren> ]
| <joined table>
<derived table> ::= <table subquery>
<derived column list> ::= <column name list>
<column name list> ::=
<column name> [ { <comma> <column name> }... ]
Syntax Rules
1) A <correlation name> immediately contained in a <table refer-
ence> TR is exposed by TR. A <table name> immediately contained
in a <table reference> TR is exposed by TR if and only if TR
does not specify a <correlation name>.
2) Case:
a) If a <table reference> TR is contained in a <from clause> FC
with no intervening <derived table>, then the scope clause
SC of TR is the <select statement: single row> or innermost
<query specification> that contains FC. The scope clause of
the exposed <correlation name> or exposed <table name> of TR
is the <select list>, <where clause>, <group by clause>, and
<having clause> of SC, together with the <join condition> of
all <joined table>s contained in SC that contains TR.
b) Otherwise, the scope clause SC of TR is the outermost <joined
table> that contains TR with no intervening <derived table>.
The scope of the exposed <correlation name> or exposed <table
name> of TR is the <join condition> of SC and of all <joined
table>s contained in SC that contain TR.
3) A <table name> that is exposed by a <table reference> TR shall
not be the same as any other <table name> that is exposed by a
<table reference> with the same scope clause as TR.
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6.3 <table reference>
4) A <correlation name> that is exposed by a <table reference> TR
shall not be the same as any other <correlation name> that is
exposed by a <table reference> with the same scope clause as TR
and shall not be the same as the <qualified identifier> of any
<table name> that is exposed by a <table reference> with the
same scope clause as TR.
5) A <table name> immediately contained in a <table reference> TR
has a scope clause and scope defined by that <table reference>
if and only if the <table name> is exposed by TR.
6) The same <column name> shall not be specified more than once in
a <derived column list>.
7) If a <derived column list> is specified in a <table reference>,
then the number of <column name>s in the <derived column list>
shall be the same as the degree of the table specified by the
<derived table> or the <table name> of that <table reference>,
and the name of the i-th column of that <derived table> or the
effective name of the i-th column of that <table name> is the
i-th <column name> in that <derived column list>.
8) A <derived table> is an updatable derived table if and only if
the <query expression> simply contained in the <subquery> of the
<table subquery> of the <derived table> is updatable.
Access Rules
1) Let T be the table identified by the <table name> immediately
contained in <table reference>. If the <table reference> is
contained in any of:
a) a <query expression> simply contained in a <cursor speci-
fication>, a <view definition>, a <direct select statement:
multiple rows>, or an <insert statement>; or
b) a <table expression> or <select list> immediately contained
in a <select statement: single row>; or
c) a <search condition> immediately contained in a <delete
statement: searched> or an <update statement: searched>; or
d) a <value expression> immediately contained in an <update
then the applicable privileges shall include SELECT for T.
General Rules
1) The <correlation name> or exposed <table name> contained in a
<table reference> defines that <correlation name> or <table
name> to be an identifier of the table identified by the <table
name> or <derived table> of that <table reference>.
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6.3 <table reference>
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) A <table reference> shall not be a <derived table>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <table reference> shall not be a <joined table>.
b) The optional <key word> AS shall not be specified.
c) <derived column list> shall not be specified.
120 Database Language SQL
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6.4 <column reference>
6.4 <column reference>
Reference a column.
<column reference> ::= [ <qualifier> <period> ] <column name>
<qualifier> ::=
<table name>
| <correlation name>
Syntax Rules
1) Let CR be the <column reference>, let CN be the <column name>
contained in CR, and let C be the column identified by CN.
2) If CR contains a <qualifier> Q, then CR shall appear within the
scope of one or more <table name>s or <correlation name>s that
are equal to Q. If there is more than one such <table name> or
<correlation name>, then the one with the most local scope is
specified. Let T be the table associated with Q.
a) T shall include a column whose <column name> is CN.
b) If T is a <table reference> in a <joined table> J, then CN
shall not be a common column name in J.
Note: Common column name is defined in Subclause 7.5, "<joined
3) If CR does not contain a <qualifier>, then CR shall be contained
within the scope of one or more <table name>s or <correlation
name>s whose associated tables include a column whose <column
name> is CN. Let the phrase possible qualifiers denote those
<table name>s and <correlation name>s.
a) Case:
i) If the most local scope contains exactly one possible
qualifier, then the qualifier Q equivalent to that unique
<table name> or <correlation name> is implicit.
ii) If there is more than one possible qualifier with most
local scope, then:
1) Each possible qualifier shall be a <table name> or a
<correlation name> of a <table reference> that is di-
rectly contained in a <joined table> J.
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6.4 <column reference>
2) CN shall be a common column name in J.
Note: Common column name is defined in Subclause 7.5,
"<joined table>".
3) The implicit qualifier Q is implementation-dependent.
The scope of Q is that which Q would have had if J had
been replaced by the <table reference>:
( J ) AS Q
b) Let T be the table associated with Q.
4) The data type of CR is the data type of column C of T. CN shall
uniquely identify a column of T.
5) If the data type of CR is character string, then CR has the
Implicit coercibility attribute and its collating sequence is
the default collating sequence for column C of T.
6) If the data type of CR is TIME or TIMESTAMP, then the implicit
time zone of the data is the current default time zone for the
7) If the data type of CR is TIME WITH TIME ZONE or TIMESTAMP WITH
TIME ZONE, then the time zone of the data is the time zone rep-
resented in the value of CR.
8) If CR is contained in a <table expression> TE and the scope
clause of the <table reference> immediately containing the <ta-
ble name> or <correlation name> Q also contains TE, then CR is
an outer reference to the table associated with Q.
9) Let CR be the <column reference> and let C be the column identi-
fied by CR. C is an underlying column of CR. If C is a <derived
column>, then every underlying column of C is an underlying
column of CR.
Note: The underlying columns of a <derived column> are defined
in Subclause 7.9, "<query specification>".
Access Rules
1) The applicable privileges shall include SELECT for T if CR is
contained in any of:
a) a <search condition> immediately contained in a <delete
statement: searched> or an <update statement: searched>; or
b) a <value expression> immediately contained in an <update
122 Database Language SQL
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6.4 <column reference>
General Rules
1) The <column reference> Q.CN references column C in a given row
of T.
2) If the data type of CR is TIME, TIMESTAMP, TIME WITH TIME ZONE
TO MINUTE containing the value of the time zone displacement
associated with CR. The value of CR, normalized to UTC, is ef-
fectively computed as
CR + TZ.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL;
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL;
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6.5 <set function specification>
6.5 <set function specification>
Specify a value derived by the application of a function to an
<set function specification> ::=
COUNT <left paren> <asterisk> <right paren>
| <general set function>
<general set function> ::=
<set function type>
<left paren> [ <set quantifier> ] <value expression> <right paren>
<set function type> ::=
<set quantifier> ::= DISTINCT | ALL
Syntax Rules
1) If <set quantifier> is not specified, then ALL is implicit.
2) The argument of COUNT(*) and the argument source of a <general
set function> is a table or a group of a grouped table as spec-
ified in Subclause 7.8, "<having clause>", and Subclause 7.9,
"<query specification>".
Note: argument source is defined in Subclause 7.8, "<having
3) Let T be the argument or argument source of a <set function
4) The <value expression> simply contained in <set function spec-
ification> shall not contain a <set function specification> or
a <subquery>. If the <value expression> contains a <column ref-
erence> that is an outer reference, then that outer reference
shall be the only <column reference> contained in the <value
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
5) If a <set function specification> contains a <column reference>
that is an outer reference, then the <set function specifica-
tion> shall be contained in either:
a) a <select list>, or
124 Database Language SQL
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6.5 <set function specification>
b) a <subquery> of a <having clause>, in which case the scope
of the explicit or implicit <qualifier> of the <column refer-
ence> shall be a <table reference> that is directly contained
in the <table expression> that directly contains the <having
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
6) Let DT be the data type of the <value expression>.
7) If COUNT is specified, then the data type of the result is exact
numeric with implementation-defined precision and scale of 0.
8) If MAX or MIN is specified, then the data type of the result is
9) If SUM or AVG is specified, then:
a) DT shall not be character string, bit string, or datetime.
b) If SUM is specified and DT is exact numeric with scale
S, then the data type of the result is exact numeric with
implementation-defined precision and scale S.
c) If AVG is specified and DT is exact numeric, then the data
type of the result is exact numeric with implementation-
defined precision not less than the precision of DT and
implementation-defined scale not less than the scale of DT.
d) If DT is approximate numeric, then the data type of the
result is approximate numeric with implementation-defined
precision not less than the precision of DT.
e) If DT is interval, then the data type of the result is inter-
val with the same precision as DT.
10)If the data type of the result is character string, then the
collating sequence and the coercibility attribute are determined
as in Subclause 4.2.3, "Rules determining collating sequence
Access Rules
General Rules
1) Case:
a) If COUNT(*) is specified, then the result is the cardinality
of T.
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6.5 <set function specification>
b) Otherwise, let TX be the single-column table that is the
result of applying the <value expression> to each row of T
and eliminating null values. If one or more null values are
eliminated, then a completion condition is raised: warning-
null value eliminated in set function.
2) If DISTINCT is specified, then let TXA be the result of elimi-
nating redundant duplicate values from TX. Otherwise, let TXA be
a) If the <general set function> COUNT is specified, then the
result is the cardinality of TXA.
b) If AVG, MAX, MIN, or SUM is specified, then
i) If TXA is empty, then the result is the null value.
ii) If AVG is specified, then the result is the average of the
values in TXA.
iii) If MAX or MIN is specified, then the result is respec-
tively the maximum or minimum value in TXA. These results
are determined using the comparison rules specified in
Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>".
iv) If SUM is specified, then the result is the sum of the
values in TXA. If the sum is not within the range of the
data type of the result, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-numeric value out of range.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) If a <general set function> specifies DISTINCT, then the
<value expression> shall be a <column reference>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) If a <general set function> specifies or implies ALL, then
COUNT shall not be specified.
b) If a <general set function> specifies or implies ALL, then
the <value expression> shall include a <column reference>
that references a column of T.
c) If the <value expression> contains a <column reference> that
is an outer reference, then the <value expression> shall be a
<column reference>.
126 Database Language SQL
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6.5 <set function specification>
d) No <column reference> contained in a <set function specifica-
tion> shall reference a column derived from a <value expres-
sion> that generally contains a <set function specification>.
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6.6 <numeric value function>
6.6 <numeric value function>
Specify a function yielding a value of type numeric.
<numeric value function> ::=
<position expression>
| <extract expression>
| <length expression>
<position expression> ::=
POSITION <left paren> <character value expression>
IN <character value expression> <right paren>
<length expression> ::=
<char length expression>
| <octet length expression>
| <bit length expression>
<char length expression> ::=
<left paren> <string value expression> <right paren>
<octet length expression> ::=
OCTET_LENGTH <left paren> <string value expression> <right paren>
<bit length expression> ::=
BIT_LENGTH <left paren> <string value expression> <right paren>
<extract expression> ::=
EXTRACT <left paren> <extract field>
FROM <extract source> <right paren>
<extract field> ::=
<datetime field>
| <time zone field>
<time zone field> ::=
<extract source> ::=
<datetime value expression>
| <interval value expression>
128 Database Language SQL
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6.6 <numeric value function>
Syntax Rules
1) If <position expression> is specified, then the character reper-
toires of the two <character value expression>s shall be the
2) If <position expression> is specified, then the data type of the
result is exact numeric with implementation-defined precision
and scale 0.
3) If <extract expression> is specified, then
a) If <extract field> is a <datetime field>, then it shall iden-
tify a <datetime field> of the <interval value expression> or
<datetime value expression> immediately contained in <extract
b) If <extract field> is a <time zone field>, then the data
type of the <extract source> shall be TIME WITH TIME ZONE or
4) If <extract expression> is specified, then
a) If <datetime field> does not specify SECOND, then the data
type of the result is exact numeric with implementation-
defined precision and scale 0.
b) Otherwise, the data type of the result is exact numeric
with implementation-defined precision and scale. The
implementation-defined scale shall not be less than the spec-
ified or implied <time fractional seconds precision> or <in-
terval fractional seconds precision>, as appropriate, of the
SECOND <datetime field> of the <extract source>.
5) If a <length expression> is specified, then the data type of the
result is exact numeric with implementation-defined precision
and scale 0.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) If <position expression> is specified and neither <character
value expression> is the null value, then
a) If the first <character value expression> has a length of 0,
then the result is 1.
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6.6 <numeric value function>
b) If the value of the first <character value expression> is
equal to an identical-length substring of contiguous char-
acters from the value of the second <character value ex-
pression>, then the result is 1 greater than the number of
characters within the value of the second <character value
expression> preceding the start of the first such substring.
c) Otherwise, the result is 0.
2) If <position expression> is specified and either <character
value expression> is the null value, then the result is the null
3) If <extract expression> is specified, then
a) If the value of the <interval value expression> or the <date-
time value expression> is not the null value, then
i) If <extract field> is a <datetime field>, then the re-
sult is the value of the datetime field identified by that
<datetime field> and has the same sign as the <extract
Note: If the value of the identified <datetime field> is
zero or if <extract source> is not an <interval value ex-
pression>, then the sign is irrelevant.
ii) Otherwise, let TZ be the interval value of the implicit
or explicit time zone associated with the <datetime value
expression>. If <extract field> is TIMEZONE_HOUR, then the
result is calculated as
Otherwise, the result is calculated as
b) Otherwise, the result is the null value.
4) If a <char length expression> is specified, then
a) Let S be the <string value expression>. If the value of S is
not the null value, then
i) If the data type of S is a character data type, then the
result is the number of characters in the value of S.
ii) Otherwise, the result is OCTET_LENGTH(S).
b) Otherwise, the result is the null value.
130 Database Language SQL
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6.6 <numeric value function>
5) If an <octet length expression> is specified, then
a) Let S be the <string value expression>. If the value of S is
not the null value, then the result is the smallest integer
not less than the quotient of the division (BIT_LENGTH(S)/8).
b) Otherwise, the result is the null value.
6) If a <bit length expression> is specified, then
a) Let S be the <string value expression>. If the value of S is
not the null value, then the result is the number of bits in
the value of S.
b) Otherwise, the result is the null value.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) A <numeric value function> shall not be a <position expres-
b) A <numeric value function> shall not contain a <length ex-
pression> that is a <bit length expression>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <numeric value function> shall not be a <length expres-
b) A <numeric value function> shall not be an <extract expres-
Scalar expressions 131
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6.7 <string value function>
6.7 <string value function>
Specify a function yielding a value of type character string or bit
<string value function> ::=
<character value function>
| <bit value function>
<character value function> ::=
<character substring function>
| <fold>
| <form-of-use conversion>
| <character translation>
| <trim function>
<character substring function> ::=
SUBSTRING <left paren> <character value expression> FROM <start position>
[ FOR <string length> ] <right paren>
<fold> ::= { UPPER | LOWER } <left paren> <character value expression> <right paren>
<form-of-use conversion> ::=
CONVERT <left paren> <character value expression>
USING <form-of-use conversion name> <right paren>
<character translation> ::=
TRANSLATE <left paren> <character value expression>
USING <translation name> <right paren>
<trim function> ::=
TRIM <left paren> <trim operands> <right paren>
<trim operands> ::=
[ [ <trim specification> ] [ <trim character> ] FROM ] <trim source>
<trim source> ::= <character value expression>
<trim specification> ::=
<trim character> ::= <character value expression>
<bit value function> ::=
132 Database Language SQL
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6.7 <string value function>
<bit substring function>
<bit substring function> ::=
SUBSTRING <left paren> <bit value expression> FROM <start position>
[ FOR <string length> ] <right paren>
<start position> ::= <numeric value expression>
<string length> ::= <numeric value expression>
Syntax Rules
1) The data type of a <start position> and <string length> shall be
exact numeric with scale 0.
2) If <character substring function> is specified, then:
a) The data type of the <character substring function> is
variable-length character string with maximum length equal to
the fixed length or maximum variable length of the <character
value expression>. The character repertoire and form-of-use
of the <character substring function> are the same as the
character repertoire and form-of-use of the <character value
b) The collating sequence and the coercibility attribute
are determined as specified for monadic operators in
Subclause 4.2.3, "Rules determining collating sequence us-
age", where the first operand of SUBSTRING plays the role of
the monadic operand.
3) If <fold> is specified, then:
a) The data type of the result of <fold> is the data type of the
<character value expression>.
b) The collating sequence and the coercibility attribute
are determined as specified for monadic operators in
Subclause 4.2.3, "Rules determining collating sequence us-
age", where the operand of the <fold> is the monadic operand.
4) If <form-of-use conversion> is specified, then:
a) A <form-of-use conversion name> shall identify a form-of-use
b) The data type of the result is variable-length character
string with implementation-defined maximum length. The
character set of the result is the same as the character
repertoire of the <character value expression> and form-
of-use determined by the form-of-use conversion identified
Scalar expressions 133
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6.7 <string value function>
by the <form-of-use conversion name>. Let CR be that char-
acter repertoire. The result has the Implicit coercibility
attribute and its collating sequence is X, where X is the
default collating sequence of CR.
5) If <character translation> is specified, then
a) A <translation name> shall identify a character translation.
b) The data type of the <character translation> is variable-
length character string with implementation-defined maximum
length and character repertoire equal to the character reper-
toire of the target character set of the translation. Let CR
be that character repertoire. The result has the Implicit co-
ercibility attribute and its collating sequence is X, where X
is the default collating sequence of CR.
6) If <trim function> is specified, then
a) If FROM is specified, then either <trim specification> or
<trim character> or both shall be specified.
b) If <trim specification> is not specified, then BOTH is im-
c) If <trim character> is not specified, then ' ' is implicit.
d) If
is specified, then
is implicit.
e) The data type of the <trim function> is variable-length char-
acter string with maximum length equal to the fixed length or
maximum variable length of the <trim source>.
f) If a <trim character> is specified, then <trim character> and
<trim source> shall be comparable.
g) The character repertoire and form-of-use of the <trim func-
tion> are the same as those of the <trim source>.
h) The collating sequence and the coercibility attribute
are determined as specified for monadic operators in
Subclause 4.2.3, "Rules determining collating sequence us-
age", where the <trim source> of TRIM plays the role of the
monadic operand.
7) If <bit substring function> is specified, then the data type of
the <bit substring function> is variable-length bit string with
maximum length equal to the fixed length or maximum variable
length of the <bit value expression>.
134 Database Language SQL
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6.7 <string value function>
Access Rules
1) The applicable privileges shall include USAGE for every <trans-
lation name> contained in the <string value expression>.
General Rules
1) If <character substring function> is specified, then:
a) Let C be the value of the <character value expression>, let
LC be the length of C, and let S be the value of the <start
b) If <string length> is specified, then let L be the value of
<string length> and let E be S+L. Otherwise, let E be the
larger of LC + 1 and S.
c) If either C, S, or L is the null value, then the result of
the <character substring function> is the null value.
d) If E is less than S, then an exception condition is raised:
data exception-substring error.
e) Case:
i) If S is greater than LC or if E is less than 1, then the
result of the <character substring function> is a zero-
length string.
ii) Otherwise,
1) Let S1 be the larger of S and 1. Let E1 be the smaller
of E and LC+1. Let L1 be E1-S1.
2) The result of the <character substring function> is
a character string containing the L1 characters of C
starting at character number S1 in the same order that
the characters appear in C.
2) If <fold> is specified, then:
a) Let S be the value of the <character value expression>.
b) If S is the null value, then the result of the <fold> is the
null value.
c) Case:
i) If UPPER is specified, then the result of the <fold> is a
copy of S in which every <simple Latin lower case letter>
that has a corresponding <simple Latin upper case let-
ter> in the character repertoire of S is replaced by that
<simple Latin upper case letter>.
Scalar expressions 135
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.7 <string value function>
ii) If LOWER is specified, then the result of the <fold> is a
copy of S in which every <simple Latin upper case letter>
that has a corresponding <simple Latin lower case let-
ter> in the character repertoire of S is replaced by that
<simple Latin lower case letter>.
3) If a <character translation> is specified, then
a) If the value of <character value expression> is the null
value, then the result of the <character translation> is the
null value.
b) Otherwise, the value of the <character translation> is the
value of the <character value expression> after translation
to the character repertoire of the target character set of
the translation.
4) If a <form-of-use conversion> is specified, then
a) If the value of <character value expression> is the null
value, then the result of the <form-of-use conversion> is the
null value.
b) Otherwise, the value of the <form-of-use conversion> is the
value of the <character value expression> after the applica-
tion of the form-of-use conversion specified by <form-of-use
conversion name>.
5) If <trim function> is specified, then:
a) Let S be the value of the <trim source>.
b) If <trim character> is specified, then let SC be the value of
<trim character>; otherwise, let SC be <space>.
c) If either S or SC is the null value, then the result of the
<trim function> is the null value.
d) If the length in characters of SC is not 1, then an exception
condition is raised: data exception-trim error.
e) Case:
i) If BOTH is specified or if no <trim specification> is spec-
ified, then the result of the <trim function> is the value
of S with any leading or trailing characters equal to SC
ii) If TRAILING is specified, then the result of the <trim
function> is the value of S with any trailing characters
equal to SC removed.
136 Database Language SQL
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6.7 <string value function>
iii) If LEADING is specified, then the result of the <trim func-
tion> is the value of S with any leading characters equal
to SC removed.
6) If <bit substring function> is specified, then:
a) Let B be the value of the <bit value expression>, let LB be
the length in bits of B, and let S be the value of the <start
b) If <string length> is specified, then let L be the value of
<string length> and let E be S+L. Otherwise, let E be the
larger of LB + 1 and S.
c) If either B, S, or L is the null value, then the result of
the <bit substring function> is the null value.
d) If E is less than S, then an exception condition is raised:
data exception-substring error.
e) Case:
i) If S is greater than LB or if E is less than 1, then the
result of the <bit substring function> is a zero-length
ii) Otherwise,
1) Let S1 be the larger of S and 1. Let E1 be the smaller
of E and LB+1. Let L1 be E1-S1.
2) The result of the <bit substring function> is a bit
string containing L1 bits of B starting at bit number S1
in the same order that the bits appear in B.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) A <character value function> shall not be a <fold>.
b) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall contain no <char-
acter translation>.
c) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall contain no <form-
of-use conversion>.
d) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall contain no <bit
value function>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <character value function> shall not be a <character sub-
string function>.
Scalar expressions 137
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6.7 <string value function>
b) A <character value function> shall not be a <trim function>.
138 Database Language SQL
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6.8 <datetime value function>
6.8 <datetime value function>
Specify a function yielding a value of type datetime.
<datetime value function> ::=
<current date value function>
| <current time value function>
| <current timestamp value function>
<current date value function> ::= CURRENT_DATE
<current time value function> ::=
CURRENT_TIME [ <left paren> <time precision> <right paren> ]
<current timestamp value function> ::=
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP [ <left paren> <timestamp precision> <right paren> ]
Syntax Rules
1) The data type of a <current date value function> is DATE. The
data type of a <current time value function> is TIME WITH TIME
ZONE. The data type of a <current timestamp value function> is
Note: See the Syntax Rules of Subclause 6.1, "<data type>", for
rules governing <time precision> and <timestamp precision>.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) The <datetime value function>s CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, and
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP respectively return the current date, current
time, and current timestamp; the time and timestamp values are
returned with time zone displacement equal to the current time
zone displacement of the SQL-session.
2) If specified, <time precision> and <timestamp precision> respec-
tively determine the precision of the time or timestamp value
3) If an SQL-statement generally contains more than one reference
to one or more <datetime value function>s, then all such ref-
erences are effectively evaluated simultaneously. The time of
Scalar expressions 139
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6.8 <datetime value function>
evaluation of the <datetime value function> during the execution
of the SQL-statement is implementation-dependent.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall contain no <time
precision> or <timestamp precision>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) Conforming Entry SQL language shall not contain any <datetime
value function>.
140 Database Language SQL
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6.9 <case expression>
6.9 <case expression>
Specify a conditional value.
<case expression> ::=
<case abbreviation>
| <case specification>
<case abbreviation> ::=
NULLIF <left paren> <value expression> <comma>
<value expression> <right paren>
| COALESCE <left paren> <value expression>
{ <comma> <value expression> }... <right paren>
<case specification> ::=
<simple case>
| <searched case>
<simple case> ::=
CASE <case operand>
<simple when clause>...
[ <else clause> ]
<searched case> ::=
<searched when clause>...
[ <else clause> ]
<simple when clause> ::= WHEN <when operand> THEN <result>
<searched when clause> ::= WHEN <search condition> THEN <result>
<else clause> ::= ELSE <result>
<case operand> ::= <value expression>
<when operand> ::= <value expression>
<result> ::= <result expression> | NULL
<result expression> ::= <value expression>
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6.9 <case expression>
Syntax Rules
1) NULLIF (V1, V2) is equivalent to the following <case specifica-
2) COALESCE (V1, V2) is equivalent to the following <case specifi-
3) COALESCE (V1, V2, . . . ,n ), for n >= 3, is equivalent to the
following <case specification>:
4) If a <case specification> specifies a <simple case>, then let CO
be the <case operand>:
a) The data type of each <when operand> WO shall be comparable
with the data type of the <case operand>.
b) The <case specification> is equivalent to a <searched case>
in which each <searched when clause> specifies a <search
condition> of the form "CO=WO".
5) At least one <result> in a <case specification> shall specify a
<result expression>.
6) If an <else clause> is not specified, then ELSE NULL is im-
7) The data type of a <case specification> is determined by ap-
plying Subclause 9.3, "Set operation result data types", to the
data types of all <result expression>s in the <case specifica-
Access Rules
General Rules
1) Case:
a) If a <result> specifies NULL, then its value is the null
b) If a <result> specifies a <value expression>, then its value
is the value of that <value expression>.
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6.9 <case expression>
2) Case:
a) If the <search condition> of some <searched when clause> in
a <case specification> is true, then the value of the <case
specification> is the value of the <result> of the first
(leftmost) <searched when clause> whose <search condition> is
true, cast as the data type of the <case specification>.
b) If no <search condition> in a <case specification> is true,
then the value of the <case expression> is the value of the
<result> of the explicit or implicit <else clause>, cast as
the data type of the <case specification>.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) Conforming Entry SQL language shall not contain any <case
Scalar expressions 143
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6.10 <cast specification>
6.10 <cast specification>
Specify a data conversion.
<cast specification> ::=
CAST <left paren> <cast operand> AS <cast target> <right paren>
<cast operand> ::=
<value expression>
<cast target> ::=
<domain name>
| <data type>
Syntax Rules
1) Case:
a) If a <domain name> is specified, then let TD be the <data
type> of the specified domain.
b) If a <data type> is specified, then let TD be the specified
<data type>.
2) The data type of the result of the <cast specification> is TD.
3) If the <cast operand> is a <value expression>, then let SD be
the underlying data type of the <value expression>.
4) If the <cast operand> is a <value expression>, then the valid
combinations of TD and SD in a <cast specification> are given by
the following table. Y indicates that the combination is syntac-
tically valid without restriction; M indicates that the combi-
nation is valid subject to other syntax rules in this Subclause
being satisfied; and N indicates that the combination is not
<data type>
SD of <data type> of TD
expression> EN AN VC FC VB FB D T TS YM DT
144 Database Language SQL
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6.10 <cast specification>
EN = Exact Numeric
AN = Approximate Numeric
C = Character (Fixed- or Variable-length)
FC = Fixed-length Character
VC = Variable-length Character
B = Bit String (Fixed- or Variable-length)
FB = Fixed-length Bit String
VB = Variable-length Bit String
D = Date
T = Time
TS = Timestamp
YM = Year-Month Interval
DT = Day-Time Interval
5) If TD is an interval and SD is exact numeric, then TD shall
contain only a single <datetime field>.
6) If TD is exact numeric and SD is an interval, then SD shall
contain only a single <datetime field>.
7) If SD is character string and TD is fixed-length or variable-
length character string, then the character repertoires of SD
and TD shall be the same.
8) If TD is a fixed-length or variable-length character string,
then the collating sequence of the result of the <cast speci-
fication> is the default collating sequence for the character
repertoire of TD and the result of the <cast specification> has
the Coercible coercibility attribute.
Access Rules
1) If <domain name> is specified, then the applicable privileges
shall include USAGE.
General Rules
1) If the <cast operand> is a <value expression>, then let SV be
its value.
2) Case:
a) If the <cast operand> specifies NULL or if SV is the null
value, then the result of the <cast specification> is the
null value.
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6.10 <cast specification>
b) Otherwise, let TV be the result of the <cast specifica-
tion> as specified in the remaining General Rules of this
3) If TD is exact numeric, then
a) If SD is exact numeric or approximate numeric, then
i) If there is a representation of SV in the data type TD
that does not lose any leading significant digits after
rounding or truncating if necessary, then TV is that rep-
resentation. The choice of whether to round or truncate is
ii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
numeric value out of range.
b) If SD is character string, then SV is replaced by SV with any
leading or trailing <space>s removed.
i) If SV does not comprise a <signed numeric literal> as
defined by the rules for <literal> in Subclause 5.3,
"<literal>", then an exception condition is raised: data
exception-invalid character value for cast.
ii) Otherwise, let LT be that <signed numeric literal>. The
<cast specification> is equivalent to
c) If SD is an interval data type, then
i) If there is a representation of SV in the data type TD that
does not lose any leading significant digits, then TV is
that representation.
ii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
numeric value out of range.
4) If TD is approximate numeric, then
a) If SD is exact numeric or approximate numeric, then
i) If there is a representation of SV in the data type TD
that does not lose any leading significant digits after
146 Database Language SQL
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6.10 <cast specification>
rounding or truncating if necessary, then TV is that rep-
resentation. The choice of whether to round or truncate is
ii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
numeric value out of range.
b) If SD is character string, then SV is replaced by SV with any
leading or trailing <space>s removed.
i) If SV does not comprise a <signed numeric literal> as
defined by the rules for <literal> in Subclause 5.3,
"<literal>", then an exception condition is raised: data
exception-invalid character value for cast.
ii) Otherwise, let LT be that <signed numeric literal>. The
<cast specification> is equivalent to
5) If TD is fixed-length character string, then let LTD be the
length in characters of TD.
a) If SD is exact numeric, then let YP be the shortest character
string that conforms to the definition of <exact numeric
literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>", whose scale is the
same as the scale of SD and whose interpreted value is the
absolute value of SV.
If SV is less than 0, then let Y be the result of
'-' | YP
Otherwise, let Y be YP.
i) If Y contains any <SQL language character> that is not
in the repertoire of TD, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-invalid character value for cast.
ii) If the length in characters LY of Y is equal to LTD, then
TV is Y.
iii) If the length in characters LY of Y is less than LTD, then
TV is Y extended on the right by LTD-LY <space>s.
iv) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
string data, right truncation.
b) If SD is approximate numeric, then:
i) Let YP be a character string as follows:
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6.10 <cast specification>
1) If SV equals 0, then YP is '0E0'.
2) Otherwise, YP is the shortest character string that con-
forms to the definition of <approximate numeric literal>
in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>", whose interpreted value
is equal to the absolute value of SV and whose <man-
tissa> consists of a single <digit> that is not '0',
followed by a <period> and an <unsigned integer>.
ii) If SV is less than 0, then let Y be the result of
'-' | YP
otherwise, let Y be YP.
iii) Case:
1) If Y contains any <SQL language character> that is not
in the repertoire of TD, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-invalid character value for cast.
2) If the length in characters LY of Y is equal to LTD,
then TV is Y.
3) If the length in characters LY of Y is less than LTD,
then TV is Y extended on the right by LTD-LY <space>s.
4) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data
exception-string data, right truncation.
c) If SD is fixed-length character string or variable-length
character string, then
i) If the length in characters of SV is equal to LTD, then TV
is SV.
ii) If the length in characters of SV is larger than LTD, then
TV is the first LTD characters of SV. If any of the re-
maining characters of SV are non-<space> characters, then a
completion condition is raised: warning-string data, right
iii) If the length in characters M of SV is smaller than LTD,
then TV is SV extended on the right by LTD-M <space>s.
d) If SD is fixed-length bit string or variable-length bit
string, then let LSV be the value of BIT_LENGTH(SV) and let
B be the BIT_LENGTH of the character with the smallest BIT_
LENGTH in the form-of-use of TD. Let PAD be the value of the
remainder of the division LSV/B. Let NC be a character whose
bits all have the value 0.
148 Database Language SQL
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6.10 <cast specification>
If PAD is not 0, then append (B - PAD) 0-valued bits to
the least significant end of SV; a completion condition is
raised: warning-implicit zero-bit padding.
Let SVC be the possibly padded value of SV expressed as a
character string without regard to valid character encodings
and let LTDS be a character string of LTD characters of value
NC characters in the form-of-use of TD.
TV is the result of
i) If the length of TV is less than the length of SVC, then a
completion condition is raised: warning-string data, right
ii) If the length of TV is greater than the length of SVC, then
a completion condition is raised: warning-implicit zero-bit
e) If SD is a datetime data type or an interval data type, then
let Y be the shortest character string that conforms to the
definition of <literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>", and
such that the interpreted value of Y is SV and the inter-
preted precision of Y is the precision of SD.
i) If Y contains any <SQL language character> that is not
in the repertoire of TD, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-invalid character value for cast.
ii) If the length in characters LY of Y is equal to LTD, then
TV is Y.
iii) If the length in characters LY of Y is less than LTD, then
TV is Y extended on the right by LTD-LY <space>s.
iv) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
string data, right truncation.
6) If TD is variable-length character string, then let MLTD be the
maximum length in characters of TD.
a) If SD is exact numeric, then let YP be the shortest character
string that conforms to the definition of <exact numeric
literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>", whose scale is the
same as the scale of SD and whose interpreted value is the
absolute value of SV.
If SV is less than 0, then let Y be the result of
'-' | YP
Scalar expressions 149
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6.10 <cast specification>
Otherwise, let Y be YP.
i) If Y contains any <SQL language character> that is not
in the repertoire of TD, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-invalid character value for cast.
ii) If the length in characters LY of Y is less than or equal
to MLTD, then TV is Y.
iii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
string data, right truncation.
b) If SD is approximate numeric, then
i) Let YP be a character string as follows:
1) If SV equals 0, then YP is '0E0'.
2) Otherwise, YP is the shortest character string that con-
forms to the definition of <approximate numeric literal>
in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>", whose interpreted value
is equal to the absolute value of SV and whose <man-
tissa> consists of a single <digit> that is not '0',
followed by a <period> and an <unsigned integer>.
ii) If SV is less than 0, then let Y be the result of
'-' | YP
otherwise, let Y be YP.
iii) Case:
1) If Y contains any <SQL language character> that is not
in the repertoire of TD, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-invalid character value for cast.
2) If the length in characters LY of Y is less than or
equal to MLTD, then TV is Y.
3) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data
exception-string data, right truncation.
c) If SD is fixed-length character string or variable-length
character string, then
i) If the length in characters of SV is less than or equal to
MLTD, then TV is SV.
150 Database Language SQL
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6.10 <cast specification>
ii) If the length in characters of SV is larger than MLTD,
then TV is the first MLTD characters of SV. If any of the
remaining characters of SV are non-<space> characters,
then a completion condition is raised: warning-string data,
right truncation.
d) If SD is fixed-length bit string or variable-length bit
string, then let LSV be the value of BIT_LENGTH(SV) and let
B be the BIT_LENGTH of the character with the smallest BIT_
LENGTH in the form-of-use of TD. Let PAD be the value of the
remainder of the division LSV/B.
If PAD is not 0, then append (B - PAD) 0-valued bits to
the least significant end of SV; a completion condition is
raised: warning-implicit zero-bit padding.
Let SVC be the possible padded value of SV expressed as a
character string without regard to valid character encodings.
i) If CHARACTER_LENGTH (SVC) is not greater than MLTD, then TV
is SVC.
ii) Otherwise, TV is the result of
If the length of TV is less than the length of SVC, then a
completion condition is raised: warning-string data, right
e) If SD is a datetime data type or an interval data type then
let Y be the shortest character string that conforms to the
definition of <literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>", and
such that the interpreted value of Y is SV and the inter-
preted precision of Y is the precision of SD.
i) If Y contains any <SQL language character> that is not
in the repertoire of TD, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-invalid character value for cast.
ii) If the length in characters LY of Y is less than or equal
to MLTD, then TV is Y.
iii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
string data, right truncation.
7) If TD is fixed-length bit string, then let LTD be the length in
bits of TD. Let BLSV be the result of BIT_LENGTH(SV).
a) If BLSV is equal to LTD, then TV is SV expressed as a bit
string with a length in bits of BLSV.
Scalar expressions 151
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.10 <cast specification>
b) If BLSV is larger than LTD, then TV is the first LTD bits of
SV expressed as a bit string with a length in bits of LTD,
and a completion condition is raised: warning-string data,
right truncation.
c) If BLSV is smaller than LTD, then TV is SV expressed as a bit
string extended on the right with LTD-BLSV bits whose values
are all 0 and a completion condition is raised: warning-
implicit zero-bit padding.
8) If TD is variable-length bit string, then let MLTD be the
maximum length in bits of TD. Let BLSV be the result of BIT_
a) If BLSV is less than or equal to MLTD, then TV is SV ex-
pressed as a bit string with a length in bits of BLSV.
b) If BLSV is larger than MLTD, then TV is the first MLTD bits
of SV expressed as a bit string with a length in bits of MLTD
and a completion condition is raised: warning-string data,
right truncation.
9) If TD is the datetime data type DATE, then
a) If SD is character string, then SV is replaced by
i) If the rules for <literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>",
can be applied to SV to determine a valid value of the data
type TD, then let TV be that value.
ii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
invalid character value for cast.
b) If SD is a date, then TV is SV.
c) If SD is a timestamp, then TV is the year, month, and day
<datetime field>s of SV adjusted to the implicit or explicit
time zone displacement of SV.
10)If TD is the datetime data type TIME, then
a) If SD is character string, then SV is replaced by
152 Database Language SQL
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6.10 <cast specification>
i) If the rules for <literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>",
can be applied to SV to determine a valid value of the data
type TD, then let TV be that value.
ii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
invalid character value for cast.
b) If SD is a time, then TV is SV. If TD is specified WITH TIME
ZONE, then TV also includes the implicit or explicit time
zone displacement of SV; otherwise, TV is adjusted to the
current time zone displacement of the SQL-session.
c) If SD is a timestamp, then TV is the hour, minute, and second
<datetime field>s of SV. If TD is specified WITH TIME ZONE,
then TV also includes the implicit or explicit time zone
displacement of SV; otherwise, TV is adjusted to the current
time zone displacement of the SQL-session.
11)If TD is the datetime data type TIMESTAMP, then
a) If SD is character string, then SV is replaced by
i) If the rules for <literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>",
can be applied to SV to determine a valid value of the data
type TD, then let TV be that value.
ii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
invalid character value for cast.
b) If SD is a date, then the <datetime field>s hour, minute,
and second of TV are set to 0 and the <datetime field>s year,
month, and day of TV are set to their respective values in
SV. If TD is specified WITH TIME ZONE, then the time zone
fields of TV are set to the current time zone displacement of
the SQL-session.
c) If SD is a time, then the <datetime field>s year, month, and
day of TV are set to their respective values in an execution
of CURRENT_DATE and the <datetime field>s hour, minute, and
second of TV are set to their respective values in SV. If TD
is specified WITH TIME ZONE, then the time zone fields of TV
are set to the explicit or implicit time zone interval of SV.
d) If SD is a timestamp, then TV is SV.
12)If TD is interval, then
a) If SD is exact numeric, then
Scalar expressions 153
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6.10 <cast specification>
i) If the representation of SV in the data type TD would re-
sult in the loss of leading significant digits, then an
exception condition is raised: data exception-interval
field overflow.
ii) Otherwise, TV is that representation.
b) If SD is character string, then SV is replaced by
i) If the rules for <literal> in Subclause 5.3, "<literal>",
can be applied to SV to determine a valid value of the data
type TD, then let TV be that value.
ii) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
invalid character value for cast.
c) If SD is interval and TD and SD have the same interval preci-
sion, then TV is SV.
d) If SD is interval and TD and SD have different interval pre-
cisions, then let Q be the least significant <datetime field>
of TD.
i) Let Y be the result of converting SV to a scalar in units Q
according to the natural rules for intervals as defined in
the Gregorian calendar.
ii) Normalize Y to conform to the datetime qualifier "P TO Q"
of TD. If this would result in loss of precision of the
leading datetime field of Y, then an exception condition is
raised: data exception-interval field overflow.
iii) TV is the value of Y.
13)If the <cast specification> contains a <domain name> and that
<domain name> refers to a domain that contains a <domain con-
straint> and if TV does not satisfy the <check constraint> of
the <domain constraint>, then an exception condition is raised:
integrity constraint violation.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) Conforming Entry SQL language shall not contain any <cast
154 Database Language SQL
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6.11 <value expression>
6.11 <value expression>
Specify a value.
<value expression> ::=
<numeric value expression>
| <string value expression>
| <datetime value expression>
| <interval value expression>
<value expression primary> ::=
<unsigned value specification>
| <column reference>
| <set function specification>
| <scalar subquery>
| <case expression>
| <left paren> <value expression> <right paren>
| <cast specification>
Syntax Rules
1) The data type of a <value expression> is the data type of the
<numeric value expression>, <string value expression>, <datetime
value expression>, or <interval value expression>, respectively.
2) If the data type of a <value expression primary> is character
string, then the collating sequence and coercibility attribute
of the <value expression primary> are the collating sequence and
coercibility attribute of the <unsigned value specification>,
<column reference>, <set function specification>, <scalar sub-
query>, <case expression>, <value expression>, or <cast specifi-
cation> immediately contained in the <value expression primary>.
3) Let C be some column. Let VE be the <value expression>. C is an
underlying column of VE if and only if C is identified by some
<column reference> contained in VE.
Access Rules
Scalar expressions 155
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.11 <value expression>
General Rules
1) When a <value expression> V is evaluated for a row of a table,
each reference to a column of that table by a <column reference>
directly contained in V is a reference to the value of that
column in that row.
2) If a <value expression primary> is a <scalar subquery> and the
result of the <subquery> is empty, then the result of the <value
expression primary> is the null value.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <value expression> shall not be a <datetime value expres-
b) A <value expression> shall not be an <interval value expres-
c) A <value expression primary> shall not be a <case expres-
d) A <value expression primary> shall not be a <cast specifica-
e) A <value expression primary> shall not be a <scalar subquery>
except when the <value expression primary> is simply con-
tained in a <value expression> that is simply contained in
the second <row value constructor> of a <comparison predi-
156 Database Language SQL
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6.12 <numeric value expression>
6.12 <numeric value expression>
Specify a numeric value.
<numeric value expression> ::=
| <numeric value expression> <plus sign> <term>
| <numeric value expression> <minus sign> <term>
<term> ::=
| <term> <asterisk> <factor>
| <term> <solidus> <factor>
<factor> ::=
[ <sign> ] <numeric primary>
<numeric primary> ::=
<value expression primary>
| <numeric value function>
Syntax Rules
1) If the data type of both operands of a dyadic arithmetic opera-
tor is exact numeric, then the data type of the result is exact
numeric, with precision and scale determined as follows:
a) Let S1 and S2 be the scale of the first and second operands
b) The precision of the result of addition and subtraction is
implementation-defined, and the scale is the maximum of S1
and S2.
c) The precision of the result of multiplication is implementation-
defined, and the scale is S1 + S2.
d) The precision and scale of the result of division is
2) If the data type of either operand of a dyadic arithmetic op-
erator is approximate numeric, then the data type of the re-
sult is approximate numeric. The precision of the result is
3) The data type of a <factor> is that of the immediately contained
<numeric primary>.
Scalar expressions 157
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.12 <numeric value expression>
4) The data type of a <numeric primary> shall be numeric.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) If the value of any <numeric primary> simply contained in a
<numeric value expression> is the null value, then the result of
the <numeric value expression> is the null value.
2) If the <numeric value expression> contains only a <numeric pri-
mary>, then the value of the <numeric value expression> is the
value of the specified <numeric primary>.
3) The monadic arithmetic operators <plus sign> and <minus sign>
(+ and -, respectively) specify monadic plus and monadic minus,
respectively. Monadic plus does not change its operand. Monadic
minus reverses the sign of its operand.
4) The dyadic arithmetic operators <plus sign>, <minus sign>, <as-
terisk>, and <solidus> (+, -, *, and /, respectively) specify
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, respec-
tively. If the value of a divisor is zero, then an exception
condition is raised: data exception-division by zero.
5) If the type of the result of an arithmetic operation is exact
numeric, then
a) If the operator is not division and the mathematical result
of the operation is not exactly representable with the pre-
cision and scale of the result type, then an exception con-
dition is raised: data exception-numeric value out of range.
b) If the operator is division and the approximate mathemati-
cal result of the operation represented with the precision
and scale of the result type loses one or more leading sig-
nificant digits after rounding or truncating if necessary,
then an exception condition is raised: data exception-numeric
value out of range. The choice of whether to round or trun-
cate is implementation-defined.
6) If the type of the result of an arithmetic operation is approx-
imate numeric and the exponent of the approximate mathematical
result of the operation is not within the implementation-defined
exponent range for the result type, then an exception condition
is raised: data exception-numeric value out of range.
158 Database Language SQL
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6.12 <numeric value expression>
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
Scalar expressions 159
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.13 <string value expression>
6.13 <string value expression>
Specify a character string value or a bit string value.
<string value expression> ::=
<character value expression>
| <bit value expression>
<character value expression> ::=
| <character factor>
<concatenation> ::=
<character value expression> <concatenation operator>
<character factor>
<character factor> ::=
<character primary> [ <collate clause> ]
<character primary> ::=
<value expression primary>
| <string value function>
<bit value expression> ::=
<bit concatenation>
| <bit factor>
<bit concatenation> ::=
<bit value expression> <concatenation operator> <bit factor>
<bit factor> ::= <bit primary>
<bit primary> ::=
<value expression primary>
| <string value function>
Syntax Rules
1) The data type of a <character primary> shall be character
2) Character strings of different character repertoires shall
not be mixed in a <character value expression>. The character
repertoire of a <character value expression> is the character
repertoire of its components.
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6.13 <string value expression>
3) Case:
a) If <concatenation> is specified, then:
Let D1 be the data type of the <character value expression>
and let D2 be the data type of the <character factor>. Let
M be the length in characters of D1 plus the length in char-
acters of D2. Let VL be the implementation-defined maximum
length of a variable-length character string and let FL be
the implementation-defined maximum length of a fixed-length
character string.
i) If the data type of the <character value expression> or
<character factor> is variable-length character string,
then the data type of the <concatenation> is variable-
length character string with maximum length equal to the
lesser of M and VL.
ii) If the data type of the <character value expression> and
<character factor> is fixed-length character string, then M
shall not be greater than FL and the data type of the <con-
catenation> is fixed-length character string with length M.
b) Otherwise, the data type of the <character value expression>
is the data type of the <character factor>.
4) Case:
a) If <character factor> is specified, then
i) If <collate clause> is specified, then the <character value
expression> has the collating sequence given in <collate
clause>, and has the Explicit coercibility attribute.
ii) Otherwise, if <value expression primary> or <string value
function> are specified, then the collating sequence and
coercibility attribute of the <character factor> are spec-
ified in Subclause 6.2, "<value specification> and <target
specification>", and Subclause 6.7, "<string value func-
tion>", respectively.
b) If <concatenation> is specified, then the collating sequence
and the coercibility attribute are determined as specified
for dyadic operators in Subclause 4.2.3, "Rules determining
collating sequence usage".
5) The data type of a <bit primary> shall be bit string.
Scalar expressions 161
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6.13 <string value expression>
6) Case:
a) If <bit concatenation> is specified, then let D1 be the
data type of the <bit value expression>, let D2 be the data
type of the <bit factor>, let M be the length in bits of D1
plus the length in bits of D2, let VL be the implementation-
defined maximum length of a variable-length bit string, and
let FL be the implementation-defined maximum length of a
fixed-length bit string.
i) If the data type of the <bit value expression> or <bit
factor> is variable-length bit string, then the data type
of the <bit concatenation> is variable-length bit string
with maximum length equal to the lesser of M and VL.
ii) If the data type of the <bit value expression> and <bit
factor> is fixed-length bit string, then M shall not be
greater than FL and the data type of the <bit concatena-
tion> is fixed-length bit string with length M.
b) Otherwise, the data type of a <bit value expression> is the
data type of the <bit factor>.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) If the value of any <character primary> simply contained in a
<character value expression> is the null value, then the result
of the <character value expression> is the null value.
2) If <concatenation> is specified, then let S1 and S2 be the re-
sult of the <character value expression> and <character factor>,
a) If either S1 or S2 is the null value, then the result of the
<concatenation> is the null value.
b) Otherwise, let S be the string consisting of S1 followed by
S2 and let M be the length of S.
i) If the data type of either S1 or S2 is variable-length
character string, then
1) If M is less than or equal to VL, then the result of the
<concatenation> is S with length M.
162 Database Language SQL
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6.13 <string value expression>
2) If M is greater than VL and the right-most M-VL charac-
ters of S are all the <space> character, then the result
of the <concatenation> is the first VL characters of S
with length VL.
3) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data
exception-string data, right truncation.
ii) If the data types of both S1 and S2 are fixed-length char-
acter string, then the result of the <concatenation> is
3) If the value of any <bit primary> simply contained in a <bit
value expression> is the null value, then the result of the <bit
value expression> is the null value.
4) If <bit concatenation> is specified, then let S1 and S2 be the
result of the <bit value expression> and <bit factor>, respec-
a) If either S1 or S2 is the null value, then the result of the
<bit concatenation> is the null value.
b) Otherwise, let S be the string consisting of S1 followed by
S2 and let M be the length in bits of S.
i) If the data type of either S1 or S2 is variable-length bit
string, then
1) If M is less than or equal to VL, then the result of the
<bit concatenation> is S with length M.
2) If M is greater than VL and the right-most M-VL bits of
S are all 0-valued, then the result of the <bit concate-
nation> is the first VL bits of S with length VL.
3) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data
exception-string data, right truncation.
ii) If the data types of both S1 and S2 are fixed-length bit
string, then the result of the <bit concatenation> is S.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall not contain any
<collate clause>.
b) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall contain no <bit
value expression>.
Scalar expressions 163
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6.13 <string value expression>
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <character value expression> shall not be a <concatena-
164 Database Language SQL
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6.14 <datetime value expression>
6.14 <datetime value expression>
Specify a datetime value.
<datetime value expression> ::=
<datetime term>
| <interval value expression> <plus sign> <datetime term>
| <datetime value expression> <plus sign> <interval term>
| <datetime value expression> <minus sign> <interval term>
<datetime term> ::=
<datetime factor>
<datetime factor> ::=
<datetime primary> [ <time zone> ]
<datetime primary> ::=
<value expression primary>
| <datetime value function>
<time zone> ::=
AT <time zone specifier>
<time zone specifier> ::=
| TIME ZONE <interval value expression>
Syntax Rules
1) The data type of a <datetime primary> shall be datetime.
2) Case:
a) If the <datetime value expression> is a <datetime term>, then
the precision of the result of the <datetime value expres-
sion> is the precision of the <datetime value function> or
<value expression primary> that it simply contains.
b) Otherwise, the precision of the result of the <datetime value
expression> is the precision of the <datetime value expres-
sion> or <datetime term> that it simply contains.
3) If an <interval value expression> or <interval term> is spec-
ified, then the <interval value expression> or <interval term>
shall only contain <datetime field>s that are contained within
the <datetime value expression> or <datetime term>.
Scalar expressions 165
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.14 <datetime value expression>
4) The data type of the <interval value expression> immediately
contained in a <time zone specifier> shall be INTERVAL HOUR TO
5) Case:
a) If the data type of the <datetime primary> is DATE, then
<time zone> shall not be specified.
b) If the data type of the <datetime primary> is TIME or
TIMESTAMP and <time zone> is not specified, then "AT LOCAL"
is implicit.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) If the result of any <datetime primary>, <interval value expres-
sion>, <datetime value expression>, or <interval term> simply
contained in a <datetime value expression> is the null value,
then the result of the <datetime value expression> is the null
2) If <time zone> is specified or implied and the <interval value
expression> immediately contained in <time zone specifier> is
the null value, then the result of the <datetime value expres-
sion> is the null value.
3) If a <datetime value expression> immediately contains the opera-
tor + or -, then the result is effectively evaluated as follows:
a) Case:
i) If <datetime value expression> immediately contains the
operator + and the <interval value expression> or <interval
term> is not negative, or if <datetime value expression>
immediately contains the operator - and the <interval term>
is negative, then successive <datetime field>s of the <in-
terval value expression> or <interval term> are added to
the corresponding fields of the <datetime value expression>
or <datetime term>.
ii) Otherwise, successive <datetime field>s of the <interval
value expression> or <interval term> are subtracted from
the corresponding fields of the <datetime value expression>
or <datetime term>.
b) Arithmetic is performed so as to maintain the integrity of
the datetime data type that is the result of the <datetime
value expression>. This may involve carry from or to the
immediately next more significant <datetime field>. If the
data type of the <datetime value expression> is TIME, then
166 Database Language SQL
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6.14 <datetime value expression>
arithmetic on the HOUR <datetime field> is undertaken modulo
24. If the <interval value expression> or <interval term> is
a year-month interval, then the DAY field of the result is
the same as the DAY field of the <datetime term> or <datetime
value expression>.
c) If, after the preceding step, any <datetime field> of the
result is outside the permissible range of values for the
field or the result is invalid based on the natural rules for
dates and times, then an exception condition is raised: data
exception-datetime field overflow.
Note: For the permissible range of values for <datetime
field>s, see Table 10, "Valid values for fields in datetime
4) If <time zone> is specified or implied, then:
a) If LOCAL is specified, then let TZ be the current default
time zone displacement of the SQL-session. Otherwise, let
TZ be the value of the <simple value specification> simply
contained in the <time zone>.
b) If the value of the <interval value expression> immediately
contained in <time zone specifier> is less than INTERVAL
-'12:59' or greater than INTERVAL +'13:00', then an excep-
tion condition is raised: data exception-invalid time zone
displacement value.
c) Let DV be the value of the <datetime primary> directly con-
tained in the <datetime value expression> expressed as a
datetime normalized to UTC.
d) The value of the <datetime value expression> is calculated
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) Conforming Entry SQL language shall not contain any <datetime
value expression>.
Scalar expressions 167
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.15 <interval value expression>
6.15 <interval value expression>
Specify an interval value.
<interval value expression> ::=
<interval term>
| <interval value expression 1> <plus sign> <interval term 1>
| <interval value expression 1> <minus sign> <interval term 1>
| <left paren> <datetime value expression> <minus sign>
<datetime term> <right paren> <interval qualifier>
<interval term> ::=
<interval factor>
| <interval term 2> <asterisk> <factor>
| <interval term 2> <solidus> <factor>
| <term> <asterisk> <interval factor>
<interval factor> ::=
[ <sign> ] <interval primary>
<interval primary> ::=
<value expression primary> [ <interval qualifier> ]
<interval value expression 1> ::= <interval value expression>
<interval term 1> ::= <interval term>
<interval term 2> ::= <interval term>
Syntax Rules
1) The data type of an <interval value expression> is interval. The
data type of an <interval primary> shall be interval.
2) An <interval primary> shall specify <interval qualifier> only if
the <interval primary> specifies a <dynamic parameter specifica-
3) Case:
a) If the <interval value expression> simply contains an <in-
terval qualifier>, then the result contains the <datetime
field>s specified in the <interval qualifier>.
b) If the <interval value expression> is an <interval term>,
then the result of an <interval value expression> contains
the same <datetime field>s as the <interval primary>.
168 Database Language SQL
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6.15 <interval value expression>
c) If <interval term 1> is specified, then the result contains
all the <datetime field>s that are contained within either
<interval value expression 1> or <interval term 1>.
4) Case:
a) If <interval term 1> is a year-month interval, then <interval
value expression 1> shall be a year-month interval.
b) If <interval term 1> is a day-time interval, then <interval
value expression 1> shall be a day-time interval.
5) If <datetime value expression> is specified, then <datetime
value expression> and <datetime term> shall be comparable.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) If an <interval term> specifies "<term> * <interval factor>",
then let T and F be respectively the value of the <term> and
the value of the <interval factor>. The result of the <interval
term> is the result of F * T.
2) If the result of any <interval primary>, <datetime value ex-
pression>, <datetime term>, or <factor> simply contained in an
<interval value expression> is the null value, then the result
of the <interval value expression> is the null value.
3) If the <sign> of an <interval factor> is <minus sign>, then the
value of the <interval factor> is the negative of the value of
the <interval primary>.
4) If <interval term 2> is specified, then:
a) Let X be the value of <interval term 2> and let Y be the
value of <factor>.
b) Let P and Q be respectively the most significant and least
significant <datetime field>s of <interval term 2>.
c) Let E be an exact numeric result of the operation
where E1 is an exact numeric data type of sufficient scale
and precision so as to not lose significant digits.
d) Let OP be the operator * or / specified in the <interval
value expression>.
Scalar expressions 169
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
6.15 <interval value expression>
e) Let I, the result of the <interval value expression> ex-
pressed in terms of the <datetime field> Q, be the result
f) The result of the <interval value expression> is
where W is an <interval qualifier> identifying the <datetime
field>s P TO Q, but with <interval leading field precision>
such that significant digits are not lost.
5) If <interval term 1> is specified, then let P and Q be respec-
tively the most significant and least significant <datetime
field>s in <interval term 1> and <interval value expression 1>,
let X be the value of <interval value expression 1>, and let Y
be the value of <interval term 1>.
a) Let A be an exact numeric result of the operation
where E1 is an exact numeric data type of sufficient scale
and precision so as to not lose significant digits.
b) Let B be an exact numeric result of the operation
where E2 is an exact numeric data type of sufficient scale
and precision so as to not lose significant digits.
c) Let OP be the operator + or - specified in the <interval
value expression>.
d) Let I, the result of the <interval value expression> ex-
pressed in terms of the <datetime field> Q, be the result
e) The result of the <interval value expression> is
where W is an <interval qualifier> identifying the <datetime
field>s P TO Q, but with <interval leading field precision>
such that significant digits are not lost.
6) If <datetime value expression> is specified, then let Y be the
least significant <datetime field> specified by <interval qual-
ifier>. Let A be the value represented by <datetime value ex-
pression> and let B be the value represented by <datetime term>.
170 Database Language SQL
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6.15 <interval value expression>
Evaluation of <interval value expression> proceeds as follows:
a) A and B are converted to integer scalars A2 and B2 respec-
tively in units Y as displacements from some implementation-
dependent start datetime.
b) The result is determined by effectively computing A2-B2 and
then converting the difference to an interval using an <in-
terval qualifier> whose <end field> is Y and whose <start
field> is sufficiently significant to avoid loss of signif-
icant digits. That interval is then converted to an inter-
val using the specified <interval qualifier>, rounding or
truncating if necessary. The choice of whether to round or
truncate is implementation-defined.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) Conforming Entry SQL language shall not contain any <interval
value expression>.
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172 Database Language SQL
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7 Query expressions
7.1 <row value constructor>
Specify an ordered set of values to be constructed into a row or
partial row.
<row value constructor> ::=
<row value constructor element>
| <left paren> <row value constructor list> <right paren>
| <row subquery>
<row value constructor list> ::=
<row value constructor element>
[ { <comma> <row value constructor element> }... ]
<row value constructor element> ::=
<value expression>
| <null specification>
| <default specification>
<null specification> ::=
<default specification> ::=
Syntax Rules
1) If a <row value constructor> simply contains a <null speci-
fication> or a <default specification>, then the <row value
constructor> shall be simply contained in a <query expression>
that is simply contained in an <insert statement>.
2) A <row value constructor element> immediately contained in a
<row value constructor> shall not be a <value expression> of the
form "<left paren> <value expression> <right paren>".
Note: This Rule removes a syntactic ambiguity. A <row value
constructor> of this form is permitted, but is parsed in the
form "<left paren> <row value constructor list> <right paren>".
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7.1 <row value constructor>
3) A <row value constructor> that immediately contains a <row value
constructor element> X is equivalent to a <row value construc-
tor> of the form
( X )
4) The data types of the column or columns of a <row value con-
structor> are the data types of the <row value constructor ele-
ment> or <row value constructor element>s or the columns of the
<row subquery> simply contained in the <row value constructor>.
5) If a <row value constructor> is derived from a <row subquery>,
then the degree of the <row value constructor> is the degree
of the table resulting from the <row subquery>; otherwise, the
degree of the <row value constructor> is the number of <row
value constructor element>s that occur in its specification.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) The value of a <null specification> is the null value.
2) The value of a <default specification> is the default value in-
dicated in the column descriptor for the corresponding column in
the explicit or implicit <insert column list> simply contained
in the <insert statement>.
3) Case:
a) If a <row value constructor list> is specified, then the re-
sult of the <row value constructor> is a row of columns whose
i-th column has an implementation-dependent name different
from the <column name> of all other columns contained in the
SQL-statement and whose value is the value of the i-th <row
value constructor element> in the <row value constructor
b) If the <row value constructor> is a <row subquery>, then:
i) Let R be the result of the <row subquery> and let D be the
degree of R.
ii) If the cardinality of R is 0, then the result of the <row
value constructor> is D null values.
iii) If the cardinality of R is 1, then the result of the <row
value constructor> is R.
174 Database Language SQL
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7.1 <row value constructor>
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) A <row value constructor> that is not simply contained in
a <table value constructor> shall not contain more than one
<row value constructor element>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <row value constructor element> shall not specify DEFAULT.
Query expressions 175
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7.2 <table value constructor>
7.2 <table value constructor>
Specify a set of <row value constructor>s to be constructed into a
<table value constructor> ::=
VALUES <table value constructor list>
<table value constructor list> ::=
<row value constructor> [ { <comma> <row value constructor> }... ]
Syntax Rules
1) All <row value constructor>s shall be of the same degree.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) Let Ti be a table whose j-th column has the same data type as
the j-th <value expression> in the i-th <row value construc-
tor> and let Ti contain one row whose j-th column has the same
value as the j-th <value expression> in the i-th <row value
2) The result of the <table value constructor> is the same as the
result of
T1 [ UNION ALL T2 [ . . . UNION ALL n ] . . . ]
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) A <table value constructor> shall contain exactly one <row
value constructor> that shall be of the form "(<row value
constructor list>)".
b) A <table value constructor> shall be the <query expression>
of an <insert statement>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
176 Database Language SQL
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7.3 <table expression>
7.3 <table expression>
Specify a table or a grouped table.
<table expression> ::=
<from clause>
[ <where clause> ]
[ <group by clause> ]
[ <having clause> ]
Syntax Rules
1) The result of a <table expression> is a derived table in which
the descriptor of the i-th column is the same as the descriptor
of the i-th column of the table specified by the <from clause>.
2) Let C be some column. Let TE be the <table expression>. C is an
underlying column of TE if and only if C is an underlying column
of some <column reference> contained in TE.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) If all optional clauses are omitted, then the result of the <ta-
ble expression> is the same as the result of the <from clause>.
Otherwise, each specified clause is applied to the result of
the previously specified clause and the result of the <table ex-
pression> is the result of the application of the last specified
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) If the table identified in the <from clause> is a grouped
view, then the <table expression> shall not contain a <where
clause>, <group by clause>, or <having clause>.
Query expressions 177
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.4 <from clause>
7.4 <from clause>
Specify a table derived from one or more named tables.
<from clause> ::= FROM <table reference> [ { <comma> <table reference> }... ]
Syntax Rules
1) Case:
a) If the <from clause> contains a single <table reference> with
no intervening <derived table> or <joined table>, then the
descriptor of the result of the <from clause> is the same
as the descriptor of the table identified by that <table
b) If the <from clause> contains more than one <table reference>
with no intervening <derived table> or <joined table>, then
the descriptors of the columns of the result of the <from
clause> are the descriptors of the columns of the tables
identified by the <table reference>s, in the order in which
the <table reference>s appear in the <from clause> and in the
order in which the columns are defined within each table.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) Case:
a) If the <from clause> contains a single <table reference> with
no intervening <derived table> or <joined table>, then the
result of the <from clause> is the table identified by that
<table reference>.
b) If the <from clause> contains more than one <table reference>
with no intervening <derived table> or <joined table>, then
the result of the <from clause> is the extended Cartesian
product of the tables identified by those <table reference>s.
The extended Cartesian product, CP, is the multiset of all
rows R such that R is the concatenation of a row from each
of the identified tables in the order in which they are iden-
tified. The cardinality of CP is the product of the cardi-
nalities of the identified tables. The ordinal position of a
178 Database Language SQL
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7.4 <from clause>
column in CP is N+S, where N is the ordinal position of that
column in the identified table T from which it is derived and
S is the sum of the degrees of the tables identified before T
in the <from clause>.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) If the table identified by <table name> is a grouped view,
then the <from clause> shall contain exactly one <table ref-
Query expressions 179
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7.5 <joined table>
7.5 <joined table>
Specify a table derived from a Cartesian product, inner or outer
join, or union join.
<joined table> ::=
<cross join>
| <qualified join>
| <left paren> <joined table> <right paren>
<cross join> ::=
<table reference> CROSS JOIN <table reference>
<qualified join> ::=
<table reference> [ NATURAL ] [ <join type> ] JOIN
<table reference> [ <join specification> ]
<join specification> ::=
<join condition>
| <named columns join>
<join condition> ::= ON <search condition>
<named columns join> ::=
USING <left paren> <join column list> <right paren>
<join type> ::=
| <outer join type> [ OUTER ]
<outer join type> ::=
<join column list> ::= <column name list>
Syntax Rules
1) Let TR1 and TR2 be the first and second <table reference>s of
the <joined table>, respectively. Let T1 and T2 be the tables
identified by TR1 and TR2, respectively. Let TA and TB be the
correlation names of TR1 and TR2, respectively. Let CP be:
2) If a <qualified join> is specified, then
180 Database Language SQL
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7.5 <joined table>
a) If NATURAL is specified, then a <join specification> shall
not be specified.
b) If UNION is specified, then neither NATURAL nor a <join spec-
ification> shall be specified.
c) Otherwise, a <join specification> shall be specified.
3) If a <qualified join> is specified and a <join type> is not
specified, then INNER is implicit.
4) If a <qualified join> containing a <join condition> is speci-
fied, then;
a) Each <column reference> directly contained in the <search
condition> shall unambiguously reference a column of T1 or T2
or be an outer reference.
b) If a <value expression> directly contained in the <search
condition> is a <set function specification>, then the
<joined table> shall be contained in a <having clause> or
<select list> and the <set function specification> shall
contain a <column reference> that is an outer reference.
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
5) If neither NATURAL is specified nor a <join specification> sim-
ply containing a <named columns join> is specified, then the
descriptors of the columns of the result of the <joined table>
are the same as the descriptors of the columns of CP.
6) If NATURAL is specified or if a <join specification> simply
containing a <named columns join> is specified, then:
a) If NATURAL is specified, then let common column name be a
<column name> that is the <column name> of exactly one column
of T1 and the <column name> of exactly one column of T2. T1
shall not have any duplicate common column names and T2 shall
not have any duplicate common column names. Let corresponding
join columns refer to all columns of T1 and T2 that have
common column names, if any.
b) If a <named columns join> is specified, then every <column
name> in the <join column list> shall be the <column name>
of exactly one column of T1 and the <column name> of exactly
one column of T2. Let common column name be the name of such
a column. Let corresponding join columns refer to the columns
of T1 and T2 identified in the <join column list>.
c) Let 1 and C2 be a pair of corresponding join columns con-
tained in T1 and T2, respectively. C1 and C2 shall be compa-
Query expressions 181
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.5 <joined table>
d) Let SLCC be a <select list> of <derived column>s of the form
for every column C that is a corresponding join column, taken
in order of their ordinal positions in T1.
e) Let SL1 be a <select list> of those <column name>s of T1
that are not corresponding join columns, taken in order of
their ordinal positions in T1, and let SLT2 be a <select
list> of those <column name>s of T2 that are not correspond-
ing join columns, taken in order of their ordinal positions
in T2.
f) The descriptors of the columns of the result of the <joined
table> are the same as the descriptors of the columns of the
result of
7) For every column CR of the result of the <joined table> that
is not a corresponding join column and that corresponds to a
column C1 of T1, CR is possibly nullable if any of the following
conditions are true:
a) RIGHT, FULL, or UNION is specified, or
b) INNER, LEFT, or CROSS JOIN is specified or implicit and 1 is
possibly nullable.
8) For every column CR of the result of the <joined table> that
is not a corresponding join column and that corresponds to a
column C2 of T2, CR is possibly nullable if any of the following
conditions are true:
a) LEFT, FULL, or UNION is specified, or
b) INNER, RIGHT, or CROSS JOIN is specified or implicit and C
is possibly nullable.
9) For every column CR of the result of the <joined table> that
is a corresponding join column and that corresponds to a column
C1 of T1 and C2 of T2, CR is possibly nullable if any of the
following conditions are true:
a) RIGHT, FULL, or UNION is specified and 1 is possibly nul-
lable, or
b) LEFT, FULL, or UNION is specified and 2 is possibly nul-
10)The <joined table> is a read-only table.
182 Database Language SQL
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7.5 <joined table>
Access Rules
General Rules
1) Case:
a) If <join type> is UNION, then let T be the empty set.
b) If a <cross join> is specified, then let T be the multiset of
rows of CP.
c) If a <join condition> is specified, then let T be the multi-
set of rows of CP for which the specified <search condition>
is true.
d) If NATURAL is specified or <named columns join> is specified,
i) If there are corresponding join columns, then let T be the
multiset of rows of CP for which the corresponding join
columns have equal values.
ii) Otherwise, let T be the multiset of rows of CP.
2) Let P1 be the multiset of rows of T1 for which there exists in T
some row that is the concatenation of some row R1 of T1 and some
row R2 of T2. Let P2 be the multiset of rows of T2 for which
there exists in T some row that is the concatenation of some row
R1 of T1 and some row R2 of T2.
3) Let U1 be those rows of T1 that are not in P1 and let U2 be
those rows of T2 that are not in P2.
4) Let D1 and D2 be the degree of T1 and T2, respectively. Let
X1 be U1 extended on the right with D2 columns containing the
null value. Let X2 be U2 extended on the left with D1 columns
containing the null value.
5) Let XN1 and XN2 be effective distinct names for X1 and X2, re-
spectively. Let TN be an effective name for T.
a) If INNER or <cross join> is specified, then let S be the
multiset of rows of T.
b) If LEFT is specified, then let S be the multiset of rows
resulting from:
Query expressions 183
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.5 <joined table>
c) If RIGHT is specified, then let S be the multiset of rows
resulting from:
d) If FULL is specified, then let S be the multiset of rows
resulting from:
e) If UNION is specified, then let S be the multiset of rows
resulting from:
6) Let SN be an effective name of S.
a) If NATURAL is specified or a <named columns join> is speci-
fied, then the result of the <joined table> is the multiset
of rows resulting from:
b) Otherwise, the result of the <joined table> is S.
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall contain no <cross
b) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall not specify UNION
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) Conforming Entry SQL language shall not contain any <joined
184 Database Language SQL
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7.6 <where clause>
7.6 <where clause>
Specify a table derived by the application of a <search condition>
to the result of the preceding <from clause>.
<where clause> ::= WHERE <search condition>
Syntax Rules
1) Let T be the result of the preceding <from clause>. Each <column
reference> directly contained in the <search condition> shall
unambiguously reference a column of T or be an outer reference.
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
2) If a <value expression> directly contained in the <search condi-
tion> is a <set function specification>, then the <where clause>
shall be contained in a <having clause> or <select list> and the
<column reference> in the <set function specification> shall be
an outer reference.
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
3) No <column reference> contained in a <subquery> in the <search
condition> that references a column of T shall be specified in a
<set function specification>.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) The <search condition> is applied to each row of T. The result
of the <where clause> is a table of those rows of T for which
the result of the <search condition> is true.
2) Each <subquery> in the <search condition> is effectively exe-
cuted for each row of T and the results used in the application
of the <search condition> to the given row of T. If any executed
<subquery> contains an outer reference to a column of T, then
the reference is to the value of that column in the given row of
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
Query expressions 185
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7.6 <where clause>
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <value expression> directly contained in the <search condi-
tion> shall not include a reference to a column that gener-
ally contains a <set function specification>.
186 Database Language SQL
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7.7 <group by clause>
7.7 <group by clause>
Specify a grouped table derived by the application of the <group by
clause> to the result of the previously specified clause.
<group by clause> ::=
GROUP BY <grouping column reference list>
<grouping column reference list> ::=
<grouping column reference> [ { <comma> <grouping column reference> }... ]
<grouping column reference> ::=
<column reference> [ <collate clause> ]
Syntax Rules
1) If no <where clause> is specified, then let T be the result of
the preceding <from clause>; otherwise, let T be the result of
the preceding <where clause>.
2) Each <column reference> in the <group by clause> shall unambigu-
ously reference a column of T. A column referenced in a <group
by clause> is a grouping column.
3) For every grouping column, if <collate clause> is specified,
then the data type of the <column reference> shall be character
string. The column descriptor of the corresponding column in the
result has the collating sequence specified in <collate clause>
and the coercibility attribute Explicit.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) The result of the <group by clause> is a partitioning of T into
a set of groups. The set is the minimum number of groups such
that, for each grouping column of each group of more than one
row, no two values of that grouping column are distinct.
2) Every row of a given group contains equal values of a given
grouping column. When a <search condition> or <value expression>
is applied to a group, a reference to a grouping column is a
reference to that value.
Note: See the General Rules of Subclause 8.2, "<comparison pred-
Query expressions 187
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7.7 <group by clause>
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) Conforming Intermediate SQL language shall not contain any
<collate clause>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
188 Database Language SQL
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7.8 <having clause>
7.8 <having clause>
Specify a grouped table derived by the elimination of groups from
the result of the previously specified clause that do not meet the
<search condition>.
<having clause> ::= HAVING <search condition>
Syntax Rules
1) If neither a <where clause> nor a <group by clause> is speci-
fied, then let T be the result of the preceding <from clause>;
if a <where clause> is specified, but a <group by clause> is
not specified, then let T be the result of the preceding <where
clause>; otherwise, let T be the result of the preceding <group
by clause>. Each <column reference> directly contained in the
<search condition> shall unambiguously reference a grouping
column of T or be an outer reference.
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
2) Each <column reference> contained in a <subquery> in the <search
condition> that references a column of T shall reference a
grouping column of T or shall be specified within a <set func-
tion specification>.
3) The <having clause> is possibly non-deterministic if it contains
a reference to a column C of T that has a data type of character
string and:
a) C is specified within a <set function specification> that
specifies MIN or MAX, or
b) C is a grouping column of T.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) Let T be the result of the preceding <from clause>, <where
clause>, or <group by clause>. If that clause is not a <group
by clause>, then T consists of a single group and does not have
a grouping column.
2) The <search condition> is applied to each group of T. The result
of the <having clause> is a grouped table of those groups of T
for which the result of the <search condition> is true.
Query expressions 189
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7.8 <having clause>
3) When the <search condition> is applied to a given group of T,
that group is the argument or argument source of each <set func-
tion specification> directly contained in the <search condition>
unless the <column reference> in the <set function specifica-
tion> is an outer reference.
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
4) Each <subquery> in the <search condition> is effectively exe-
cuted for each group of T and the result used in the application
of the <search condition> to the given group of T. If any exe-
cuted <subquery> contains an outer reference to a column of T,
then the reference is to the values of that column in the given
group of T.
Note: Outer reference is defined in Subclause 6.4, "<column
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
190 Database Language SQL
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7.9 <query specification>
7.9 <query specification>
Specify a table derived from the result of a <table expression>.
<query specification> ::=
SELECT [ <set quantifier> ] <select list> <table expression>
<select list> ::=
| <select sublist> [ { <comma> <select sublist> }... ]
<select sublist> ::=
<derived column>
| <qualifier> <period> <asterisk>
<derived column> ::= <value expression> [ <as clause> ]
<as clause> ::= [ AS ] <column name>
Syntax Rules
1) Let T be the result of the <table expression>.
2) The degree of the table specified by a <query specification> is
equal to the cardinality of the <select list>.
3) Case:
a) If the <select list> "*" is simply contained in a <subquery>
that is immediately contained in an <exists predicate>, then
the <select list> is equivalent to a <value expression> that
is an arbitrary <literal>.
b) Otherwise, the <select list> "*" is equivalent to a <value
expression> sequence in which each <value expression> is a
<column reference> that references a column of T and each
column of T is referenced exactly once. The columns are ref-
erenced in the ascending sequence of their ordinal position
within T.
4) The <select sublist> "<qualifier>.*" for some <qualifier> Q is
equivalent to a <value expression> sequence in which each <value
expression> is a <column reference> CR that references a column
of T that is not a common column of a <joined table>. Each col-
umn of T that is not a common column of a <joined table> shall
be referenced exactly once. The columns shall be referenced in
the ascending sequence of their ordinal positions within T.
Note: common column of a <joined table> is defined in Subclause 7.5,
"<joined table>".
Query expressions 191
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.9 <query specification>
5) Let C be some column. Let QS be the <query specification>. Let
DCi, for i ranging from 1 to the number of <derived column>s
inclusively, be the i-th <derived column> simply contained in
the <select list> of QS. For all i, C is an underlying column
of DCi, and of any <column reference> that identifies DCi, if
and only if C is an underlying column of the <value expression>
of DCi, or C is an underlying column of the <table expression>
immediately contained in QS.
6) Each <column reference> directly contained in each <value ex-
pression> and each <column reference> contained in a <set
function specification> directly contained in each <value ex-
pression> shall unambiguously reference a column of T.
7) If T is a grouped table, then each <column reference> in each
<value expression> that references a column of T shall refer-
ence a grouping column or be specified within a <set function
specification>. If T is not a grouped table and any <value ex-
pression> contains a <set function specification> that contains
a reference to a column of T or any <value expression> directly
contains a <set function specification> that does not contain an
outer reference, then every <column reference> in every <value
expression> that references a column of T shall be specified
within a <set function specification>.
8) Each column of the table that is the result of a <query spec-
ification> has a column descriptor that includes a data type
descriptor that is the same as the data type descriptor of the
<value expression> from which the column was derived.
9) Case:
a) If the i-th <derived column> in the <select list> specifies
an <as clause> that contains a <column name> C, then the
<column name> of the i-th column of the result is C.
b) If the i-th <derived column> in the <select list> does not
specify an <as clause> and the <value expression> of that
<derived column> is a single <column reference>, then the
<column name> of the i-th column of the result is C.
c) Otherwise, the <column name> of the i-th column of the <query
specification> is implementation-dependent and different
from the <column name> of any column, other than itself, of
a table referenced by any <table reference> contained in the
10)A column of the table that is the result of a <query specifica-
tion> is possibly nullable if and only if it contains a <column
reference> for a column C that is possibly nullable, an <indica-
tor parameter>, an <indicator variable>, a <subquery>, CAST NULL
AS X (X represents a <data type> or a <domain name>), SYSTEM_
USER, or a <set function specification> that does not contain
192 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.9 <query specification>
11)Let TREF be the <table reference>s that are simply contained
in the <from clause> of the <table expression>. The simply un-
derlying tables of the <query specification> are the tables
identified by the <table name>s and <derived table>s contained
in TREF without an intervening <derived table>.
12)A <query specification> QS is updatable if and only if the fol-
lowing conditions hold:
a) QS does not specify DISTINCT.
b) Every <value expression> contained in the <select list> imme-
diately contained in QS consists of a <column reference>, and
no <column reference> appears more than once.
c) The <from clause> immediately contained in the <table ex-
pression> immediately contained in QS specifies exactly one
<table reference> and that <table reference> refers either to
a base table or to an updatable derived table.
Note: updatable derived table is defined in Subclause 6.3,
"<table reference>".
d) If the <table expression> immediately contained in QS imme-
diately contains a <where clause> WC, then no leaf generally
underlying table of QS shall be a generally underlying table
of any <query expression> contained in WC.
e) The <table expression> immediately contained in QS does not
include a <group by clause> or a <having clause>.
13)A <query specification> is possibly non-deterministic if any of
the following conditions are true:
a) The <set quantifier> DISTINCT is specified and one of the
columns of T has a data type of character string; or
b) The <query specification> directly contains a <having clause>
that is possibly non-deterministic; or
c) The <select list> contains a reference to a column C of T
that has a data type of character string and either
i) C is specified with a <set function specification> that
specifies MIN or MAX, or
ii) C is a grouping column of T.
Access Rules
Query expressions 193
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.9 <query specification>
General Rules
1) Case:
a) If T is not a grouped table, then
i) If the <select list> contains a <set function specifica-
tion> that contains a reference to a column of T or di-
rectly contains a <set function specification> that does
not contain an outer reference, then T is the argument or
argument source of each such <set function specification>
and the result of the <query specification> is a table con-
sisting of 1 row. The i-th value of the row is the value
specified by the i-th <value expression>.
ii) If the <select list> does not include a <set function spec-
ification> that contains a reference to T, then each <value
expression> is applied to each row of T yielding a table of
M rows, where M is the cardinality of T. The i-th column of
the table contains the values derived by the evaluation of
the i-th <value expression>.
1) If the <set quantifier> DISTINCT is not specified, then
the table is the result of the <query specification>.
2) If the <set quantifier> DISTINCT is specified, then the
result of the <query specification> is the table derived
from that table by the elimination of any redundant
duplicate rows.
b) If T is a grouped table, then
i) If T has 0 groups, then the result of the <query specifica-
tion> is an empty table.
ii) If T has one or more groups, then each <value expression>
is applied to each group of T yielding a table of M rows,
where M is the number of groups in T. The i-th column of
the table contains the values derived by the evaluation of
the i-th <value expression>. When a <value expression> is
applied to a given group of T, that group is the argument
or argument source of each <set function specification> in
the <value expression>.
1) If the <set quantifier> DISTINCT is not specified, then
the table is the result of the <query specification>.
194 Database Language SQL
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7.9 <query specification>
2) If the <set quantifier> DISTINCT is specified, then the
result of the <query specification> is the table derived
from T by the elimination of any redundant duplicate
Leveling Rules
1) The following restrictions apply for Intermediate SQL:
a) The <set quantifier> DISTINCT shall not be specified more
than once in a <query specification>, excluding any <sub-
query> of that <query specification>.
2) The following restrictions apply for Entry SQL in addition to
any Intermediate SQL restrictions:
a) A <query specification> is not updatable if the <where
clause> of the <table expression> contains a <subquery>.
b) A <select sublist> shall be a <derived column>.
c) If the <table expression> of the <query specification> is a
grouped view, then the <select list> shall not contain a <set
function specification>.
Query expressions 195
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.10 <query expression>
7.10 <query expression>
Specify a table.
<query expression> ::=
<non-join query expression>
| <joined table>
<non-join query expression> ::=
<non-join query term>
| <query expression> UNION [ ALL ] [ <corresponding spec> ] <query term>
| <query expression> EXCEPT [ ALL ] [ <corresponding spec> ] <query term>
<query term> ::=
<non-join query term>
| <joined table>
<non-join query term> ::=
<non-join query primary>
| <query term> INTERSECT [ ALL ] [ <corresponding spec> ] <query primary>
<query primary> ::=
<non-join query primary>
| <joined table>
<non-join query primary> ::=
<simple table>
| <left paren> <non-join query expression> <right paren>
<simple table> ::=
<query specification>
| <table value constructor>
| <explicit table>
<explicit table> ::= TABLE <table name>
<corresponding spec> ::=
CORRESPONDING [ BY <left paren> <corresponding column list> <right paren> ]
<corresponding column list> ::= <column name list>
196 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.10 <query expression>
Syntax Rules
1) Let T be the table specified by the <query expression>.
2) The <explicit table>
TABLE <table name>
is equivalent to the <query expression>
( SELECT * FROM <table name> )
3) Let set operator be UNION [ALL], EXCEPT [ALL], or INTERSECT
4) T is an updatable table and the <query expression> is updatable
if and only if it simply contains a <query expression> QE or a
<query specification> QS and:
a) the <query expression> contains QE or QS without an inter-
vening <non-join query expression> that specified UNION or
b) the <query expression> contains QE or QS without an interven-
ing <non-join query term> that specifies INTERSECT; and
c) QE or QS is updatable.
5) Case:
a) If a <simple table> is a <query specification>, then the
column descriptor of the i-th column of the <simple table> is
the same as the column descriptor of the i-th column of the
<query specification>.
b) If a <simple table> is an <explicit table>, then the column
descriptor of the i-th column of the <simple table> is the
same as the column descriptor of the i-th column of the table
identified by the <table name> contained in the <explicit
c) Otherwise, the column descriptor of the i-th column of the
<simple table> is same as the column descriptor of the i-
th column of the <table value constructor>, except that the
<column name> is implementation-dependent and different from
the <column name> of any column, other than itself, of a
table referenced by any <table reference> contained in the
6) Case:
a) If a <non-join query primary> is a <simple table>, then the
column descriptor of the i-th column of the <non-join query
primary> is the same as the column descriptor of the i-th
column of the <simple table>.
Query expressions 197
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.10 <query expression>
b) Otherwise, the column descriptor of the i-th column of the
<non-join query primary> is the same as the column descriptor
of the i-th column of the <non-join query expression>.
7) Case:
a) If a <query primary> is a <non-join query primary>, then the
column descriptor of the i-th column of the <query primary>
is the same as the column descriptor of the i-th column of
the <non-join query primary>.
b) Otherwise, the column descriptor of the i-th column of the
<query primary> is the same as the column descriptor of the
i-th column of the <joined table>.
8) If a set operator is specified in a <non-join query term> or a
<non-join query expression>, then let T1, T2, and TR be respec-
tively the first operand, the second operand, and the result of
the <non-join query term> or <non-join query expression>. Let
TN1 and TN2 be the effective names for T1 and T2, respectively.
9) If a set operator is specified in a <non-join query term> or a
<non-join query expression>, then let OP be the set operator.
a) If CORRESPONDING is specified, then:
i) Within the columns of T1, the same <column name> shall not
be specified more than once and within the columns of T2,
the same <column name> shall not be specified more than
ii) At least one column of T1 shall have a <column name> that
is the <column name> of some column of T2.
iii) Case:
1) If <corresponding column list> is not specified, then
let SL be a <select list> of those <column name>s that
are <column name>s of both T1 and T2 in the order that
those <column name>s appear in T1.
2) If <corresponding column list> is specified, then let
SL be a <select list> of those <column name>s explic-
itly appearing in the <corresponding column list> in
the order that these <column name>s appear in the <cor-
responding column list>. Every <column name> in the
<corresponding column list> shall be a <column name> of
both T1 and T2.
iv) The <non-join query term> or <non-join query expression> is
equivalent to:
198 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.10 <query expression>
b) If CORRESPONDING is not specified, then T1 and T2 shall be of
the same degree.
a) If the <non-join query term> is a <non-join query primary>,
then the column descriptor of the i-th column of the <non-
join query term> is same as the column descriptor of the i-th
column of the <non-join query primary>.
b) Otherwise,
i) Case:
1) Let C be the <column name> of the i-th column of T1. If
the <column name> of the i-th column of T2 is C, then
the <column name> of the i-th column of TR is C.
2) Otherwise, the <column name> of the i-th column of TR is
implementation-dependent and different from the <column
name> of any column, other than itself, of any table
referenced by any <table reference> contained in the
ii) The data type of the i-th column of TR is determined by
applying Subclause 9.3, "Set operation result data types",
to the data types of the i-th column of T1 and the i-th
column of T2. If the i-th column of both T1 and T2 are
known not nullable, then the i-th column of TR is known
not nullable; otherwise, the i-th column of T is possibly
a) If a <query term> is a <non-join query term>, then the column
descriptor of the i-th column of the <query term> is the same
as the column descriptor of the i-th column of the <non-join
query term>.
b) Otherwise, the column descriptor of the i-th column of the
<query term> is the same as the column descriptor of the i-th
column of the <joined table>.
a) If a <non-join query expression> is a <non-join query term>,
then the column descriptor of the i-th column of the <non-
join query expression> is the same as the column descriptor
of the i-th column of the <non-join query term>.
Query expressions 199
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.10 <query expression>
b) Otherwise,
i) Case:
1) Let C be the <column name> of the i-th column of T1. If
the <column name> of the i-th column of T2 is C, then
the <column name> of the i-th column of TR is C.
2) Otherwise, the <column name> of the i-th column of TR is
implementation-dependent and different from the <column
name> of any column, other than itself, of any table
referenced by any <table reference> contained in the
ii) The data type of the i-th column of TR is determined by
applying Subclause 9.3, "Set operation result data types",
to the data types of the i-th column of T1 and the i-th
column of T2. If the i-th column of both T1 and T2 are
known not nullable, then the i-th column of TR is known
not nullable; otherwise, the i-th column of T is possibly
a) If a <query expression> is a <non-join query expression>,
then the column descriptor of the i-th column of the <query
expression> is the same as the column descriptor of the i-th
column of the <non-join query expression>.
b) Otherwise, the column descriptor of the i-th column of the
<query expression> is the same as the column descriptor of
the i-th column of the <joined table>.
14)The simply underlying tables of a <query expression> are the
tables identified by those <table name>s, <query expression>s,
and <derived table>s contained in the <query expression> without
an intervening <derived table>, an intervening <query specifica-
tion>, or an intervening <join condition>.
15)A <query expression> is possibly non-deterministic if
a) it contains a set operator UNION and ALL is not specified, or
if it contains EXCEPT or INTERSECT; and
b) the first or second operand contains a column that has a data
type of character string.
16)The underlying columns of each column of QE and of QE itself are
defined as follows:
a) A column of a <table value constructor> has no underlying
b) The underlying columns of every i-th column of a <simple
table> ST are the underlying columns of the i-th column of
the table immediately contained in ST.
200 Database Language SQL
X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002
7.10 <query expression>
c) If no set operator is specified, then the underlying columns
of every i-th column of QE are the underlying columns of the
i-th column of the <simple table> simply contained in QE.
d) If a set operator is specified, then the underlying columns
of every i-th column of QE are the underlying columns of the
i-th column of T1 and those of the i-th column of T2.
e) Let C be some column. C is an underlying column of QE if and
only if C is an underlying column of some column of QE.
Access Rules
General Rules
1) Case:
a) If no set operator is specified, then T is the result of the
specified <simple table> or <joined table>.
b) If a set operator is specified, then the result of applying
the set operator is a table containing the following rows:
i) Let R be a row that is a duplicate of some row in T1 or of
some row in T2 or both. Let m be the number of duplicates
of R in T1 and let n be the number of duplicates of R in
T2, where m